Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1472: Fanwai: Mo Tianshu VS Leng Wuxin (2)

With the deep kiss between the two, Lengxinxin's heart became more and more painful and painful.

The sweetness spread in his mouth, Lengwuxin panicked, pushed Mo Tianshu away, and ran out.

"Xiner!" Mo Tianshu chased out quickly.

As soon as he ran out of the cabin, Leng carelessly couldn't help spitting blood.

Yin Hong's blood opened like a plum blossom all over the snow in an instant.

"Xiner!" Mo Tianshu was startled, holding Lengwuxin for a moment, "Why is it so serious?"

Previously, she only had heartache, why she vomited blood now.

As soon as Mo Tianshu touched her, the cold heartless heart was torn apart again, and the pain was irreplaceable.

"Don't touch me!" Leng inadvertently pushed Mo Tianshu away and fell to the snow.

"Xiner!" Mo Tianshu was very distressed and wanted to help her again.

"Don't come!" Leng Wuxin shouted pale, "Do you know how painful I am? It's not just the heart, every part of this body is hurting, and I hate every bit of myself in this world One second. "

Mo Tianshu looked at her distressedly, his heart was like a knife twisting, he wanted to bear with her and share her pain together.

"Let me help you." Mo Tianshu stepped forward to help her again, but she waved away.

"You can't help me, no one can help me." Leng shook his head in pain and turned away.

Mo Tianshu frowned, not chasing.

He couldn't push her too hard, he was afraid she wouldn't stand it.

He had to give her time to accept him, he had waited for so many years, and didn't care about waiting more.

Mo Tianshu covered his wound in the abdomen and turned to hunt.

Leng unconsciously ran to an ice cave before stopping.

This crystal clear ice cave is her secret base. No one has been here except her.

Every time she couldn't bear the pain, she would hide here.

Leng reluctantly lay on the ice bed, curling her body in pain, as if only in this way could her pain be relieved.

The figure kept flashing in her mind, even though she deliberately kept herself from thinking about him, but the tear-like pain still made her dead.

Leng unconsciously curled up, rolling in pain on the ice bed.

When did she fall in love with him?

Since childhood, she has lived in the Snow Mountain. Except for the Snow Mountain and the Flower Valley, she seems to have never been to any place. Except for her father and mother and Masters, she has not touched anyone.

In fact, she didn't know that she was ill. Everyone except her mother was very strange to her. Dad always looked at her with guilt, and Masters always showed her love for her.

Only the mother is the most normal. She has never looked at her with guilty eyes, and she has no special compassion for her.

There is only the mother's love, she often tells her the beauty of this world, if she is a flower, then the mother will use all her love to water her.

Maybe she's also afraid, because she might one day be cynical to this world and hate everything in the world, so she taught her the meaning of love.

She did realize that she fell in love with a man.

She never got sick before meeting him, and she didn't know she was abnormal until she met him, at least unlike others.

The first time they met was in Huagu. Master brought several boys over. She was only five years old at that time, and he was only four years old.

"Be careful, Master is here to introduce you." Master took her hand and brought her to them.

"These little bunnies are all your younger brothers. The oldest is the boss, and the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, and the youngest girl is not coming."

Master introduced her with interest, and the others behind her didn't look, just glanced at the boss she said, because his eyes were the brightest, as good as stars.

"This is your elder sister, the three apprentices of your mother and mother, and you are not happy to call her elder sister." The master looked at them again, rudely teaching.


She didn't know who called her, but she was sure he didn't call because he didn't speak.

"Your sister is one year older than you. Let's play together." The master asked her to take them to play again.

In fact, she didn't like to bring children, so she just took them to the hillside and left on her own.

She went to Master Yun's flower room. She only liked the flowers in this flower valley except for the snow in the snow mountain.

She knew that the flowers in Huagu were all planted by Master Yun. Master also loved to teach her to grow flowers. The flowers he developed were particularly beautiful, and she liked every kind.

Just as she was tinkering with the new variety Master Yun studied, he suddenly came in again.

In her unknown eyes, he came to her and crouched: "Do you like flowers?"

She froze, nodded, and said nothing.

He didn't seem to like talking, but he didn't leave, staying with her in the flower room for an afternoon.

Of course, she didn't talk to him either.

She is lonely. In addition to her father and mother and master, her world is Snow Mountain and Flower Valley, but since then, her world has more of him.

After a day together, he and his brothers were taken away by the master, and she returned to the Snow Mountain.

As usual, she dances in the snowy mountains every day.

My mother likes to play the piano, but she likes to dance, because she feels that dancing can express her joy and sorrow and vent her emotions.

Her dance is not good, no one has taught her, but she is not afraid, because her audience is only snowflakes and birds, they will not laugh at her.

But one day, she welcomed applause and a special audience.

When she heard the applause, she stopped and looked at the person in the distance who didn't know how long she had stood, and frowned slightly.

He clapped his hands and came over, "You dance beautifully."

She looked at him and said nothing.

Actually she wanted to ask why he was here?

"My mother said that you live in the snow-capped mountains. I want to come and see." He seemed to be able to hear her voice.

She raised his eyebrows and looked at him suspiciously, so he came to see Snow Mountain deliberately or to her.

But she didn't ask.

He didn't talk anymore, they were sitting in the snow, each playing with snow.

That was the second time she had a playmate, the first time in the flower room.

They played late until their parents came.


"I'm here." Upon hearing her father and mother's voice, she quickly stood up.

He glanced at her for the first time he heard her speak.

"How come here alone?"

Dad ran over and held her in his arms.

She frowned, turning back to tell her father that he was there, but found that he was gone.

"What's wrong, what are you looking at?"

Dad followed her eyes strangely, but only saw a pile of snow, but saw nothing.

She looked around anxiously, shaking her head.

He should be gone, he saw the snow-capped mountains.

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