Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1479: Fanwai: Mo Tianshu VS Leng Wuxin (9)

Early in the morning, Mo Tianshu put on the dragon robe and went to the altar to worship the sky.

The second and fourth children all went with them.

Even Bai Qiyuan and Bai Tingxuan were present together.

The people knew that the new emperor was the eldest son of Modi and Baidi, and they were all very happy.

It goes without saying that most of the officials are mostly close relatives of Mo Di and Bai Di at the beginning. In these years, they have tried their best to assist Bai Tingxuan and take care of Bai Chu. Now that the new emperor is on the throne, they will naturally do their best.

"This is the new emperor, and it really looks like the emperor of the year."

"I heard that Baidi and Modi have become gods. Seeing the seven children they gave birth, each looks as good as a god."

"There are two such good founding emperors, Mo Di and Bai Di. It is our blessing."

Imagine that the city of Holy Heaven was originally covered by the Lord of the Black Hearts. Today, the most prosperous and safest imperial city in Yunjing can be said to be the credit of the two emperors Baidi Modi.

They remembered what the two emperors had done for them.

After the sacrifice to heaven, it was the ascension ceremony.

"The beginning of the ascension ceremony, the national seal!"

Bai Tingxuan handed the jade seal to Mo Tianshu: "In fact, this should be passed to you by your father and mother, but they will be replaced by your grandfather."

"Thank you grandfather." Mo Tianshu took the Yuxi respectfully.

"See the new emperor, long live the long live the long live!"

Baiguan and the people bowed down to salute.

When Mo Tianshu was about to make them flat, he saw a fairy in white flying from the sky.

Seeing the appearance of that fairy, Mo Tianshu was instantly excited, but he didn't dare to come forward.

Leng Wuxin fell to the altar and stared at Mo Tianshu.

Mo Tianshu nervously began to ache again. He was pressing the blood and the blood from his internal organs, and he did not let himself vomit blood in front of her.

Seeing his face turn a little white, cold and heartless, he felt heartache and suffocation.

She rushed into his arms and hugged him tightly.

Mo Tianshu's heart finally relaxed and he hugged her tightly.

Great, she didn't forget him.

Looking at the two people embracing each other, Bai Qiyuan and Bai Tingxuan were both dumbfounded.

What's the matter, isn't this the girl of Leng Xiao's family, how is it with Tianshu?

The second child, they all looked pleased, really happy for the boss.

"My sister is here at last, and I don't think I'll be sick of the Acacia again." The old man teased happily.

"The boss, the emperor, is not a loss, this sister is brought to the door." Lao Liu also laughed.

"This is Dasao, she is as beautiful as Tianxian." Xiao Qi was the first time she saw Leng Wuxin, and she immediately understood why she liked it so much.

"Heart ..."

Mo Tianshu hugged Leng Wuxin tightly, constantly calling her name, as if only in this way could he smooth the uneasiness in his heart.

The deep affection murmured, melting the cold heartless heart.

She hooked his neck, looked at his affectionate eyes, and kissed his lips slowly.

Mo Tianshu suffocated her heart and kissed her head.

Everyone widened their eyes, then they all clapped in excitement.

Leng Wuxin was startled. Then he realized that it was wrong. He wanted to stop quickly, but Mo Tianshu clasped his head and hugged him tightly, unable to move.

With a smile on his lips, Mo Tianshu continued to deepen this hard-won kiss. Even if his heart hurts, even if the blood vessels burst, he would still be happy.

The officials and the people kneeling below heard the movement and secretly raised their eyes, but they saw such a beautiful scene.

"Cough ..." After a while, the second child finally reminded them with a cough.

So many people are watching it, it's almost a scent of incense, and it's time to stop.

Mo Tianshu finally reluctantly let go of the blushing coldness, then took her to the officials and the people below.

"This is the queen queen, cold and careless!"

"See the queen, Chitose Chitose!" The crowd saluted immediately, coldly.

Leng Wuxin looked at Mo Tianshu flushed, when did she say she would marry him.

"Be flat!"

Mo Tianshu said with a smile, and then hung up and flew away coldly, leaving a bunch of dumb people.

"The boss really is the boss, and this pick-up has no one's skills." Lao Liu admired Mo Tianshu's back with admiration, and felt that he was weak.

"I think the boss is quite normal, not affected by affection at all." The fifth child also smiled.

"Walk around and see the future grandma." Xiao Qi was the most excited, and he ran with the oldest brother and followed them.

Several others came back and followed.

Leaving Bai Qiyuan and Bai Tingxuan, they are still stunned. What's the matter, how can a ceremony as the wedding ceremony be like a wedding.

Mo Tianshu flew back to his dormitory holding Lengxinxin and pressed her against the wall.

"Xin'er, I miss you so much!" Mo Tianshu said hoarsely, telling her thoughts in her ears.

Leng Wuxin blinked his eyes, and rubbed his handsome face: "Why are you so stupid?"

Mo Tianshu smiled: "I don't think I'm stupid, I'm the happiest man in the world."

The cold and unconscious nose was sour, and the crystal tears slipped down instantly.

Mo Tianshu twitched violently: "Don't cry, I will break my heart!"

A loving kiss kissed her tears little by little, with infinite pity and deep love.

"Mo Tianshu, I love you!" Leng Wuxin looked at Mo Tianshu with red eyes, releasing the affectionate communication that has accumulated in his heart all these years.

"Xin'er ..." Mo Tianshu's heart warmed and kissed her lips quickly.

Leng Wuxin's eyelashes trembled softly, and obediently closed his eyes, bearing all the goodness she brought to him.

Inside the room, the two kissed each other forgotten. Outside, several people lay on their backs and saw nothing.

"Did you see it?"

"Isn't I going back to the room, nobody's in the room."

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze, hey ..."

"Bang", the door was pushed open, and several people rushed in like frogs.

Mo Tianshu immediately flickered to the side, holding cold.

"Oh, my ass!" Xiao Qi fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

"My waist, my waist, who pressed on my waist." Lao Liu lay on the fifth and kept calling.

The fourth child pressed against the sixth child's waist, and wanted to lift it, but the second child couldn't press it.

"Who's on my back? I can't roll down anymore, I'm crushed." The fifth child was pressed at the bottom, still facing the ground, and felt that she was almost out of breath.

Mo Tianshu looked darkly at the people who were in a mess.

These guys are here to collect debts, can't he let him enjoy this rare solitary time?

Leng Wuxin was too ashamed. She never got along with others. This made others see her most private side, and she was really ashamed.

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