Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1475: Fanwai: Mo Tianshu VS Leng Wuxin (5)

A heart hurt again, but she couldn't bear to push him away.

The seductive warmth made her so greedy. She didn't want to let go, she didn't want to, but she couldn't help it.

She took a deep breath, and pushed him away, "I'm sorry!"

Everything is wrong, but they cannot be wrong again and again.

Mo Tianshu's heart hurt suddenly, and he lifted his eyes and looked at her with injury: "Don't say sorry to me, you know I don't want to hear this."

Don't look coldly indifferently: "Sorry, I can't give you anything besides this."

Leng Wuxin said, going into the house again, but stopped by him again.

"Don't run away anymore? Instead of suffering so painfully, it's better to die faster. At least I'm happy, I'm happy, I got what I want." Mo Tianshu clutched her shoulders tightly, forcing She looked directly into his eyes.

Leng unconsciously looked up in pain: "What do you want?"

"You!" Mo Tianshu looked at her with scorching eyes, with determination in his eyes, "From beginning to end, there is only one you."

My heart was suffocated, and Lengxinxin again had difficulty in breathing.

"Xiner!" Mo Tianshu was anxious to see her face pale, "Is it painful?"

Leng innocently gritted his teeth, suddenly holding his neck and kissing his lips.

Mo Tianshu froze for a moment, then holding her head and kissing her fiercely.

The two were licking each other's wounds frantically as if they were seriously injured beasts.

In the white snow, everything has become necessary in this deep love, as if there are only these two intimate lovers between heaven and earth.

The two forgot to kiss and Mo Tianshu devoted himself, wishing to rub the people in his arms into his own blood.

But he stopped short because he tasted bloody.

The blood was getting heavier, but she still kissed him wildly, showing no sign of stopping.

"Xiner!" Mo Tianshu was so distressed that her heart was broken, and she pressed her head into her arms to keep her from moving.

Leng Wuxin was panting, and she hugged him tightly, saying, "Mo Tianshu, I like you, I love you, but do you know that every time I love you one more point, my pain Just one more point, so I dare not think about you. Every time your figure flashes in my mind, I force myself not to think about it, but I can't control my heart at all. "

Mo Tianshu flushed his eyes and hugged her tightly.

The warm breath came to her heart, and she suddenly felt tears coldly: "You never know, how I survived every day, I forced myself not to think about you, but your figure is lingering, I Just day and night, tormented in pain, I don't want you to suffer in this pain in the future, so I will break my heart. "

"It's too late." Mo Tianshu's eyes were red and she buried her face in her neck. "Even as soon as I fell in love with you, I was already suffering in pain, but I was so happy."

She said he didn't know, but in fact he knew better than anyone, and she didn't know that he stood at the window for countless nights, not to mention that he actually missed her and loved her less than her.

Mo Tianshu suddenly picked her up horizontally and went into the room.

Leng lifted it heartily and looked at him nervously.

Mo Tianshu put her on the bed and looked straight at her: "Let me feel your pain, I don't want to be alone."

"Don't." Aware of what he was going to do, Leng Wuxin was so frightened that he wanted to sit up, but he clicked.

"You can't do this, Mo Tianshu ..." Leng looked at him in fear, trying to say something, but he closed his lips.

Like being afraid of branches outside the festival, Mo Tianshu's movements are fast, but very gentle.

When she felt the tear-like pain, she finally couldn't help crying, she sobbed, like a child who couldn't find a home.

"Is it painful?" He didn't dare to move for a moment, apologized and leaned down and kissed the corner of her eye, soothing her softly.

There was heavy snow in the sky outside, but the house was filled with ice and fire.

At the last moment, Leng Wuxin spit out a black blood and passed out.

"Xin'er!" Mo Tianshu was scared to death, and he couldn't care about anything. After dressing for the two, he rushed out holding the others.

Not knowing if his mother had returned, Mo Tianshu went directly to Huagu while holding people.

Seeing Mo Tianshu suddenly came over carefully, Zhuo Qingyun and Lan Yanyu were all startled.

"What happened to Xiner?" Zhuo Qingyun looked nervously at Mo Tianshu's heart.

"She's dizzy," Mo Tianshu explained anxiously.

"Hold her into the room." Lan Yanyu looked at Leng Wuxin's pale face and was not frightened.

Mo Tianshu hurriedly took care to the room.

Leng Yihan and Murong Xuefei who heard the news here also hurried over.

"Xiner!" Murong Xuefei ran to Leng Wuxin and looked at her nervously.

"What the **** is going on? How could my heart be dizzy?" Leng Yihan looked at Mo Tianshu anxiously.

Mo Tianshu's face turned red, and I didn't know how to explain it.

Lan Yanyu immediately gave Leng Wuxin the pulse, but the more he got surprised.

"Is there a feeling of love in Xiner?" Murong Xuefei looked at Lan Yuyu nervously.

Leng Yihan immediately became nervous.

Mo Tianshu's heart also pounded sharply, and he finally tasted the inhuman pain.

Lan Yanyu finished her veins, and then opened her cold sleeves and looked at them.

There is no red line on the white jade arm.

Everyone was surprised.

"What's going on? The red line is gone, is it because the feelings of Xiner have been lifted?" Zhuo Qingyun looked at Lan Yuyu with excitement.

Murong Xuefei and Leng Yihan were not as excited as him, and frowned at Mo Tianshu together.

Lan Yuyu nodded: "From the current pulse of Cautioner, the relationship has been lifted."

Lan Yanyu said that she also looked at Mo Tianshu, and now there is only one way to release the feelings, and the cinnabar mole on the heart just now is gone.

When Mo Tianshu heard that the cold and heartless feelings were relieved, he felt relieved.

"Is she okay in the future?" Mo Tianshu frowned and looked at Lan Yanyu.

Lan Yanyu grabbed his hand and pulled open his sleeve.

The long red line on the stout arm has been fully spent, and even began to bloom.

"She'll be fine. It's you. Love has been completely opened."

How could this kid use such a stupid method to relieve Cao Er, it seems that the two love each other sincerely, otherwise the careful relationship could not be lifted so clean.

"I'm fine." Mo Tianshu face flushed and pulled down his sleeves.

As long as she is fine, no matter how painful he can bear it.

Murong Xuefei and Leng Yihan did not expect that things would go this far.

"Come with me." Leng Yihan gave Mo Tianshu a complex look, then turned and went out.

Mo Tianshu looked at the lethargic coldness and went out.

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