Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1485: Fanwai: Mo Tianshu VS Leng Wuxin (15)

After Keithley, it's the wedding.

The two new couples worshiped together. Gao Tang actually sat a lot of people. The grandfather, Bai Tingxuan and Chu Xiangjun, as well as Bai Ai, Chu Yun, and six parents, this series of people filled Gao Tang with a full seat.

"Who worships heaven and earth!"

The four worshiped together outside.

"Thank you Gaotang!"

The four turned around and bowed again.

"Couple worship!"

Two new couples bow down face to face!

"Li Cheng! Send to the cave!"

With that joyful voice, Leng Wuxin and Bingyu were picked up by the boss and the youngest, respectively, and went to the cave together.

Seeing this, the second child immediately followed.

Beavers smiled and finally got married, and they were considered to have completed the task.

They were all squeezed into Mo Tianshu's new house.

"Boss, have you forgotten something?" The second child looked at Mo Tianshu with amusement.

The fifth child also exclaimed excitedly: "You and your second child are looking for your daughter-in-law, but you lose, and those who lose will run naked."

The third child also laughed and joked: "I did not even enter the cave for your naked run. Don't let us down."

"I want to see, I want to see." Bingyan's eyes bubbling, it was very excited.

The third young man looked at her quietly, how did he feel that this was a pit for himself.

Leng Wuxin looked at Mo Tianshu with a flushed face.

Why is there such a game, I have never heard him say it before.

Leng Wuxin was worried, Mo Tianshu was not worried at all, and he glanced proudly at the second child: "If it is better than looking for a wife, I should not lose."

The second child suddenly turned black: "Of course you lose, it's better than looking for your daughter-in-law, but not for marrying your daughter-in-law."

Although he hasn't married his baby yet, he is earlier than him.

"Yes, yes, don't play tricks." Lao Liu followed suit.

Mo Tianshu smiled indifferently: "What I said was looking for, but I found my daughter-in-law at the age of four. When you were four, your daughter-in-law didn't know where it was, how did you compare with me?"

...... The second child was suddenly speechless.

"It's okay, the boss is still a cow!" The fourth child also raised his thumbs up at Mo Tianshu with admiration.

"What is it, boss, this is a trick, you know the sister at the age of four, that does not mean that the sister accepts you at the age of four. This is simply a trick." The first protest of the fifth.

The second child hurriedly said, "This doesn't count as this, it doesn't count. It must run naked."

Can't let him quibble, otherwise it's him who runs naked.

"Don't make fun of it, just ask my daughter-in-law and don't know." Mo Tianshu whispered Leng Wuxin, "I don't need to run naked, it's all up to you."

Leng Wuxin suddenly became ashamed and nervous.

Seeing Mo Tianshu pushing things to Lengwuxin, everyone cursed him shamelessly.

"No, Dasao, you look at the boss when you are four years old." Laowu looked at Mo Tianshu with a look of disdain, as if he couldn't understand why Leng Wuxin looked after him.

"You seduced Dasao at the age of four. Would you be so shameless?" Lao Liu also abandoned.

"Brother, you are so good or bad." Xiao Qi also laughed with joy.

"I didn't believe that Sister and Sister saw him at the age of four, and Sister Sister had never spoken to him at that time." The second child hurriedly refused to believe what Mo Tianshu said.

"Let Dasao say." Xiao Qi looked at Leng Wuxin indifferently. "When did Dasao like Big Brother?"

Everyone looked at Lengwu indifferently.

Leng Wuxin's face was flushed and somewhat helpless.

When did you like him? She never seemed to think about it.

In fact, when I was young, I just felt that I was accompanied, and then I gradually became more emotional.

When I fell in love, I'm afraid I broke my leg. He took care of her for a long time, and the relationship between the two also changed.

Seeing her shy and speechless, Mo Tianshu was also distressed: "Okay, I'll run naked."

In order not to let them embarrass his wife and children, Mo Tianshu also gave in.

Leng looked at him in surprise, didn't he? He really ran naked.

"Oh yeah!" Everyone cheered instantly.

"Hurry up!" Everyone followed.

In addition to Bingyu's thick cheeks, the other Mingyouran, Lingxinger, Nangong Nuoxian, and Baby Murong are all blushing, but they have no intention of leaving.

"Ah ..." Mo Tianshu raised his eyebrows and coughed softly. "I confessed to lose, so I can run naked, but I didn't specify where to run naked. I decided to run naked for a while in the cave."

"Ah, you cheat again!" The second child immediately shouted with dissatisfaction.

"Brother, you're too unkind, you are running naked in the cave, who can see this." Xiao Qi murmured dissatisfied.

Mo Tianshu gave her a glance at her: "Who said that I want to show you, you are not afraid that Zi Xiuran will catch you back."

A mention of purple repair, Xiao Qi suddenly did not dare to speak.

Well, if he let him know she came to see her elder brother running naked, she would be miserable.

"Your way is also out of your imagination, and you are not afraid to scare Dasao." Even the fourth child looked disgusted.

Leng Wuxin blushed even more. That scene couldn't be imagined at all.

Looking at the shy little look of his wife-in-law, Mo Tianshu felt itchy immediately.

"Okay, okay, it's enough, just go back, don't get in my way."

Mo Tianshu immediately rushed people out, drove the people out of the troubled room, and then "slammed" and closed the door.

Looking at the coquettish little daughter-in-law, Mo Tianshu's heart warmed up and hugged her, then went to bed.

No matter how willing they are to leave, the second child is all at the door, at the window.

"Wow, the boss is a beast, so I'm going to make a hole soon."

"It's true, let me have a look."

"Don't squeeze!"


In the room, Mo Tianshu, who was going to make a hole in the house, looked at the outside with a black line: "Whoever wants to see my little daughter-in-law, I'm always welcome. As for the thick masters, don't lie in the window.


Outside, Bingyu first raised his hand and squeezed the youngest man on the windowsill.

The third old man suddenly lowered his face, and his blue muscles were extruded.

For the night of Mao's cave, I want to see other men here.

The third child angrily picked up the moraine and left.

"Wait a minute, I haven't seen it yet!" Bingyu's dissatisfied protest grew farther and farther.

"Little Seven!"

As soon as the third child left, Zi Xiuran came to the courtyard door and shouted Xiao Qi.

"I didn't see anything, I swear!"

Hearing Zi Xiuran's shout, Xiao Qi immediately turned around and raised **** with a guilty conscience.

The seductive look immediately drew ruthless ridicule from my brothers.

"Come here." Zi Xiuran was gentle.

"Here it is." Xiao Qi ran over, pulling Zi Xiuran away.

After the end, her glorious image must be gone in the hearts of her brothers.

The third and seventh children left, and the fourth, fifth and sixth children took their wives away.

But you can't let them look at others. If you want to see them, go back and see yourself.

Soon Murong baby was lying on the side by the window.

The second child glanced at the baby quietly: Can you grow up quickly?

All of them can go back and hold the daughter-in-law, so he can only hold a doll.

Baby Murong looked at him innocently: I worked hard.

The second child directly picked up Murong baby and left.

After they were sure they were gone, Mo Tianshu was proud.

He knew it would work.

Looking back, he saw Leng Wuxin looking at him insincerely, and Mo Tianshu suddenly felt guilty.

"You want to show someone else's woman?" Leng Wuxin said, grabbing Mo Tianshu's ear.

"No, didn't I lie to them? I promise not to show anyone but you."

Mo Tianshu kissed her cold heartless lips while guaranteeing.

The night is boundless and the years are quiet.

End of the full text

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