Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1490: Kateke herself

Gong Jiuge looked at Long Xiaoqi blankly and said nothing.

Long Xiaoqi blinked. She seemed to remember that Master said he was in trouble now, so these people should have come to him.

This is a good opportunity to make up for it.

"You can rest assured that I will protect you with me." Long Xiaoqi vowed to slap his chest in the palace.

Looking at Long Xiaoqi's movements, Gong Jiuge's ears could not help turning red again.

"Get your clothes first."

A fluttering voice came, Long Xiaoqi glanced blankly at the messy placket on his chest, turned around with a flushed face, and tidy up his clothes.

"I already thought of a way." Long Xiaoqi thought of something, his eyes turned brightly.

Gong Jiuge looked up, and before he could say anything, Long Xiao lived at the acupuncture point at seven.

Gong Jiuge's face darkened instantly, staring at Long Xiaoqi coldly.

Long Xiaoqi was inexplicably guilty by Gong Jiuge.

"They will be here soon. You don't have to do anything for a while, as long as you cooperate with me." Long Xiaoqi lay down Gong Jiu Ge directly, let him lie flat on the ground, and then began to chop his clothes.

Gong Jiuge stared at Long Xiaoqi's hand and couldn't wait to cut it off.

Long Xiaoqi lowered his eyes and did not dare to look at Gong Jiuge's eyes.

Why look at her like that? Makes her like a **** girl, isn't she to help him?

Gong Jiu Ge's coat was thrown into a storage bag, and Long Xiaoqi started tearing Gong Jiu Ge's coat again.

Watching the actions of Long Xiaoqi, Gong Jiuge's forehead suddenly burst into blue veins.

Long Xiaoqi tore his shirt and trousers torn, and took off his shoes and socks before finally stopping.

When Gong Jiuge thought his disaster was over, Long Xiaoqi didn't know where to get a black ant.

Gong Jiuge stared blankly, looking at the black ants in Long Xiaoqi's hand with a disgusted look.

Damn woman, it's best not to put this thing on him, otherwise he won't let her go even if he is a ghost.

Unfortunately, Long Xiaoqi did not hear his voice.

"Good, help bite some red spots." Long Xiaoqi touched the black ant's head and put the black ant on Gong Jiuge's face.

For a moment, Gong Jiuge's body stiffened, and his gray eyes looked in horror at the black ants crawling on his face. His goosebumps were all over his body, and his stomach turned like a river.

The black ant was very dedicated, not only biting many red spots on Gong Jiuge's face, but also biting red spots on his neck, arms, body, and even his calves.

Gong Jiuge's body became more and more tight, and the blue tendons in his forehead became more and more clear.

Seeing that the bite was almost there, Long Xiaoqi immediately called back the black ant, "Okay, thank you, Xiao Hei, and I will invite you to eat delicious food later."

The black ant seemed to understand Long Xiaoqi's words, shook his tail with joy, and then crawled into her storage bag automatically.

"Stop closing your eyes for a while, don't move, understand?" Long Xiaoqi told Gong Jiuge's precautions, grabbed the straw on the ground, and spread it on him.

Gong Jiuge opened her blood-red eyes and stared at Long Xiaoqi as if she was going to swallow her.

Long Xiaoqi swallowed his mouth with a guilty conscience, reached out and covered Gong Jiuge's eyes, "Then, don't look at me like that, I'm here to help you too."

As soon as Long Xiaoqi's hand left, Gong Jiuge's blood-red eyes opened again.

Long Xiaoqi shrugged his lips and ignored him, picking up a large amount of straw to cover his face.

As soon as Long Xiaoqi finished covering the straw, a group of people in black broke in.

Long Xiao turned round and looked at the man in black who broke in suddenly, squinting indiscriminately.

These people do not look like ordinary killers, but they look like people in the devil.

The leading black protector first glanced at the whole ruined temple, and finally fixed his eyes on Long Xiaoqi.

"Who are you, why do you break into a private house?" Long Xiaoqi was not afraid of the person to look, and raised his chin proudly.

Break into the house?

Heihui drew his eyes, and a man in black behind him immediately jumped out to remind him, "This is a ruined temple."

"I came here two months ago, and this is my home." Long Xiaoqi raised his chin and made a strong argument.

People in black couldn't help looking at the ruined temple, and it didn't look like anyone lived here.

Heihui did not want to entangle with Long Xiaoqi, raised his eyes and scanned the temple, and he waved his hands.

People in black rushed up, flipping boxes, flipping boxes, flipping tables.

"What are you doing, be careful to hurt my rabbit." Looking at the rude movements of those in black, Long Xiaoqi immediately stepped forward and picked up the gray rabbit.

"What's this?" Hei Hufa glanced at the haystack of Xiaolong's footsteps, frowning frowningly.

"This is my younger brother." Long Xiaoqi looked at Gong Jiuge in the haystack without thinking.

Gong Jiuge heard the words, her eyes twitched unconsciously.

Hei Hufa's eyes narrowed slightly, and he winked at those black men.

The man in black immediately gave up the search, and Qi Qi walked towards Gong Jiu Ge.

Long Xiaoqi's smart eyes flickered, and he stood stunned in front of those in black. "Don't come over, my brother, you're not good to touch."

Where is the black man willing to listen to Long Xiaoqi's words, bypass her directly, and then suddenly lift the straw.

For a moment, a terrible face appeared in front of everyone undefended.

The man in black was startled and backed up all at once. Even the black protector was shocked.

Long Xiaoqi looked at the swollen face in that palace and couldn't help swallowing.

what's the situation? Why does this guy's face swell up? Was she really that heavy before?

"What is this?" The man in black looked at Gong Jiuge's face, the dense red spots on his neck, and couldn't help but make a goosebump.

"What else can there be? Leprosy." Long Xiaoqi flushed his eyes sadly.

Everyone was scared when they heard the word "leprosy", and Qi Qi stepped back a few steps.

Looking at the fearful look of everyone, Long Xiaoqi flashed a smile in his eyes, kneeling beside Gong Jiuge, crying, "I want to say that my brother is very poor. He died at the age of three, and at the age of five. Killed my dad, and now I have died of leprosy myself. Fortunately, my life is large, otherwise I will be killed by him ... "

Listening to Long Xiaoqi's cry, the blue veins on Gong Jiuge's forehead burst out again.

Long Xiao Qi Jian Gong Jiu Ge could not help, and immediately picked up straw and covered it on his face.

The men in black looked at Gong Jiuge with sympathy.

Both father and mother and younger brother were killed.

Long Xiaoqi stood up crying and crying, walked towards those in black, and finally found a way to complain.

Seeing Long Xiaoqi approaching them, the men in black took a few steps back together.

Long Xiaoqi quickly waved his hand, "Don't be afraid, I have taken medicine, and leprosy will not be transmitted to me."

What seemed to come to mind, Long Xiaoqi blinked innocently, "Yes, have you ever taken any medicine against leprosy?"

For a moment, the complexion of the man in black was hard to look at.

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