Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1484: Fanwai: Mo Tianshu VS Leng Wuxin (14)

The next day, when Mo Beichen and Xuanyuan Mo got up, Bai Tan and Duan Muxi had been chatting for a while.

"So coincident, you get up together." Beaver looked at the two and smiled.

"Exactly, we are discussing the marriage between Xiaoliu and Tianyi." Duanmu Xi also waved at them with a smile.

Mo Beichen and Xuan Yuanmo looked at each other. I don't know when they were so close?

"How do you say?" Mo Beichen came over to sit next to Baiju.

Xuan Yuanmo also sat beside Duanmu Xi.

The **** looked at them with a smile and said, "Since you are here, we might as well do it now, just with the boss. When you want to do it, we can go to your side at any time.

Duanmuxi laughed: "It was originally intended to be done on both sides, but now we just come here and don't have to run again."

The **** heard the words and looked at her jokingly: "Why, they are married, you will never come again?"

"How can I say that." Duanmuxi smiled helplessly, "I will come to disturb you whenever I have time."

"How can it be disturbing? I don't know how happy it is. I'm looking for a chance for the two of us to travel, just the two of us, without a child or a husband." Bai Tan suggested.

Duanmu Xi's eyes brightened: "Okay, I can't ask for it."

Seeing his wife being taken away, Xuanyuan Mo complained and glanced at Mo Beichen: Take care of your lady.

Mo Beichen shrugged helplessly: Sorry, he really doesn't have this ability.

Xuan Yuanmo is also helpless: then we can only travel alone.

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows: always be with you!

Bai Tan and Duan Muxi discuss the children's marriage, and Mo Beichen and Xuan Yuanmo are watching.

The marriage period was settled quickly, three days later.

In fact, the marriage between the third child and Bingyu was already prepared, so everything is complete. Now just add the boss and unintentional.

Of course, there are wedding invitations.

This time, the eldest and the third-born are married, and the **** invited everyone who could be invited. A happy ending will give everyone a chance to show up.

Three days later, the Holy City was full of people who came to observe the ceremony.

All the friends invited by the **** came from all over the mainland.

Not only, Lan Yuyu, Zhuo Qingyun, Xue Qingyu, Nangong Ying, Bai Ruyue, Nangong Huang, Bai Yihan, Qi Ziling, Bai Ruxuan, Murong Ye, Tang Zixin, Murong Ye, Murong Ye, Shu Yan, Qin Tian, ​​Murong Yu Ye, Qin Lang, Murong Yuqin, Liyang Bingwei, Zuo Yutao, Situ Yi, Bei Yiyang ... all were present, even Murongyu, Yun Shaoning, Murongyu and Yun Weihuan, who were on the trip, also rushed back .

People from the **** continent also came to the wedding. The Chu family, Mo family, and Leng family were also married, and the three families came to the wedding. Naturally, the blue family was also indispensable. Lan Ruoxi and Yu Wenbai also came here, Yu Fengling, Nanfeng Qi, Fan Lihua ... and so on.

Then there were the students of Fengshen College, Ran Yun, Qiao Yuxuan, Zhao Zihang ... Bai Yufeng's disciples, Zhou Jinyu, Yu Feili, Ke Jingyun ... Zi Xiafeng's disciples, Xue Yi, Xiang Liyang, Chang Mingze ... Of course, those stubborn, Bu Yangzi, Rui and his party, Elder Yuan, Elder Feng, Elder Tu, Elder Su, Elder Wu, Elder Ge ...

There are people who have been following the Beaver and Mo Beichen's Iron Blood Mercenary Regiment, the people of Xianhu Palace, of course, have now become the chief officials, Xie Kun, Huo Bin, Yu Zhongjin, Cao Yue, Shan Jiang, Xianhu Palace The four envoys, as well as the palace one to the palace nine ... and the heads of other mercenary regiments, Shi Ran, Nie Qing, Luo Hao ...

There are also purple repair dyes in the fairy realm, flower owls, jade fans ... White magpies in the demon world, Chu Yun, Bai Shi, Jun Yan ... Longyue in the demon world, Shougui, fat forest ... ...

Of course, there are two in-laws, Duan Muxi, Mo Beichen, Murong Xuefei, and Leng Yihan, who also came to her daughter's room early.

As soon as they came, they found the beaver, thanking Duanmu Xi for their relief.

The **** can understand the cold and cold feeling, but he still scolded him before taking them to Duanmu Xi.

"These two are my friends, Leng Yihan, Murong Xuefei, and Xin'er's parents. They said they would like to thank you for relieving Tianshu." Baici introduced them with a smile.

"These two are the third father-in-law, Xuan Yuanmo and Duan Muxi."

"Thank you very much, you are their nobles and our nobles." Leng Yihan bowed them very sincerely.

Duanmu Xi quickly retreated and said, "We are also a helper, let alone we are relatives, even strangers, we will do it."

"Thank you very much." Murong Xuefei also nodded at her.

Duan Muxi looked at her with a smile and said, "No wonder your daughter looks so beautiful, you look like her sister."

Murong Xuefei's face suddenly became red: "Where you are, too young."

In a few words, a few women talked and the atmosphere was quite harmonious, but they forgot that their daughter was getting married today.

After chatting for a while, Duanmu Xicai and Murong Xuefei went to their respective girls' rooms.

Because they got married in the palace, they also arranged rooms.

"Xiner!" In the room, Xi Po was opening face for Leng Wuxin.

"Mother-in-law!" Leng inadvertently waved Xi Po and happily welcomed him out.

Murong Xuefei touched her little face lovingly: "You have worked so hard for so many years."

Leng Wuxin gently held Murong Xuefei: "I'm fine, I'm not hard at all."

Murong Xuefei's eyes were red, and she touched the cold and careless long hair gently.

In fact, she was very guilty, but she didn't want her to live in such negative emotions, and never expressed it. Fortunately, God opened his eyes and finally ended their suffering.

"Come on, mother."

Murong Xuefei pulled to the dressing table with a cold heart. Although she didn't make up herself often, she took care of dressing her daughter.


Murong Xuefei looked at her daughter in the mirror, only she was the most beautiful in the world.

"Thank you mother!" Leng Wuxin grabbed Murong Xuefei's hand calmly.

"My mother believes you, she will be happy." Murong Xuefei smiled coldly in the mirror.

Duan Muxi here also gently brushed Duan Bingbing's long hair.

After so many years, even Xiao Wu got married, and time flies.

"Mother, don't you want to bear me?" Bing Yan looked at Duan Muxi with a bun and asked, shaking his hand.

Duanmuxi chuckled: "It's me, I'm getting married, I can't bear it."

Bingyu held Duanmuxi's hand with a smile and said, "I'm not really married, we will return to the Phoenix Dynasty in the future. Why are you reluctant? You should be glad that I have turned you around a capable son-in-law.

Duan Muxi was amused by her, and nodded her head and said, "After returning to the Phoenix Dynasty, I will not be allowed to enslave the God of Heaven, and I will do my own thing."

Bing Yan suddenly said unwillingly: "I do everything, so what else do I ask him for?"

Isn't she looking for a husband to throw the stall to him, can she be at ease?

Duanmuxi smiled helplessly: "Don't say this again in front of Tianyi, otherwise people will be mad at you."

Her bitter son-in-law will definitely regret it later.

Bingyu spat out her tongue cutely: "I see."

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