Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1473: Fanwai: Mo Tianshu VS Leng Wuxin (3)

Since then, she most often came to him, he would come to the Snow Mountain at least once a year, sometimes many times a year.

Every time he saw her, father and mother never knew he had come, but the communication between them was as little as ever.

Since when it is still many, it should be four years ago. When she was fifteen, it was also her first heartache, and the first time she knew that she was different from others.

Because of her affairs, Dad has always felt ashamed of his mother and her, so they have done a lot of things to them and gave up a lot for them.

Although the mother said nothing, she knew that she had long forgiven her father.

She didn't want her father and mother to spend their entire lives in guilt, so when they were fifteen, they asked them to move to Huagu to live with Master Yun.

You and Master are here. They can live a little easier and be happier. Maybe they can completely open the knot.

There was only her left in the wooden house. Only her life was the same. She went hunting in the snowy mountains every day.

Once in a snowstorm, she couldn't walk on the snow-capped mountains. She found a cave in order to avoid the snow, but accidentally fell into a mountain gap and broke her leg.

She was sore in pain and cold, and felt the bones in her calf seem to be broken.

"Help!" She shouted desperately outside the gap, knowing that no one could be outside.

No one expected it, she felt her broken leg a little.

I don't know when the snowstorm will stop. Now I can only wait to see if my legs will be better tomorrow. Can I climb out?

"Be careful?" As she tried to move aside to avoid the snow, there was a sudden sound above the seam.

It's him!

Her eyes brightened, and her heart became excited.

"Are you below?"

The snow was too heavy, and the light was dark in the seams. She could not see his face clearly, but she could hear his voice clearly.

"It's me." She responded quickly.

"Don't be afraid, I'll come down now." His voice was very warm, blowing into her heart at once, driving away the icy snow.

Soon, he really jumped down.

"How are you?" Seeing her sitting on the ground, he rushed over to check her injuries.

"The legs can't move," she said honestly.

"Let me see." He frowned, carefully holding her injured leg, and squeezed gently.

She was sweating all over her pain, but gritted her teeth.

"The bones seem to be broken, a little serious." The light in the mountain slit was too dark, and he couldn't see clearly. "I'll take you out first."

"OK." She nodded.

He took off his robe and put it on her, then hugged her and flew out of the seam.

In fact, the seams are very narrow. Fortunately, they are not fat, otherwise they may get stuck there.

The snow was still heavy outside, and he wrapped her tightly in his robe and ran wild.

To save him a little effort, she reached out and hugged his neck.

He looked at her: "Is it painful?"

She saw countless soft lights in those star-like eyes, and she shook her head warmed.

He didn't talk anymore, just faster.

Soon they returned to the cabin and he carried her back to bed.

"Sorry, I'll take a look at your legs." He looked at her embarrassedly, and pulled her trouser legs only after she nodded.

She turned red for a moment and turned away. She was so big that she had never been so shy.

He was also flushed, but checked very carefully.

"The bones in the calf are broken. I'll give you some medicine first. It may take a while to rest completely," he said as he applied her medicine.

"thank you."

She looked at him gratefully. If it weren't for him, she was afraid to stay in the mountain slit for a long time.

"Take a break and I'll find two splints."

He went out, and soon came in with two more planks: "You hold back, it may hurt a little."

He said to carefully clamp the plank to her calf.

The broken bone was forcibly set in place, and her face was pale again.

"I, lightly." He frowned and could fasten her legs quickly.

"If it hurts, just sleep for a while." He painfully wiped her with a sleeve.

The soft light in his eyes instantly relieved her pain a lot.

She nodded and closed her eyes tiredly and fell asleep.

Not knowing how long she slept, she was awakened by a popping noise.

She sat up strenuously, trying to get out of bed, but her sore legs prevented her from moving.

After a while, he came in with a bowl of soup.

"Are you awake? Well, do I want to taste the pheasant soup?" He looked at her with shame, as if he had no confidence in the soup he cooked.

"Okay." She answered, she was really curious, he just made a bowl of soup.

He passed the soup and said, embarrassedly, "Although it doesn't look good, I have tasted it, and it tastes OK."

He looked at her nervously, as if he was afraid she would refuse.

She glanced at the soup, which looked bad, but she wanted to taste it.

I took the soup bowl and tasted it.

He smiled embarrassedly when she saw a bowl of soup.

"Drink it yourself, because father and mother are not here, and I'm like this again, I can't treat you well." She looked at him apologetically.

"Uncle Xue, isn't Aunt Xue?" He was a little surprised, and then said, "Then I take care of you."

She blushed a little: "They moved to Huagu, but I can do it alone."

"That's fine. Anyway, I'm fine, so I'll come to Snow Mountain to play." Afraid of her refusal, he also asked for a talk.

Her face turned redder. In fact, she was more afraid of being alone than two people.

Except for him, she had never dealt with boys of the same age, or even talked to them.

But if it was him, she didn't seem to be exclusive.

He stayed and took care of her every day. In order to make food for her, he also deliberately went down to the restaurant to find a cook and learn the craft.

For a month, they got together day and night, and his cooking became more and more delicious, and her legs were also carefully taken care of by him, and he became better and better.

That day he helped her take the splint and helped her out.

"It's a nice day today. Go for a walk."

He helped her to walk out of the snow and let go: "See if I can go?"

Although I had been resting for a month, the injury was already good, but it still hurt.

She was sweating for a while, and the snow was slippery. She fell to the ground.

"Stand up yourself." He stood in the distance and shouted at her.

She couldn't stand up a few times after trying, grabbing the snowflakes on the ground and annoyed him, but didn't throw it out, all blown into her eyes.

He ran over, held her half in his arms, and blew her eyes.

The warm breeze seemed to blow into her heart, blowing her sullen air a lot.

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