Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1481: Fanwai: Mo Tianshu VS Leng Wuxin (11)

"The point is affection." The third child glared at her again, why the woman kept wondering about the situation.

Bingyu also gave him a white look: "It's just love, just solve it."

"You have a solution?" Seeing her say so easily, the third child suddenly looked at her suddenly.

Bai Tan and Mo Beichen immediately looked at her nervously.

Bingyu blinked innocently: "I won't!"

In a word, all three disappointed in an instant.

"But my mother kisses me," Bingyu said suddenly again.

"Will mother-in-law know how to deal with love?"

"Is my mother-in-law okay?"

The eyes of the third child and Baitan light up again, and they asked in unison.

Mo Beichen also seemed to see hope.

Bing Yan thought for a while and thought, "She will untie her, but I won't know if it's true or not."

My mother has also solved many uncles, but it seems that she hasn't solved the relationship, I don't know if she will.

"I'm going to find my in-laws." Beaver immediately ran out with excitement.

This is the only dawn in the dark, she must seize it.

Bingyu also pulled the third child to follow.

Mo Beichen frowned, worried and looking forward.

It would be great if they could help the boss to resolve the relationship. If they couldn't, the boss and Xiner would have to suffer a lot.


The Royal Palace.

In the evening, Mo Tianshu sat coldly at the window watching the stars.

"The stars are so beautiful!"

Leng Wuxin looked at the stars and smiled.

It seems that she rarely has such a relaxing moment. She used to watch the stars in the snow mountains before, but the feeling of watching one person and two people together is still different.

"The stars are as beautiful as you are." Mo Tianshu, however, had no heart to look at the stars, and a heart was all on the beauty in her arms.

Leng Wuxin's face flushed and he looked at him: "How many women have you cheated with these words."

Mo Tianshu raised his eyebrows: "Besides the women at home, the only woman I have spoken to is you."

Lengwuxin had a sweet heart and leaned in to kiss him.

Under the beautiful night sky, the two kissed themselves forgotten, but some people didn't know it.

"Ah ..." In the air, Baiju looked at his son and apprentice jokingly, how he liked it.

It turned out that the boss had been careful with her for a long time, but she kept hiding it until now, and it made her worry in vain.

Good things were interrupted, Mo Tianshu raised his eyes dissatisfied, but after seeing Baiju, fell down the window instantly.

I thought they were the second child, but I didn't expect to be a mother.

Looking at Mo Tianshu who fell to the ground, Leng Wuxin was both worried and shy.

The **** flew down from the air and looked at his son playfully: "What's wrong, see me so guilty."

"Ah ..." Mo Tianshu coughed slightly and got up from the ground. "How come back so soon."

Beaver gave him a white look: "What's more, I played well with my in-laws, so I received the message from my second child, saying that you are in love, can I not come back?"

When Mo Tianshu's face changed, he frowned instantly.

It turned out that the second child had known it long ago, and had also informed his mother-in-law that the doctor must have talked a lot.

The doctor far away from the devil sneezed inexplicably, and then immediately thought of something and prayed.

Your Royal Highness, you must not blame the minister, and the minister must be compelled.

Leng Wuxin jumped out of the window, stood beside Mo Tianshu, and apologized to Beaver: "Master, it's all my fault, don't blame him."

The **** heard the words, and immediately took care carefully into his arms: "What's your fault, it must be the kid's fault, is this kid bullying you, you tell the master, the master help you kick him."

To be careful, Baitan always treats her like Xiaoqi, and they are a far cry from the boss.

Mo Tianshu looked at the **** with a black line. Who was born?

But seeing his mother like her so much, he didn't blame her at all, so he was relieved.

Leng Wuxin also embarrassedly looked at Mo Tianshu, then blushed and shook his head: "No, he didn't bully me."

Seeing Cautioner seemed to like his boy, Baitan was satisfied immediately.

"Let's go, let me see your feelings, what's going on." Baitan pulled one by one and dragged the two into the room.

She first gave Leng Wuxin the pulse, only to find that the love affair was cleared away, and she looked at her son with a joke.

The kid didn't see it. The pick-up method was better than his father's.

Mo Tianshu was blushed by his own mother: "You can't see it?"

"Look." Baitan gave him a playful look and pulled his hand to take his pulse.

After exploring, Baitan couldn't help but admire his son again: "You can, this sentiment has been transferred to you without a drop. You Yuezhang didn't have such skill as you did."

When I thought it was cold and easy to do it, it was counterproductive, not only did the emotions remain, but also caused the two to become emotional at the same time.

This time, the boy turned his love completely, and it seemed that he really liked him carefully.

In a word, they immediately blushed.

Mo Tianshu looked uneasily at Baiju: "Is there a way to solve it?"

"Before, it wasn't, but now, there really is a way." Baitan looked at the two with a joke.

Mo Tianshu and Leng Wuxin had no hope at all. At this moment, when she said this, they suddenly stared.

"Is there really a way? That's great." Leng Wuxin was most pleased, feeling like he finally saw a beam of light in the vast darkness.

Mo Tianshu is also happy. If he could be lifted, he would not have to be a monk, it would be perfect.

Seeing them so happy, Baitan raised her eyebrows: "Don't be happy too soon, the method is found for you, but the success is unsuccessful, can't the mother be guaranteed?"

Leng Wuxin smiled and looked at Baiju: "I believe in Master, and I believe that there is no way to be incomparable."

Mo Tianshu also smiled bitterly: "In fact, we have already prepared for the worst. It is good to be able to solve the problem successfully. If not, it should be tempered by God. No matter the result, we will live together forever. . "

Leng Wuxin looked at Mo Tianshu with a moved expression, holding hands tightly with him.

Feeling stuffed with dog food again, the **** was helpless and very relieved.

Anyway, the mentality of these two children is good. Even if their feelings are incomprehensible, they will not be the same as Leng Yihan and Murong Xuefei in the future. They are stronger and more brave than their parents. They believe in God. They will definitely pity them.

"Let's go and untie it." Baitan suddenly stood up.

Mo Tianshu was hesitant for a moment: "Now?"

Leng Wuxin frowned, "Nothing to prepare?"

"No, let the dead horse be the living horse doctor." Baitan said casually.

Mo Tianshu dropped a black line instantly.

Alas, he is a natural one, can't he be more professional?

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