Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1482: Fanwai: Mo Tianshu VS Leng Wuxin (Twelve)

"Don't you want to untie yourself? Where did you pull us?" Mo Tianshu was taken to the garden somehow.

It ’s too casual to untie him in the garden, is n’t he real?

As if knowing what he was thinking, Bai Tan gave him a glance: "Of course you are born, or else you think anyone else can give birth to your handsome son."

Mo Tianshu smiled bitterly: "Are you bragging about me or bragging about yourself?"

"Of course I'm bragging about myself, who wants to brag about you."

Mo Tianshu looked helpless, and laughed coldly.

Bai Tan pulled the two to the garden, where Mo Beichen and the second child were all there, and the third child and Bingyu also returned.

But in addition to them, there is a couple, a woman in white clothes, dark purple eyes, as beautiful as Haoyue in the sky, cold and arrogant, a man in black clothes, amber eyes, deliberately restrained, but still people shudder.

"Come and come, in-laws, in-laws, I'll introduce them to you." Baici looked at Mo Tianshu with a smile and coldness.

"These two are my oldest son and big daughter-in-law, Mo Tianshu and Leng Wuxin."

Hearing that loud gurgling, Leng Wuxin suddenly flushed.

"Tianshu, Xiner, these two are Bingyu's parents, the emperor of the Huang Dynasty Duanmu Xi, Xuan Yuanmo." Bai Tan introduced them more than the two.

"Uncle and aunt." The two immediately bowed and saluted.

In fact, they had already guessed when they saw someone. In fact, the three younger brothers and sisters looked very similar to them, especially their eyes, exactly like the man.

Duanmu Xi and Xuan Yuanmo also nodded at the two.

"My dear mother, your children are really the dragons and phoenixes of everyone." Duan Muxi looked at Mo Tianshu's looks, and she also understood why her daughter would look after others.

The face value of this family is really high, although the styles are different, the only thing that is the same is that they look good.

The **** smiled embarrassedly: "Look at what you said, as if the children in your family are bad."

This time she went to the Phoenix dynasty. She was very knowledgeable. Her three daughters-in-law's family was also very powerful. The parents would not say that. The appearance is the top of the continent. Their children inherited their advantages.

Coincidentally, they all have more children. They have seven in their family and six children in their in-laws' home, but they have more daughters than them, which is what she envied most.

The three daughters have three tempers, and they all look flattering.

"Keke ..." Bingyu coughed and laughed: "You guys, don't boast about each other anymore, let's just do business seriously."

Duanmu Xi glanced at her and smiled, "It's Tianshu's affection."

"Yes." Mo Tianshu bowed quickly.

Duanmuxi nodded and said, "Please start now."

"Let's find a quiet room," Baitan suggested.

She didn't know how she was going to relieve her uncle, but the son was born in the end, and the success rate in a quieter place must be higher.

"Okay." Duan Muxi was good as a runner.

Beaver took them to the alchemy room, the others stayed outside, only Beaver followed.

Duan Muxi looked at the various elixir and kiln in the alchemy room, and suddenly became interested: "My mother will also make alchemy."

The **** smiled: "It's not as good as your mother-in-law who is playing."

"You are too modest, you are already a **** order, maybe I can't compare to you." Duan Muxi looked at those elixir grades and knew that her alchemy level must not be low.

"Since my mother-in-law is also interested in alchemy, let's find a time to compare." Baitan suddenly became interested.

"Okay." Duan Muxi responded with a smile.

She hasn't had an opponent for a long time, just like a match.

"Let's get started." Duan Muxi looked at Mo Tianshu and asked him to sit cross-legged.

Duanmuxi took the crystal ball from the storage ring.

The **** suddenly became dumbfounded and spit out, "You are a witch?"

Duanmu Xi stunned and shook his head: "No?"

"Then why do you have a crystal ball?" Baitan looked at the crystal ball blankly. She was not mistaken. Isn't this the crystal ball used by the witch?

Beaver's eyes flickered, and she looked at her strangely, "Do you know this?"

"I know." The **** frowned, completely scratching his head. "Are you using this solution? Isn't the crystal ball used for divination?"

Duanmu Xi's eyes suddenly lighted, and he grabbed Baitan with excitement: "Are you from modern times?"

The **** remained, and for a long while he nodded and said, "Did you, too."

Duanmu Xi smiled and nodded: "Yes, but my situation is a bit complicated, I will tell you slowly later."

The **** smiled wryly: "It's a coincidence that my affairs are also very complicated, and I will say it slowly in the future."

"Take it easy, Tianshu can't wait any longer." Duanmuxi smiled.

Mo Tianshu couldn't wait, he couldn't understand, he was completely confused by the second monk.

"Do you really solve this problem?" Baitan could not believe it.

"Yes, I can solve anything with this crystal ball." Knowing that the two were fellows, Duan Muxi talked lightly.

In order to convince her, Duan Muxi quickly urged the crystal ball, and the crystal ball instantly gave off an ice-blue light.

Duan Muxi held the crystal ball high, and the ice-blue light soon enveloped Mo Tianshu's entire body.

Mo Tianshu's ability to invade the body constantly, Mo Tianshu suddenly felt the whole body pain.

It was as if something was stirring in his body, and in a moment, his body was sweating with pain.

"Shuer!" Baitan suddenly felt a pain in his heart, squatted down, and looked at Mo Tianshu nervously. "You will be better soon."

Mo Tianshu nodded in pain: "My mother, don't worry, I don't hurt."

Hearing that, the **** felt even more distressed.

Duanmuxi glanced at Mo Tianshu's pale face and frowned, "His feelings are very serious, so the process may be a bit long and painful, and patience will soon be better."

"Yes." Mo Tianshu gritted his teeth.

At this moment, he was very fortunate that he turned to him, and if such pain was in the heart, he would die heartache.

Outside, Leng Wuxi was so anxious that his heart suddenly pained unconsciously.

Leng Wuxin covered his heart for a moment, this is the feeling of Tianshu, even if she is not inside, she feels the same.

Seeing that her face was not good, Xiao Qi came over quickly: "Dasao, don't worry too much, your elder brother will be fine."

Bingyu also came over: "You have to believe my mother-in-law, she can help the elder brother."

Ming Youran also came to comfort him: "Brother's love will definitely be lifted. When he clears up, you will be married."

Nangong Nuoxian and Ling Xinger were neither good at talking, but they also came over, silently comforting Lengxin.

Feeling warm, smiled coldly: "Thank you."

These are her future family members, and this feeling is really good.

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