Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1471: Fanwai: Mo Tianshu VS Leng Wuxin (1)

Snowy ice field.

In the heavy snow, a woman in white was dancing barefoot in the snow.

The agile posture and the gorgeous posture made her a complete painting in this snow mountain.

On the mountain in the distance, a man was lovingly looking at the dancing woman underneath, and his silver-purple eyes were full of white figures.

As if in this world, there was nothing but her.

Suddenly a heavy snowfall made Leng Wuxin have a rare dance.

After the dance, she unconsciously picked up her shoes and prey and returned.

At the foot of the mountain, Leng Wuxin saw a familiar figure.

The man was lying in the snow, motionless, and the whole white snow was stained with blood.

Leng unconsciously throbbed and walked past the man carrying his shoes and prey, but at the foot of the mountain, she dropped her shoes and prey and ran back.

"Mo Tianshu!"

Leng Wuxin patted his face gently, without any response.

She examined his wound anxiously again, and found that it was not hurt, so she felt a little relieved and bent over and carried him back to the cabin.

Putting him on her wooden bed, he unconsciously unbuttoned his clothes and skillfully treated him for the wound.

Looking at the dense wounds in his abdomen, Lengwuxin felt heartache again.

He was given medicine, and he got gauze and wanted to help him bandage.

The original unconscious person suddenly moved and pulled her into her arms.

Leng stared at Mo Tianshu angrily: "You lied to me again."

"I didn't lie to you, I was really hurt." Mo Tianshu stared at her with a burning look and kissed her lips directly.

Cold breathlessly suffocated, returned to God, and quickly pushed him away.

But where Mo Tianshu was willing to let her go, he hadn't seen her for almost a year. He really thought about her.

Leng could not push him away, and he was afraid of hurting his wound, so he finally gave up and let him kiss.

For a long time, as if it was a century, Mo Tianshu stopped reluctantly.

"I miss you so much, I feel so hurt." Mo Tianshu rubbed her lips, and stuck her hand to his heart.

Leng Wuxin blushed and pushed him away. He was about to get out of bed, but was hugged by him again.

"Give us a chance to each other, I really don't want to miss it." Mo Tianshu hugged her tightly from behind and kissed her cheek gently.

Covering his heart coldly, he pulled his hand away suddenly and ran out.

He ran far away, and finally he couldn't help spitting out blood.

Looking at the dazzling Yin Hong, Leng Wuxin suddenly covered the snow in a panic.

Indifferently watching the white snow restored to whiteness, he suddenly hated hammering on the snow.

After staying outside for a long time, Leng Wuxin returned to the cabin with his shoes and prey turned into ice sculptures.

When Lengxinxin returned, cooking smoke had already risen in the kitchenette.

She quickly dropped the thing and rushed into the kitchen.

Mo Tianshu was cooking. When she saw her coming back, she smiled back at her: "You are back, just for dinner."

Leng Wuxin frowned, and glanced at him complainingly: "Why are you on the ground, don't kill yourself."

Leng Wuxin said, stepping forward to grab his shovel: "Here I come, you go back and lie down."

Looking at her mouth with a soft heart, Mo Tianshu smiled, hugged her from behind, and froze lovingly around her neck.

Leng Wuxin's body stiffened, and just about to push him away, the hoarse voice came to his ears.

"Xin'er, I love you, I love you so much."

Leng Wuxin suffocated his heart and breathed again.

She squeezed the shovel tightly, anxious to smash the shovel, and she pushed him away half a moment before she said, "The dishes are going to be mushy."

Leng Wuxin continued cooking without expression, as if she had not left any marks on her heart just now.

Mo Tianshu smiled and kissed her on the face, and then sat inside to help light the fire.

Leng Wuxin frowned at him, and wanted him to lie down, but thought of his donkey temper, he didn't speak again, but just accelerated his movement.

Three dishes were cooked and the two sat down to eat together.

"Eat more, you're thin again." Mo Tianshu kept cold cold heartless vegetables, and soon the pile of porcelain bowls was high.

Leng looked at him helplessly: "You are a pig, how can I eat so much."

Leng Wuxin said, half of the dishes in the bowl for him.

Mo Tianshu was not disgusted, and he ate particularly fragrant.

In the evening, when Leng Wuxin changed his medicine, he discovered that his wound had cracked again: "Look at it, and say that you are lying down."

Leng Wuxin scolded his mouth, but quickly gave him medicine to stop bleeding.

After changing the medicine, Mo Tianshu pulled her into her arms again.

Leng Wuxin wanted to get up, and he groaned again, pretending to be in pain: "Don't move, just hold me for a while, just a moment."

Leng Wuxin didn't dare to move for a moment, and obediently fell into his arms: "Can you stop using this naive method next time?"

Every time I mutilate myself, I don't want my body anymore.

Mo Tianshu smiled helplessly: "If I don't use this method, will you keep me?"

Leng Wuxin shuddered, the answer was yes, she would not leave him.

Mo Tianshu hugged her tightly and dart her hair lightly: "Will you accept me? Give me a chance to love you."

Lengxinxin's body froze, and his eyes suddenly turned red: "You should know that we cannot be together."

Mo Tianshu naturally understood her distress, and kissed the teardrops in the corner of her eyes lovingly: "I don't care. I can find a way to solve it. I believe that there is no way to die."

Leng looked up indifferently: "If there is a way, my father and mother and master will not work for me to this day."

Mo Tianshu frowned firmly and said, "There must be a way, even if it can't be solved, I don't care."

Mo Tianshu held her hand and pressed it to his heart: "I'm willing to hurt for you, even if the bone is etched, it doesn't matter. I'm not afraid of anything, I'm afraid my world is without you."

He can die, he can die. It is a pain of happiness to him, but he cannot lose her. Without her, even if he owns the whole world, he cannot be happy.

Lengxinxin's nose was sour, and he suddenly slipped down to tears.

How can she be so deserving, it is worth him to do it for her.

"Heart." Mo Tianshu kissed her tears painfully, and kissed her lips little by little.

Feeling his deep affection, Lengxinxin's heart spasm again, but this time instead of escaping, she closed her eyes slowly and tried to respond to him.

A joy in Mo Tianshu's heart, she snapped her head and deepened the kiss.

The more I kiss, the more my heart hurts, and I can hardly breathe, but at this moment it is happy to be cold.

She obeyed her heart and told her deep love, this kind of freewheeling feeling is really wonderful.

Mo Tianshu is also happy. This is also the first time he has received her response. At this moment, he knows that the person he loves also loves him. This is enough.

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