Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1486: Wedge Revenge

Pangu Kaitian, son-in-law made man.

Nine peoples coexist in the land where Kyushu lives, but there are constant disputes.

The gods and deities are respected, ranking above the ninefold; the fairy feathers are second, and the sixth is heaven; the spirits are once again, the third is heaven; the two demon races, living together in the vast land of the vast land of Shenzhou; Realm.

On the Triple Sky at that time, there was already a scuffle, **** killing everywhere, and the ultimate catastrophe of the spirit race was staged here.

The screams screamed one after another, ringing through the whole world, and countless spirits and creatures ushered in their destruction at this moment.

On the stage of the immortal soul, on the stage of the immortal spirit extermination, a clear young girl was holding a blood-stained beautiful woman with red eyes.

The woman stretched out her **** hand and dragged the girl's sleeves tightly, "Little Seven, you must ... live anyway, find you ... six sisters, revenge for my whole family ... "

The woman opened her hateful eyes and loosened the girl's sleeve.

"Mother ..."

The girl sadly carried the woman into her arms, and her flushed eyes seemed to be dripping with blood, but she could not tear.

A man in an iron armored shirt suddenly arrived. The man looked blankly at the sorrowful girl, with pale eyes with a little confusion, as if he could not understand the sorrow of the maiden.

The girl raised her eyes squintingly. When she saw the man, Qing Ling's eyes were complicated.

"Is this what you want to see?"

The girl's sad and angry voice made the man frown slightly.

"Why destroy my entire family?"

The girl shouted hysterically, and the complex moment in her eyes became a monstrous hatred.

Gu Jing's eyes flickered, and the man finally frowned and answered, "Lingquan."

What that man wants is Lingquan.

"Lingquan?" The girl turned pale and suddenly sneered, "For this, I will destroy my entire family."

The girl laughed more and more loudly when she thought of the scene where her people fell in front of her one by one.

He frowned and looked at her crazy, his chest tingling.

Suddenly, she stopped the desperate laughter and narrowed her eyes in resentment, "The sky-high killings all arise from it. What use do I want it to have?"

With his slender fingers, he cut his fingers into his eyes fiercely, and Yin Hong, as bright as a red plum, slipped down instantly.

The man was terrified, and finally a look of panic appeared on his expressionless face.

"Don't you want Lingquan?" She dug down her eyes severely, and threw those two eyes on the man as proudly as the queen, "Take it!"

The eyes that could not tear, finally released a line of blood and tears at this moment.

The man shook his hands and held the pair of eyes, but did not dare to lift it.

He didn't know, that Lingquan was her eyes.

The girl turned to the man with blood and tears, and said proudly, "Charm, I gave you what you asked for, and when I gave you back my feelings."

She finally owed him no more!

The man's heart trembled fiercely for the first time.

She coldly "looked" at him, saying coldly, "From now on, you and I have no mercy. The hatred of the genocide is not shared, and my spirit tribe will be incompatible with your Meizu in the future. world……"

After finishing the last word, the girl who fluttered like a duckweed jumped down to the death hall.

"Don't ..." The man immediately jumped down.

Under the Extermination Stage, there are rebirth gates, resurrected soul gates, and mysterious Kunlun mirrors.

Legend has it that a terrible creature is sealed in the Kunlun mirror, and all creatures close to the Kunlun mirror will eventually become extremely evil, and she chose this Kunlun mirror.

The man desperately flew towards the girl, and finally had no time to grab her hand, but he did not let go, and fell into the Kunlun mirror with her.

A drop of blood and tears fell into the Kunlun mirror, and the girl was completely unconscious.

The man shook his hands and hugged the young girl who was not breathing, but he was sorely throbbing where he had no heart.

He waved the swarming resentment spirits, and reinserted those lost spirits into her empty eyes, he trembled and gently stroked her broken eyes, and the red eyes finally dropped his first tear in the body. .

Suddenly, the mountain shook, and everything in Kunlun's mirror spun madly.

The dazzling golden light seemed to fly from the sky, and when everyone was too late to respond, he shot into the girl's body.

For a moment, the battle of light illuminated the dark Kunlun Mirror like the light of a Buddha.

The man stared at his eyes stupidly, and looked at the little eyes of the girl who started to repair with surprise.

"Feng Tianyin, Feng Tianyin actually acknowledged the Lord." The evil spirits all stared at the golden light in the girl's body.

Feng Tian Yin?

Man frowns, the legendary seal that can seal all malicious?

A powerful coercion struck, and the evil spirit screamed in horror, "The ancestor is here, the ancestor is here ..."

Feeling the mighty coercion, the man's eyes narrowed and he flew out holding the girl.

The two rushed out of the Kunlun Mirror, and the girl's body floated into the air due to the role of Feng Tianyin.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The original calm Kunlun mirror suddenly began to shake, and even the whole Destruction Platform began to shake.

"Ha ha ha ha, I slammed Lao Tzu. Without this seal, how can a Kunlun mirror hold me down ..."

At this time, the emperor and deities in the nineth heaven opened their eyes at the same time, and the immortal and the emperor in the sixth heaven also felt something. In just a moment, the four rushed to the Kunlun mirror together.

Yu Huang looked at the young girl who was floating in the air, exuding golden light, and her heart trembled.

Isn't this girl Xiaoqi from Lao Ling's family? The girl in his family was chanting every day for six days.

Xianjun looked at the dazzling golden light, and said inconceivably, "It is the seal of the heavens that acknowledges the Lord."

The emperor and the demon changed their faces at the same time. The two shot together, and one white and one black aurora shot at the girl instantly.

Yu Huang frowned frantically. "Now the girl who removed Feng Tianyin will die out."

Mozun said expressionlessly, "Without a seal, there will never be only this girl who will die."

The emperor also frowned and looked at Yu Huang. "Now is not the time to act with righteousness. Hurry up and help."

Yuhuang frowned enthusiastically, and she was about to shoot, but she heard a loud noise.

"Not good, Kunlun Mirror is cracked." Xian Jun was shocked and quickly shot to strengthen the Kunlun Mirror.

God Emperor, Mozun, and Yu Huang couldn't care less about the girls, and they shifted their positions to help strengthen Kunlun Mirror.

Just then, the man rushed out and took the girl.

The God Emperor frowned, waving a white light.

"Booming" white light hit the man, and the man's body became transparent instantly, but he did not stop, like crazy, holding the girl and jumping into the reincarnation cycle next door.

Xianjun's face changed greatly. "He entered the reincarnation."

The emperor sank his face and hurried to chase.

Yu Huang's eyes flashed, "Don't worry, it's important to strengthen the Kunlun mirror."

Xu Shi felt the departure of Feng Tianyin, and the Kunlun Mirror shook even more frantically.

That powerful force struck, and the four had to raise mana.

In reincarnation, men had no time to draw a spell on the girl's chest, and they lost consciousness.

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