Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1477: Fanwai: Mo Tianshu VS Leng Wuxin (7)

"How is it? What happened to Brother?" Xiao Qi looked at the doctor anxiously and asked.

As soon as the physician was about to answer, Mo Tianshu woke up.

"I'm fine, but I'm tired from running." Mo Tianshu sat up and gave the doctor a silent look.

The doctor frowned, and nodded in cooperation after a while: "Yes, Your Highness is fine, but I'm tired."

The second child looked at each other with suspicion.

No one here is a fool, just the boss's look, everyone saw it.

"Go out, let me rest." Mo Tianshu looked at them wearily.

"Okay, take a good rest." The second child winked at the others and led everyone out.

After they had all gone, the doctor frowned anxiously: "How could your Highness be in love, this feeling is difficult to resolve."

"I have my own sense of this matter, don't tell anyone, not even your mother-in-law." Mo Tianshu's face warned him seriously.

"OK." The doctor froze and sighed.

The doctor came out of the boss' house with all his heart, but was immediately hijacked by the second child who was hiding in the corner.

The doctor was startled, and it was clear that they were relieved: "Several His Highness, what is this playing, Wei Chen's old life will be scared by you."

"What's wrong with the boss?" The second doctor pushed the doctor to the corner.

"His Highness, he is ill!" The doctor's eyes flashed, and he felt guilty.

Laowu poked her mouth and raised her chin. "You won't even tell you to tell a lie. Wear it out."

The doctor said that the doctor was even more guilty, but when he thought of what Mo Tianshu had just said, he couldn't even mention a word.

Xiao Qi's eyes rolled around, and suddenly he looked sad: "Tell us the truth, in case it delays the illness of the elder brother, is this so good?"

Lao Liu also quickly said: "Yeah, if you delay the illness of your brother, I think you can't afford it."

The doctor frowned, tangled for a moment, and told them the truth.

They said it right, he didn't report it, he really couldn't afford it.

"Love!" Upon hearing the words of the doctor, several of them burst instantly.

"Little ancestors, you can whisper this, Your Highness is not allowed to talk to us." Seeing them in such a shock, the doctor suddenly became frightened.

Xiaoqi frowned and looked at the second child. They are "good, how could the elder brother be in love?"

The second child said with a dignified expression: "I remember Sister Xiner seems to be emotionally emotional."

"I heard that love is only contagious in that way." The fifth child blinked.

In just a few words, everyone understands.

Lao Liu frowned and looked at the aggressive doctor, "This feeling, do you have a solution?"

The doctor shook his head: "Weichen is incompetent and can't solve the problem, but the Queen's medical skill may have a solution."

Everyone collapsed their shoulders in an instant. The mother-in-law was afraid that there was no way. If the mother-in-law had a way, she would have relieved her.

"You go back first, don't tell the boss that we know." The second child waved to the doctor.

"Yes." The doctor responded quickly and relieved, and ran away.

A few people went to the garden together. If it was usually an unstoppable mouth, then no one thought about it now.

"I heard that the feelings of Sister Xiner will be very serious in the future. If it is passed on to the boss again, the boss is afraid ..." The old frown frowned and couldn't bear to finish.

"No wonder the old general was fainted. How good his health is to make him faint. This feeling must be serious." The fifth child also solemnly said.

"I didn't expect that the boss likes Sister Xiner. I didn't see it at all before. This is really deep." Lao Liu's focus is always so different.

"Sister Xiner, I haven't seen it yet. I don't look pretty and I don't deserve it with my elder brother." Xiao Qi also became interested.

The fourth child nodded: "Of course it's beautiful, otherwise you think the old assembly likes it, but it's just that you're a bit cold, don't talk without a smile, it's more serious than the boss, but it should be a good match for him."

Xiao Qi's eyes brightened: "Wow, I really want to see the future grandma, is it really colder than my brother?"

Lao Liu skimmed his lips: "Both of them are so cold, what kind of cold will the children born after this be?"

The second child squeezed his forehead with a headache: "I said if you guys think too much, shouldn't you care about his illness now?"

Xiao Qi blinked and said: "I think I must inform my mother as soon as possible. We don't know any medicine and can't help at all. If the mother knows it, there may be a way."

The fourth, fifth and sixth all nodded.

Helpless second: "Since this is the case, I will send a message to my mother in a while."

In the room, Mo Tianshu was lying in bed thinking coldly.

Like she said, he couldn't miss her, he couldn't do it just for a moment's rest.

The pain in his heart made him vomit blood again.

Mo Tianshu smiled bitterly. In such a short period of time, he vomited so many blood. What about her, and what kind of pain has she suffered in the past two decades.

Suddenly, my heart hurts so much, it's not a physical pain, but a heartache.

Immediately after the second child passed the letter, he received the letter from the heaven.

"Is a great-grandfather or a grandfather?" The fifth child took a look at the letter, and then wondered. "Grandfather wants his elder brother to take over the throne?"

Thinking of what was said before in the Holy Day, the second child had a dim idea: "That day my grandfather asked me who would take over for my father and mother. I didn't want the boss to be fine, so I chose the boss."

Who knows that he suddenly fell in love again, knowing that he would not mention the boss.

The fifth child also frowned. Now how can the boss take over?

"Or I'll go." The fourth child thought for a moment, frowning.

"No, my ancestor said before that I would let you go to the demon world." The fifth child shook his head.

"What then?" The fourth man blinked, and no one was more busy than him.

The sixth boy thought for a while: "If not, let the second child control it. Anyway, he also needs to control Zixiao, and merge the Holy Heaven and Zixiao together to manage it.

The fourth, fifth, and seventh are all looking at the second together.

The second child had a black line: "I have no opinion, but I don't know if my little daughter-in-law and grandfather have any opinions."

Anyway, one is also a tube, and two are also tubes, and he is doomed to run.

Everyone frowned. That was a problem.

After all, this Xiaoxiao belongs to someone else, and this Xiaoxiao merges with Holy Heaven. This person may not agree.

"I go."

Just as everyone was tangled, Mo Tianshu suddenly came over.

"Boss." Everyone ran to see him over.

"Brother, are you ... okay?" Xiao Qi looked at him worriedly.

"I'm fine." Mo Tianshu took the letter and left.

If he could choose, he would stay closer to her.

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