Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1474: Fanwai: Mo Tianshu VS Leng Wuxin (4)

"Why are you so stupid, how can anyone be ashamed of snowflakes and make snowballs?"

He grabbed a handful of snow and rolled it into a snowball to show her.

Suddenly she twitched her lips, picked up the snowball and smashed it into his head.

"Snap", the snowball spread on his head, she immediately laughed.

"Okay, dare you hit me and see how I can pack you up."

He rushed at her and tickled her.

"I'm wrong, I don't dare." She couldn't bear the itch, and she begged for mercy as she rolled.

"It's late to beg for mercy."

They were rolling around in the snow, noisy, and she lay on him somehow.

They all froze.

When she returned to God, she quickly flushed and wanted to come down, but he clasped her head.

His star-like eyes were staring at her, her heart beating uncontrollably.

His handsome face came to her, her heart never beat so fast.

The icy lips stuck to her, and she froze.

"Close your eyes."

His hoarse magnetic voice seemed to have a special magic power, making her involuntarily close her eyes.

His kisses were jerky and gentle, and took her into a whole new and wonderful world.

This was her first kiss and her first heart palpitation.

The first time she felt heartache, she didn't feel strange, she didn't even understand the difference between heartbeat and heartache.

By the time he kissed, she was pale with pain.

"What's wrong, uncomfortable?" He seemed frightened, and asked her nervously.

"No." She shook her head and pressed the throbbing in her heart, restraining her heartache.

He picked her up and took her back to the room.

"Your legs are recovering well. They should be able to walk in another half a month." He checked her leg.

"Well, can you boil some hot water for me?" She finished blushing and was a little annoyed.

Why he was asked to boil the water should be burned by himself, it was really taken care of.

"Are you going to bath?" He froze and speculated.

"Um." She blushed and nodded. She hadn't taken a bath for more than a month. She removed the wooden board today. She wanted to wash it, and her body was sticky.

"I wasn't thoughtful. You wait for me." He laughed and kissed her forehead before going out.

The feeling of palpitations reappeared instantly, and she unconsciously covered her heart.

He quickly filled her with hot water and hugged her thoughtfully to the atrium.

"I, go outside and call me when you're done washing." He blushed and ran out.

She looked at his back and smiled, thinking he was quite cute.

When taking a bath, she thought of him unconsciously, always thinking of them before.

Her heart was uncomfortable again, and she even felt it was difficult to breathe. She thought that she had been soaking in the water for a long time, and went out quickly, but forgot the sadness on her leg, and fell down to the ground.

"Ah!" She screamed subconsciously.

"What's wrong?" He rushed in immediately and asked her across the screen.

"It's okay, I fell down." She resisted the pain and tried to stand up, but she tried a few times but couldn't stand up.

He couldn't bear to take in the clothes on the screen.

"Sorry." He put his head on his face, flushed his clothes over her face, and hugged her out of the atrium.

She also felt so ashamed that she glanced at him, wondering if he could see herself, and she was so ashamed that she buried her face in his arms.

Why does she encounter such a shame every time they are together.

He watched her smile pettiously, put her on the bed, and said, "I just ..."

Her heart lifted immediately and looked at him nervously.

"I don't see anything." He teased her deliberately.

She was relieved, and before she said anything, he slyly said, "But I feel it."

Her head suddenly exploded, her face flushed and she pulled the quilt over her head.

Gosh, let her die.

He looked at her ostrich behavior, pulling the quilt down a little.

"I'll be responsible." He looked at her with a smile, leaned on her lips and kissed, "It's not early, you sleep."

After he had spoken, he went out. She was about to breathe a sigh of relief, and listened to him jokingly: "Put on your clothes to sleep, so as not to get cold."

She was so annoyed that she was about to throw him away with a pillow. The dark-bellied guy couldn't relax her for a moment.

After he had gone, she was really obediently dressed before lying down again.

Thinking of the sentence he said would be responsible, her face couldn't help getting hot, and her heart throbbed again.

Is he going to marry her? But is this too fast?

This night, her mind was full of him, she thought about it all night, her heart was disturbed all night, and it hurt all night.

She didn't understand the pain at that time, until later she realized that she had fallen in love with him long ago.

That time, he took care of her until she recovered.

Father and mother knew she hurt her leg and hurried back.

After he left, she would feel palpitations every time she thought about it, and her mother finally saw what her reaction had guessed.

It was also that time that she realized that she had been in love with her since she was born, and finally understood the reason for her father's self-blame for so many years, and she became more aware of the danger of love. It can be passed on to her loved one, but she cannot. Selfishly hurt him.

So after he came back, she deliberately treated him coldly, forcing him to ignore him every time.

He didn't understand at first and was very painful, but later he understood, so he didn't come very often. She knew he was afraid of her pain.

But he didn't know that even if he wasn't with her, her love for him was getting deeper, and her affection had been completely opened.

The crystal tears dripped on the ice bed, and Leng Xiner's pain was almost numb.

Lying on the ice bed until it was dark, she staggered back to the cabin.

Outside the wooden house, Mo Tianshu had been waiting. On several occasions, he couldn't help but wanted to find her, but he was afraid he might hurt her and vomit blood.

Seeing Mo Tianshu in front of the wooden house, Leng carelessly stopped.

The two looked at it so distantly. It took a long time for Leng to walk in unconsciously, but he didn't talk to him, and passed by beside him.

Mo Tianshu's heart was sore and painful. He passed through him so many times. His heart was numb. He didn't want to be treated by her like this anymore. He wanted to be with her, even if it was painful. It was what he wanted.

He hugged her subconsciously as she walked past him.

Leng unwittingly tightened and quickly reached out to push him away, but he hugged even tighter.

"Don't push me away, never."

He looked at her resentfully, with pain in his affectionate eyes at the moment.

Her heart hurt again, he should not fall in love with her, it was she who made him struggle only in pain.

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