Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1488: Hunting Lost

Yongan City, located ten miles north of Yuqingmen, is a small town in the northwest of Nanxu State.

The most beautiful April day on earth, the willows are flying and blooming.

In a small courtyard on West Street, a slender figure stood in front of the window, staring at the blue sky outside the window.

For a long time, the man lowered his eyes.

"Gather up."

The low voice is as light as a spring breeze, just like a feather floating on the heart.

Ling Di frowned, "His Royal Highness is leaving now? But Mr. Xue is not looking for anyone yet."

Gong Jiuge seemed to have not heard Ling Ling's words, and walked out with his feet raised.

Ling Ling looked anxiously at the back of Gong Jiuge, His Royal Highness is now out of the city, what if the people haven't left yet?

On the one side, Jade Crane saw Jiu Ge from the palace, and immediately pushed the dazed Ling Ling, "I'm not ready to pack things yet, and I want to wait for your Highness."

The man did too, and even made His Royal Highness wait for three days before he came. His Highness usually hated unpunctual people for the past three days.

"I know that Your Highness is going to leave at any time, and I will pack my things early."

Lingbi ran into the room and picked up the baggage prepared in the morning, and chased out with Yuhe.

When the two arrived at the door, Gong Jiuge was on the carriage.

Lingji said nothing, so he sat in the car with his baggage.

"His Royal Highness, you are seated." Ling Zhu raised his whip, and the carriage drove out unhurriedly.

Yu He also immediately turned over a dark horse and caught up.

The three men drove out of Yong'an City and headed north all the way to the direction of You Qin.

After a short while, the three reached a wood, and at this time the sky gradually darkened.

Ling Yan raised his eyes and glanced at the dark clouds covering the sun, and frowned, "His Royal Highness, it seems to be raining."

"Find a place to shelter from the rain first."

A soft voice came from inside the car, Ling Ling immediately responded, looked up at Yuhe Road in front, "It's going to rain, go ahead and explore the road, find a place to shelter from rain."

"Got it."

Yu He replied, he was about to hit the horse forward, but he heard a change in the forest.

With a glance at Yu He's eyes, he immediately pulled out his sabre around his waist, and tilted his head to the spirit behind him, "Take His Highness first."

Ling Ling also noticed the change in the forest at this moment, and immediately nodded and lowered the whip vigorously, and the carriage flew in the other direction instantly.

In just a few breaths, dozens of people in black came out of the originally quiet woods.

The men in black didn't say a word, so they chased after the chariots.

Seeing this, Yu He immediately flew in the direction in which the carriage escaped, and fought against the man in black.

Yuhe's martial arts are good, but his two fists are hard to get his hands around, and still more than half of the men in black chased the carriage.

Hearing the movement in the back, Lingbi lifted the curtain. "His Royal Highness they are coming after you, you go on horseback."

Gong Jiuge looked out of the window expressionlessly, there was no wave in the pale gray eyes.

Ling Ling waited for Gong Jiuge to speak, and hurriedly helped him to get on the horse.

Ling Ling cut the rope and looked at Gong Jiu Ge Road, "His Royal Highness, come to Zhou Youcheng in front."

Ling Ling finished speaking, and took a knife and pierced the horse's ass.

The horse was sore, hissing, and rushed out.

The men in black rushed, Ling Ling struggled with them without a word.

A few men in black were entangled by the lingering, and the remaining ones immediately chased after the horses who had left the dust.

Ling Ling waved the sword of the man in black, and looked anxiously at the direction in which the palace nine songs disappeared.

The horse ran so fast that Her Royal Highness should not be caught up.

The thunderous sky thundered before it finally rained.

A crackling piece fell on the leaves in the forest, making a ticking sound.

In the woods, what are some black men looking for?

"The black guardian, the horse is here." Suddenly a shout made all the men in black gather in the past.

"What about people?" Hei Hufa frowned frowning at the leisurely grazing horse.

The man shook his head. "People didn't see it, presumably they ran away."

Heihuo looked up at the deep woods and squinted his eyes. "It rains and slips, he won't fight, he won't run far, everyone chases me."

With a big wave of the black guardian, the men in black ran towards the deep woods.

When they walked away, a man drifted into the air.

Gong Jiuge frowned and looked in the direction of the man in black, then turned and went in the opposite direction.

At the same time, Long Xiaoqi was holding a sheepskin map around the woods.

Sadly, she was lost.

This is not the point, the point is that she doesn't know where she is now?

She couldn't remember herself wandering in the forest for a few days, was it two or three days? She remembered that Master had told her to go to that prince earlier, and did not know if the man was still waiting for her.

Long Xiaoqi lost the map and lay sadly on the ground.

God, this is to take her!

Forget it, let it be, she didn't want to struggle anymore.

Suddenly there was a sound of grass, and Long Xiaoqi sat up from the ground with a stun.

The grey rabbit in the grass stared at the big grey eyes and looked at Long Xiaoqi stingily.

Seeing it was a gray rabbit, Long Xiaoqi smiled and reached out his hand, "Come here."

The gray rabbit stared in shock, as if surprised that she could understand her words.

Hesitating for a while, the grey rabbit ran over.

"Where are you going?" Long Xiaoqi stooped and hugged the gray rabbit in his arms.

Gray rabbit opened his mouth and squeaked.

Long Xiaoqi's eyes brightened, and his eyebrows raised, "I just want to find a place to hide from the rain, you take me there."

The grey rabbit nodded, then jumped from Long Xiaoqi's arms and ran outside the woods.

Long Xiaoqi was so happy in his heart that he immediately picked up the map on the ground and kept up.

It seems God doesn't want to accept her yet, so he sent a bunny to rescue her.

With the gray rabbit's guidance, Long Xiaoqi soon out of the woods.

Looking at the wide world, Long Xiaoqi breathed a long breath.

Finally came out, half of his life was gone.

The Gray Rabbit did not stop, and Long Xiaoqi continued to run forward with the Gray Rabbit.

Soon, one person and one rabbit entered a ruined temple.

"Thank you." Finally, with a tile covering his head, Long Xiaoqi touched the gray rabbit gratefully.

The grey rabbit raised his head and sprinkled the rain on his body.

Long Xiaoqi glanced at his wet clothes and raised an eyebrow. "You wait, I'll make a fire."

Soon, Long Xiaoqi picked up the dead wood in the ruined temple and set off a fire.

The grey rabbit was also dexterous. When he saw the fire of Long Xiaoqi, he immediately lay on the side of the fire and grilled it.

Long Xiaoqi looked at the careless appearance of the gray rabbit, and felt the wet clothes on his body uncomfortable.

I looked up at the dark area outside the house, so late, no one should come to this remote ruined temple.

Finding a broken board to block the door, Long Xiaoqi took off his wet clothes and hung it on a tree branch that was set up.

Long Xiaoqi was wearing a moon-white bellyband, holding a gray rabbit, sitting by the fire, deliberately roasting on fire.

When Long Xiaoqi and Little Gray Rabbit were talking about their lives, the broken door was suddenly "popped" and pushed away.

Both inside and outside the door were dumb for a moment.

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