Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1476: Fanwai: Mo Tianshu VS Leng Wuxin (6)

They walked to the hillside before stopping.

Leng Yihan turned back fiercely and gave Mo Tianshu a punch.

"Bang" Mo Tianshu was immediately beaten and took two steps.

"I'm sorry!" Mo Tianshu didn't care about the pain, he looked down and apologized.

He knew this was wrong, but he had no way, Xiner did not accept him, he could only use this method.

Leng Yihan looked at him with a black face and squeezed his fist tightly, trying to control himself no longer to fight.

He knew he should fight, but he also saved his heart.

The two stood so quietly, no one spoke, and Leng Yihan never did anything.

For a long while, Leng Yihan looked up at Mo Tianshu.

This child also counts as the youngest son who watched him grow up. He is the eldest son of the raccoon. It doesn't matter if he looks like him. I don't have to say about morality. With such parents, the morality is certainly not bad. Not to mention family history, absolutely standing on top of this world. Cultivation, not to mention, is definitely much higher than these ordinary people.

Such a promising younger generation, who can be his son-in-law, would be too complicated if he was willing to do so.

He never expected that he and Xin'er would come together, let alone Xin'er would fall in love with him so much.

"You like Xiner?" He frowned at him.

"Yes." Mo Tianshu nodded firmly and said earnestly, "I love her."

Leng Yihan's eyes warmed, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Love is passed from me. I was born in the mother's womb like Xin'er, and then I passed it on to Xueer, and it hurt Be at ease. "

Speaking of old age, Leng Yihan still couldn't help feeling guilty: "I know that kind of pain, for those with deep love, it is better to die."

Leng Yihan said this, Mo Tianshu already felt the pain, the kind of pain that seemed to be torn into a flap, spreading from the head to the toes.

"As a father, I should beat you, but I also thank you for helping her." Leng Yihan said suddenly.

Mo Tianshu looked up at him, waiting for him to say the following words, and intuitively told him that he still had something to tell him.

Sure enough, Leng Yihan looked at Mo Tianshu for a while, and then said: "Now Xiner's feelings have been resolved, I hope you will not be with her again."

In a word, a knife was inserted in Mo Tianshu's heart instantly, and his pain was sore from his head to his feet.

Leng Yihan frowned, "If you are together, your affection will still pass to her, and I believe you don't want her to suffer like this again."

He admits that he is selfish, but as a father, he really doesn't want his child to suffer such inhuman pain any more. She has already suffered enough.

Mo Tianshu gritted his teeth, forcibly swallowed the sweetness in his mouth, and said hardly: "Okay, I can promise you, but I want to see her again."

Leng Yihan nodded: "Yes, but I will erase her memory before she is awake, she will never remember you again."

The strong sweetness came out again, and Mo Tianshu hurriedly walked towards the bamboo house.

Leng Yihan couldn't bear looking at his rigid back.

He didn't want to be so cruel, but he had no choice.


At the entrance of the bamboo house, Mo Tianshu finally couldn't help spitting a blood.

All the internal organs were painful, but the pain was nowhere near his heartache.

Lan Yanyu and Zhuo Qingyun ran out when they heard the news.

"What's wrong with you?" Seeing him spitting blood, both were startled, and Lan Yanyu immediately came to give him a pulse.

"I'm fine, thank you Uncle Lan." Mo Tianshu pulled back his hand and entered the room.

Murong Xuefei saw that his face was not right, frowning and worrying: "Is it uncomfortable, is it emotional?"

Mo Tianshu shook his head: "No, I have to leave something first, but can you let me and Xiner stay alone for a while."

Murong Xuefei looked at him, looked back at her heart, and nodded: "Okay, let's go out."

Murong Xuefei got out of the room and also pulled out Lan Yanyu and Zhuo Qingyun.

Mo Tianshu walked to the bed with a heavy step, watching her peaceful sleeping face, and suddenly wet his eyes.

As long as he thought that her world would never have him again, his heart hurt.

He can lose the whole world, but he cannot lose her alone, but now he has to let go.

He was right, he couldn't let her endure such pain.

"Xin Er ..." he murmured, leaning over and printing a long kiss on her lips.

The hot tears dripped, sweeping all the affection.

No matter if you remember me in the future, I will always guard you.

Mo Tianshu stayed for a while and then left quickly.

Before leaving, he left without saying goodbye to anyone.

Leng Yihan looked at his back and sighed silently.

"Did you kick that kid away?" Lan Yanyu came over.

Leng Yihan didn't look back and said, "Do you have a better way?"

"It really isn't." Lan Yanyu reluctantly dropped his shoulders.

If there was a way, they would have relieved Xiner long ago, how could they wait until now and hurt the boy.

If this is known to Tanuki, I don't know what kind of distress it will become.

"Let me make a forgetfulness." Leng Yihan turned to look at Lan Yanyu.

Lan Yanyu stared blankly: "You want to ..."

Leng Yihan: "I can't let Xiner suffer such pain again."

"Is this too cruel, and the boy agrees with you?" Lan Yanyu frowned.

Erase Caution's memory, so that it is extremely cruel to Caution and Shuzi.

"I can't control that much, as long as my heart is safe." Leng Yihan said with a hard heart, then turned away.

Lan Yanyu sighed helplessly, tangled for a while, or went to refining medicine.

Mo Tianshu vomited blood all the way back to Mohuangbao. He couldn't miss her, she had to miss her, and couldn't help her.

Mo Tianshu was finally stunned when he waited for Mohuangbao.

Mo Tianshu's dizziness scared the people at Mohuangbao, especially the second child.

"What's the matter, why is the boss fainted?" Seeing the second child rushing around holding the second child, they all dared to come over.

"Are you injured?" Lao Liu was also anxious.

"I'll call the doctor." The fourth son went to the doctor quickly.

"How is your elder brother? Would you like to call your mother back?" Xiao Qi was too anxious.

"Let the doctor take a look before talking." The second child took Mo Tianshu back to the room and hurriedly examined it, but did not detect any serious injuries.

The physician came quickly and immediately gave Mo Tianshu a pulse.

What was found, the expression of the doctor's expression instantly dimmed.

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