Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1480: Fanwai: Mo Tianshu VS Leng Wuxin (ten)

After being in chaos for a while, several people got up from the ground.

"Hello Grandma, I'm Xiaoqi Bai Yaoguang, and I like you so much." Xiaoqi immediately got up and grabbed Leng's unwilling hand and was unwilling to let go.

"Little Seven." Leng Wuxin blushed and nodded shyly at her.

Xiaoqi knows that Master ’s youngest daughter really looks like Master.

"Sister, I am the oldest and can't remember me."

Without waiting for the cold and unintentional, the sixth boy slaps the fifth boy straight away: "Sister only remembers the boss, how can I remember you?"

He remembered most clearly when he was a child. When his mother introduced them, the sister didn't even look at them, and only looked at the boss during the whole process.

Later, when her mother asked her to play with them, she ignored them at all and only played with the boss.

Lao Wu's original happy face was suddenly crushed by the ruthless words of Lao Liu.

"Sister, I'm the fourth child." The fourth child came over to say hello.

"I'm the second child." The second child came over with a smile.

"Hello you." Leng nodded at them kindly and friendly.

In fact, she remembers them all, but Master often mentions them.

"Are you guys allowed to go?" Mo Tianshu arrogantly took carelessly, and gave them an order of chasing guests.

Leng Wuxin blushed again.

"Which way to go, we are here to see Dasao." Xiao Qi was unhappy first.

"Yeah, we're looking for sister, but we're not looking for you." The fifth child also intentionally said.

Several people stayed in the boss's house, lingering on the cold and carelessly, so that the boss had no chance to do intimate things with Xiner.

It wasn't until the night that Mo Tianshu successfully bombarded people.

When the two were alone, Leng Wuxin suddenly became nervous.

"I'm here today, did you bother you?" Leng Wuxin looked at Mo Tianshu embarrassedly.

She didn't know he was on the throne today, and it was a coincidence that she hadn't been sure he was in the holy sky before. She just wanted to come and try her luck. If he wasn't there, she would ask where he was.

Because although they had seen many times before, she did n’t know where he lived. She only saw him in Xueshan and Huagu each time. Fortunately, he was in the holy heaven this time, otherwise she might not find her. he.

"Fool!" Mo Tianshu smiled and held her in her arms. "You don't know how happy I am. Nothing in this world is more important than you."

It does n’t matter if you do n’t ascend the throne, or if you want to be an emperor, and he wants to stay in the heavens for her.

"Fortunately, you have not forgotten me. I am really afraid that there will never be me in your life." Mo Tianshu held her tightly, as if only in this way could he calm his previous fear.

Leng Wuxin's eyes flashed, and he reached out and hugged him tightly: "I didn't eat Wuyou Dan, my mother stopped my dad. Don't blame him, in fact he is very confused."

Regarding Dad, she didn't know what to say. No matter what Dad did to her or give her anything, he was the one who gave her life, her closest and closest relative, and she was not qualified to blame him.

Mo Tianshu smiled bitterly: "How can I blame him, I know he is for your good, and he is your father, and I will always be grateful to him."

Leng Wuxin raised his eyes and looked at him with a chuckle: "I think I won't forget you even if I really take the elixir."

Because he had been deeply in her heart for a long time, that deep love could not be smoothed out by elixir.

Mo Tianshu's eyes flashed a movement, holding her head and kissing.

Leng Wuxin's eyelashes trembled and closed his eyes slowly.

The two forgot to kiss, Mo Tianshu's heart seemed to be torn apart piece by piece, and his whole body seemed to explode.

There was a surge of blood, and even though he wanted to keep kissing like this, he finally had to stop.

Mo Tianshu let go of Leng Wuxin and kissed her forehead gently: "Wait a minute."

Mo Tianshu said, so he turned and rushed out.

Leng Wuxin suddenly hugged him from behind, his eyes flushed and distressed: "You don't need to hide from me, I understand that feeling."

"Hmm ..." Mo Tianshu finally spit out blood.

He didn't want to vomit blood in front of her, he didn't want to worry her, and he finally understood her feelings. Sure enough, switching to him would make the same decision.

Leng unconsciously turned to him and wiped the blood on the corner of his lips distressedly: "Do you know that even though I have no feelings now, my heart still hurts."

"I understand." Mo Tianshu hugged her and whispered in her ear. "The original I was the current you. The original you were the current me. I understand everything, just as you understand me."

Leng carelessly stroked his handsome face: "You want me."

Leng Wuxin kissed his lips with red eyes, but he didn't open his face.

"I can't." Mo Tianshu hugged her tightly and buried her face next to her neck. "Xin'er, I love you, I love you very much, I don't want to push you away, we are together like this, no matter what How long can we live, let's not hurt each other, and no one can escape? "

Leng Wuxin's eyes instantly slipped into a tear, and she nodded forcefully: "Yes."

She will not run away, she will always be with him, no matter how painful or difficult, she will never give up, she will stay with him forever.

Mo Tianshu laughed, and that bright smile was full of joy.


The **** far away in another space, when he received the letter from the second child, his expression became serious instantly.

"Who is this time again?" Mo Beichen seemed to have been surprised.

"It's the boss, he and Xin'er ... dyed affection." Baitan passed the letter to Mo Beichen.

Mo Beichen's complexion, which he did not care about, changed instantly.

"Who has been in love?" The two were talking, and the third and Bingyu went in.

"Your elder brother, he is with your sister." Baitan said helplessly.

In fact, Tianshu was very happy and happy to be with Xiner, but the problem now is that love is a very difficult thing to solve, not to mention that it is likely to harm the next generation. If her grandson and granddaughter are still She would be so distressed to bear such pain.

The third child is also frowning. He is not very clear about the feelings, but he has long heard that the feelings in the sister and her feelings are already very domineering. If it is emotional, it will be painful to die.

"Who is your sister?" Bing Yan asked curiously, looking at the third child.

The boss of their family is very handsome and cool. His sister is really blessed. If the sister is married to the boss, then the sister is their eldest sister. You must meet when you have the chance.

The third child glanced at her, "Is this the point?"

Bingyan blinked unknownly: "Why not the point?"

Is she curious about Auntie?

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