Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1491: No clothes, no pants

Hei Hufa carefully looked at the face of Qiyan Gong Jiu Ge's unrecognizable swollen face and the ragged shirt on him, but he could not recognize anything.

"Go." After repeatedly confirming that it was not Gong Jiuge, the black protector finally took the man in black away.

Looking at the back of the man in black, Long Xiaoqi breathed a sigh of relief.

After they walked away and confirmed that they would no longer return, Long Xiaoqi ran towards Gong Jiuge immediately.

"They're gone, I'll help you unlock the acupuncture point." Long Xiaoqi took away the straw on the palace's face and then unlocked his acupuncture point.

"Hey ... hey ..." Gong Jiuge sat violently and vomited.

"Are you okay?" Looking at the heart-wrenching Gong Jiuge, Long Xiaoqi throbbed his heart, and immediately ran over to help him caress his back.

"Don't touch me." Gong Jiuge waved Long Xiaoqi's hand disgustingly, and then he was vomiting again.

Looking at Gong Jiuge with a pale face, Long Xiaoqi frowned anxiously, but did not dare to touch him again.

Gong Jiuge vomited darkly, and in the end he couldn't even spit out water, he could only retched.

"You ... it doesn't matter." Long Xiaoqi stepped forward, watching Gong Jiuge carefully.

Gong Jiuge didn't bother to look at Long Xiaoqiyi. He wasn't too dirty at the moment, and he lay back weakly on the ground.

Long Xiaoqi blinked inexplicably, why ignore her, how can she be regarded as his life-saving benefactor.

"Well, we have to get out of here quickly and wait for them to come back and we will definitely come back." Long Xiaoqi moved his **** and carefully approached again.

Gong Jiuge lifted her eyes and glanced at Xiaolong Qi. When she saw her face worried, she finally sighed, "I can't go, you can go by yourself."

The weak voice became more and more light, and Long Xiaoqi felt a little distressed for no reason.

"No, Master asked me to protect you. How can I go on my own?" Long Xiaoqi shook his head, saying nothing would leave you with no expression.

... Gong Jiuge looked at Long Xiaoqi very silently. How could she protect him? She wanted his life.

Long Xiaoqi didn't know the thought of Gong Jiuge, but just tilted his head to find a way.

"Let's go, I'll carry you away." Long Xiaoqi looked at Gong Jiuge's thin body and determined. This guy is not fat, she should be able to carry him.

"No." Gong Jiuge shook his head without thinking.

Looking at the disgusting expression on Gong Jiuge's face, Long Xiaoqi slid his lips black. She doesn't take him seriously, he has nothing to dislike.

"This is not a willful time." Long Xiaoqi directly pulled up Gong Jiuge, took out his robe and put it on him, then grabbed his hand and put it on his shoulder.

Gong Jiuge wanted to resist, but he didn't have the strength to move a finger, so he could only lie on Long Xiaoqi's shoulder.

Long Xiaoqi gritted his teeth on the back of the palace and looked at the gray rabbit next to the fire. "Rabbit, please take us to a hidden cave."

The Grey Rabbit was unwilling to leave the fire, but ran out obediently.

Long Xiaoqi carrying Gong Jiuge on his back, followed the bunny, out of the ruined temple.

Outside, the rain is still raining, and the mountain road is more difficult, especially when Long Xiaoqi is carrying a man, which is even more difficult.

The Gray Rabbit walked two steps, and then looked back at Dragon Xiaoqi, for fear that she might lose her.

Long Xiaoqi was struggling to carry Gong Jiuge, and he carried his spiritual power from time to time.

If there is no spiritual power, she must not be able to carry him.

Fortunately, it is raining now, otherwise with her deep footprints, it is estimated that they have reached the hidden cave, and the group of people will probably find them soon.

Gongjiu fans staggered on the back of Long Xiaoqi, staring at her side across the rain curtain.

This woman may not be so useless.

Long Xiaoqi walked for a long time carrying Gong Jiuge, and finally found a cave with the Grey Rabbit.

The cave is below a dirt slope, and its remote location is indeed hidden.

The cave was dark, and nothing could be seen. Long Xiaoqi could only touch the black and carried Gong Jiuge into the cave.

"You sit here for a while, I'm going to make a fire." Groping for the stone wall, Long Xiaoqi lowered Gongjiu carefully.

"Well." Gongjiu fans responded vaguely, his voice so low and unheard of.

Long Xiaoqi was anxious, but he couldn't see the current situation of the palace song. He could only turn around and fire.

It's raining outside, so it's not good to go out to find firewood. Fortunately, some dry firewood is scattered in the corner of this cave, probably left by the people who used to stay in this cave.

Long Xiaoqi didn't think much, picked up the dry wood and set off a fire.

After the fire, Long Xiaoqi returned to Gong Jiuge.

"How are you, are you still uncomfortable?" Looking at the sweaty Gong Jiuge, Long Xiaoqi frowned.

Gongjiu fans looked at Long Xiaoqi stupidly, but couldn't say a word.

Seeing Gong Jiuge's fainting look at any time, Long Xiaoqi looked around the whole cave anxiously, and finally found a small stone bed in the corner inside.

Long Xiaoqi's eyes brightened, "Come, I help you to lie down."

Long Xiaoqi labored to help Gong Jiuge to the stone bed inside.

Seeing that there were more red spots on Gongjiu's face, Long Xiao was shocked, and immediately looked at his neck and hands, and found that there were many more red spots on his hands and neck.

How could it be so serious, is Xiao Hei's little poison so powerful?

Long Xiaoqi frowned at Gong Jiuge for a while, then stretched out his hands to undress his clothes.

As if feeling something, Gong Jiuge opened his eyes slyly and grabbed Long Xiaoqi's hand, "What are you going to do ..."

Looking at Gong Jiuge's virginity, Long Xiaoqi twitched unconsciously. It made her more willing to look at him. She wasn't trying to help him.

"I just want to see your erythema, rest assured, I won't treat you like that." Long Xiaoqi stiffened his lips and tried to be as gentle as possible.

If the brothers and nephews of Yuqingmen were to see Long Xiaoqi, an old wolf tempting the little sheep, he would be frightened to escape.

Unfortunately, Gong Jiuge, lying on the stone bed, wanted to escape, but he didn't have half the strength, he could only hold the placket.

Long Xiaoqi said so well that Gong Jiuge didn't let go.

In the end, Long Xiaoqi used violence, and Gong Jiuge was still dead.

Long Xiaoqi wiped the fine sweat on his forehead and stared at Gong Jiuge with a speechless expression.

Is this guy sick? With so much strength in her hands, she can't even pull out her milk.

Long Xiaoqi sweeps Gong Jiuge from beginning to end with his hands on his hips, and finally stops his eyes on his lower body.

You can't take off your clothes, then take off your pants.

There was a hint of slyness in Long Xiaoqi Qingling's eyes, and he was about to go to pull the pants of Jiugong.

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