Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1487: Reincarnation

The vast land of China is boundless.

In the vast land of Kyushu, although the co-existence of the demon and the demon is the main way of the human race, the demon people are biased and practice in many hidden worlds.

Natural human races also have practitioners. As the practice of cultivating immortals is known to more and more people, the number of those who ask for meditation also increases.

Over time, several major cults of Xiuxian have formed in this Kyushu mainland, with Yuqingmen as the head.

The mountain behind Yuqing Gate.

The lush mountains and forests are full of auras like sheer gauze, flowing water, flowers and birds, like fairyland.

In the hazy mist, a cricket figure was waving his sword smartly.

The wind is blowing in the forest, the leaves are flying, the shadows are hazy, looming, not as beautiful as mortals.

Suddenly, the beauty stared at her, and she flew up to the big tree next to her with her toes. Her slender white jade fingers gently lifted a little chick who almost lost her foot. She nodded her head with amusement. "Naughty again, don't **** Lesson, see if I can save you next time. "

The little bird seemed to be able to understand Long Xiaoqi's words, holding his head and tapping the pale jade finger.

"It's useless to sell well." Long Xiaoqi ignored the chick and please put it back into the bird's nest, then flew down from the tree.

Looking at the sky, Long Xiaoqi put the clothes washed by the stream into a tub and went down the mountain.

When passing by a group of flowers and plants stepped on, Long Xiao frowned frantically, put down the tub, took out a small jade bottle, dripped a drop of nectar, and the stung flowers and plants instantly raised their heads again.

Long Xiaoqi smiled and dialed the yellow petals. "Be careful next time."

The yellow petals trembled slightly, as if nodding.

"Little Master ..."

The disciples shouted from the distance, Long Xiaoqi picked up the tub and stood up, "I'm here."

"Uncle Xiao, you can make me easy to find." Seeing Long Xiaoqi, the disciple immediately ran to this side.

"What's the matter?" Long Xiaoqi frowned toward the disciple.

"The ancestor asked you to go back." When talking about "the ancestor", the disciple was full of respect and awe.

"I see." Long Xiao nodded and hurried down the mountain.

At this time, the disciples of Yuqingmen were all in the morning class, and everyone saw Long Xiaoqi saluting, "Little Master."

Long Xiaoqi quite waved his master's hand.

Someone in the crowd looked at the tub in Long Xiaoqi's hand and said, "Uncle Xiao, let me dry your clothes."

Long Xiaoqi gave the disciple a distasteful glance, "Where to stay cool, when do I want you to dry your clothes?"

A disciple of her generation like Yuqingmen does not need to do laundry by herself, but she likes to do it by herself.

Everyone was making fun of that disciple, and Long Xiaoqi didn't make trouble with them either. He took his clothes back to his yard and dried it, and hurried to the yard of Yuqian Longqianshan.

In the room, Long Qianshan was drinking tea, waiting for Long Xiaoqi.

"What's the matter with me?" Long Xiaoqi entered the room and sat across from Long Qianshan with a grin, and took up the teapot and poured himself a cup of tea.

Long Qianshan glared at Long Xiaoqi, "Nothing."

"What the **** is it?" Long Xiaoqi wasn't afraid, took a sip of tea, and stared at Long Qianshan Road brightly. "Don't you let me go down the mountain to train like Brother Six?"

"Want to go down?" Long Qianshan glanced at Long Xiaoqi.

Long Xiaoqi said with a smile, "I don't think so, mainly because I can't bear Master."

There was a smile in Long Qianshan's eyes, and she deliberately followed her words, "Just as a teacher, I'm afraid you will go down the mountain to make trouble, then let this other person go."

Long Qianshan said, and took the portrait on the table.

"Don't." Long Xiaoqi's eyes quickly grabbed the picture and opened it, and a stunning man appeared in front of her.

The man in the portrait wears a jade crown and is dressed in purple, sitting under the peach tree with his eyes slightly closed, as if asleep.

The man is so handsome, even with his eyes closed, he can feel his cold and arrogant temperament.

Long Xiaoqi blinked blankly, "Who is this? He looks like a dog."

Long Qianshan: "This person is for the purpose of sending you down the mountain for the teacher."

Long Xiaoqi finally understood and nodded, "You want me to go find him, are you hostile to him?"

Long Xiaoqi said, with another annoyed face, "Kill, I haven't practiced this."

Long Qianshan glanced at Xiaolong Qi coolly, "Who asked you to kill someone, I let you protect him."

Long Xiaoqi looked stunned, "I was asked to be a bodyguard."

Qing Ling's eyes rolled around, Long Xiaoqi looked at Long Qianshan with a gossip, "What is this man and you about? Is it your illegitimate child?"

Long Xiaoqi said, taking the portrait and placing it next to Long Qianshan's face. Did Master look so beautiful when he was young?

Long Qianshan was instantly black, raised his hand and knocked on Long Xiaoqi's head, "What's the blind thought!"

Long Xiaoqi hugged his head in pain, and narrowed his mouth.

Isn't it right? What kind of action?

"This person is a song from You Qin Tai Wo Jiu Ji. A friend who had been a teacher came to ask for it. It was not easy for the teacher to shirk, so you were allowed to go and protect him for a year.

"One year!" Long Xiao glared with a sting, and his head didn't hurt anymore. He immediately sat upright.

"You don't want to?" Long Qianshan said deliberately.

Long Xiaoqi chuckled his mouth with a smile. "How is it? Master's order is to let Xiaoqi stay for ten years, and Xiaoqi has no complaints."

Long Xiaoqi's expression of "I'll just scratch my head in one word" made Long Qianshan angry and funny.

He received a total of seven disciples in his life. The first six disciples did not say how advanced Xiuwei was, but they were able to stand on their own. Only the old Qixiu was flat, which made him really uneasy.

It's not that she is stupid. On the contrary, she is smarter than anyone else, that is, she doesn't focus on cultivation, fiddles with the flowers and flowers, and treats the flowers, birds, fish, and insects more important than life.

Long Qianshan sighed and handed a letter to Long Xiaoqi, "This is his temporary residence. You should go to him according to the address written on this letter. He is in trouble now, you should go as soon as possible."

"Then I'll go now." Long Xiaoqi took the letter, picked up the portrait on the table, and "ran out" ran out.

Long Qianshan looked at Long Xiaoqi's cheerful back and shouted, "Remember not to cause trouble."

"I know." Long Xiaoqi's head would not lift up the portrait in Yang's hand.

Long Xiaoqi went back to the yard and put all the things that she usually used, as well as her little pets, into the storage bag before going out.

At the entrance of Yuqing Gate, the disciples reluctantly sent Long Xiaoqi to the foot of the mountain.

"Uncle Xiao, you have to go downhill to practice."

"Yes, you have to cultivate well. If you dare to cause trouble, see how I can clean up after you come back." Long Xiaoqi raised the sword in Yang's hand.

The disciples immediately glanced obediently, and when it came to trouble, who could be compared to the uncle.

Long Qianshan's second disciple Qin Yuming and third disciple Mu Yuzhen both looked at Long Xiaoqi with anxiety. "Be careful, Xiaoshi."

"Relax, Brother 2 and Brother 3, I will bring you a gift when I return."

Long Xiaoqi happily waved at the crowd, and then he jumped down the mountain one step at a time.

There is no need to return to Yuqingmen for one year. Is there anything happier than this?

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