Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1489: I gave the person to be protected

Gong Jiuge gazed at Qionglong Xiaoqi, who only wore a bellyband. He never expected that there was a woman who was not wearing clothes in this ruined temple.

Gorgeous fire was reflected on that fair and delicate skin, and there was a different kind of warm beauty, which made Gong Jiuge unconsciously pay more attention.

Long Xiaoqi also stared at Gong Jiuge dumbly. She didn't expect that it would be deeper in the middle of the night, and someone would come to this ruined temple.

Seeing Gong Jiuge staring at her, Long Xiaoqi finally came back to her, immediately holding the grey rabbit against her chest.

"Hey, dare to look at it again, I'll poke your eyes." Long Xiaoqi roared fiercely, and hurriedly dragged the wet clothes on the branches to cover his body.

I had known that someone would come, she would not take off her clothes, her life was innocent, and it was so ruined.

Gong Jiuge hadn't looked at Long Xiaoqi's chest before, but her nervous movement reminded him that the gray eyes moved involuntarily to the ridge of Weilong.

"You still see." Seeing Gong Jiu Ge looked at her chest, Long Xiaoqi immediately turned back with shame and annoyance, and hurriedly put on wet clothes.

Looking at the back of Long Xiaoqi, Gong Jiuge felt inexplicably dry, and for the first time, he opened a mouth to a stranger: "There is nothing beautiful."

The nice soft voice was like a feather, gently floating on Long Xiaoqi's heart, but it instantly exploded her.

Damn, the sound is so nice, but the mouth is so bad.

Long Xiao turned round, staring angrily at Gong Jiu Ge.

What's so nice about her? She's pretty good, right?

Seeing that Long Xiaoqi turned around again, Gong Jiuge stunned first, then subconsciously glanced at her chest, and then looked away casually.

Gong Jiuge's stunning face had no expression, but her ears turned red.

"This is not what I want to see."

The feather-like sound floated again, and Long Xiaoqi was vomiting blood in an instant.

"You ... It's abominable." Long Xiaoqi stunned and moved to the front of Gong Jiuge, and punched him fiercely.

Damn, let him get cheap and sell well, let him blind look, today she blinded his eyes, and dare not look at him.

Where Gong Jiuge suffered these things, he took a step back in pain.

But Long Xiaoqi was on his head, and where one punch can suffocate, one after another fists hit Gong Jiuge's face like raindrops.

Who is her dragon Xiaoqi, but that is the little overlord of Yuqingmen, which has never been so birdish.

Gong Jiu Ge has never met such a savage woman, but just glanced at her, I do n’t know how many women in the palace want him to see it.

Another two fists flew, Gong Jiuge crooked, fell to the ground, and saw the looming moon-and-white bellyband again, and her handsome face was red again.

Damn woman, can't you get dressed and fight again?

Long Xiaoqi opened his fist while raising his fist, but stopped momentarily when he saw the jade pendant around Gong Jiuge's waist.

This jade is so familiar. Where has she seen it?

Long Xiaoqi tilted his head for a long time before finally remembering it.

By the way, it's a portrait. She seemed to have seen the same jade on the portrait Master gave him.

Long Xiaoqi immediately crouched down and rummaged in the storage bag.

Gong Jiuge frowned as he watched Long Xiaoqi's inexplicable movement.

What's crazy about this woman?

Long Xiaoqi opened the portrait, looked at the exact jade pendant on the waist of the man in the portrait, and widened his eyes narrowly.

Is this man ...

It wouldn't be so coincident, she went down to be a bodyguard, and gave the person to be protected.

Long Xiaoqi's face became ugly, and he moved the portrait to Gong Jiuge's face uncontrollably.

Looking at the oblique flying eyebrow on the portrait, and then looking at Gong Jiuge's eyebrows that had been flung by her, Long Xiaoqi shook his head.

The eyebrows are not very similar.

Looking down, the eyes in the portrait are closed, and then look at the pair of panda eyes of Gong Jiuge, Long Xiaoqi frowned in difficulty.

Can't see it.

Further down, the nose of the portrait was tall, and looking at Gong Jiuge's flattened nose, Long Xiaoqi blinked.

The nose doesn't seem to look much.

Going down, the pink thin lips on the portrait are very sexy, and then look at the corner of Gong Jiuge's mouth that has been tarnished by her.

This mouth ...

Long Xiaoqi scowled at the portrait, biting his fingers in an awkward face.

Alas, now this is beyond recognition, with the portrait, you can't see much.

Long Xiaoqi crooked his head and tried hard to recall what Gong Jiuge was like before he was beaten.

Seeing Long Xiaoqi's thoughtful look, Gongjiu looked at her suspiciously, and looked curiously at the portrait in her hand.

Looking at the portrait clearly, Gong Jiuge grabbed it.

Long Xiaoqi returned to God, subconsciously punched another fist to Gongjiuge.

"Boom" for a moment, Gong Jiuge fell to the ground and shed two nosebleeds.

Long Xiaoqi is about to grab the portrait, but Gong Jiuge is holding on to it. "How do you have my portrait?"

"You are really Gong Jiuge?" Long Xiaoqi stiffened, his eyes narrowed.

"You are from Yuqingmen." Gong Jiuge suddenly thought of something, light gray eyes stared at Long Xiaoqi coldly.

Long Xiaoqi was a little guilty by Gong Jiuge. Is he really the Prince Qin?

Knowing this, wouldn't she be so heavy just now?

He won't come to Master's complaint, it would be bad if Master asked her to return to Yuqingmen.

"Ha ha." Long Xiao Qi Chao Palace Jiu Ge sneered, "It's a misunderstanding. My name is Long Xiao Qi, your bodyguard."

Long Xiaoqi pulled Gong Jiuge off the ground, picked up two straws, rubbed them into a ball, and stuffed them into his nose.

Gong Jiuge was instantly black-faced, with a distasteful look at the straw in his nose.

"You abominable woman ..." Gong Jiuge stared at Long Xiaoqi with a hate, anxious to pinch her.

... Long Xiaoqi blinked innocently. What abominable is she? Didn't she want to help him stop bleeding?

Gong Jiuge found a clean place to sit down, took out the papa and wiped the blood under his nose.

Looking at Gong Jiuge's unrecognizable face, Long Xiaoqi swallowed his mouth with guilty conscience, "That, you rest assured, I just didn't take it seriously, your face should be fine tomorrow."

Tomorrow, yes, okay!

Gong Jiuge gave a cold glance at Long Xiaoqi with a guilty conscience, snorted coldly.

Seeing that Gong Jiuge ignored her, Long Xiaoqi shrugged.

She's a stingy man, and she didn't mean to stab him, who asked him to peek at her.

One stood, one sat, and one time, neither of them spoke.

Suddenly, there was a change outside the room, Long Xiaoqi glanced at him, "Someone is here."

Many people came, and all of them were martial arts.

Gong Jiuge's blood swabbing motion paused, and there was a gleam of light in the gray eyes.

Long Xiaoqi Yan looked at Gong Jiuge, "These people will not come to you."

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