Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1495: Blue Sky Python's Drool vs. Dragon King's Snot

Long Xiaoqi thought of Xiaohei after eating the fruit.

Gong Jiujie was allergic to Xiao Hei again. Long Xiao Qi sat next to the fire and released Xiao Hei. Then he put the remaining kernels on the ground to eat for Xiao Hei. Right. "

Xiao Hei immediately went to enjoy the food.

Seeing Xiao Hei eating happily, Long Xiaoqi released her other pets to feed.

Gong Jiu Ge turned his head to see the snake worms and rat ants in that place, and instantly he felt scalp tingling again.

What kind of school is Yuqingmen in the end?

Looking at the gray rabbit next to the fire, Long Xiaoqi smiled and touched his long ears. "Do you want to eat, too, yes, I still have a fruit."

Long Xiaoqi turned to get the fruit around Gong Jiu Ge, but was snatched by Gong Jiu Ge.

"Don't you want to eat?" Long Xiaoqi blinked puzzledly.

"When did I say not to eat?" Gong Jiuge stared at Long Xiaoqi resentfully.

Had it not been for her, could he have been so miserable?

He had just vomited everything he could and could not vomit, and his stomach had been singing for a long time.

Gong Jiuge took the fruit on his clothes and choked again and again, and almost chopped the fruit skin before finally taking a bite.

Maybe the smell of bird feces smelled a lot, and Gong Jiu Ge didn't taste any special odor, but only felt that the fruit at the entrance was sweet and delicious, and it was actually several times better than the tribute in the palace.

The gap between Long Xiaoqi's hair, Gong Jiuge has finished the fruit.

"Ah, it doesn't matter, I still have some herbs here." Long Xiaoqi stayed for two seconds, patted his head to pull out a few medicinal materials from the storage bag and handed them to the gray rabbit, "You will eat it until the rain stops tomorrow You can go out and find food. "

The gray rabbit who eats doesn't pick it, he stuns by holding the herbs.

When her babies finished eating, Long Xiaoqi took them all back into the storage bag.

If she usually spends the night outside alone, she will let her babies help the vigil, but today there is Gong Jiuge in case they accidentally hurt him, she still decides to vigil by herself.

Long Xiaoqi added some firewood to the fire and burned the fire.

Then he took a cape out of the storage bag and spread it on the ground, then lay on his back.

Long Xiaoqi breathed a sigh of relief, and rolled his cape easily.

Finally it was time to rest, and there was nothing more comfortable than sleeping by the fire on a rainy day.

The warm temperature bakes on the body, and Long Xiaoqi just feels like the fatigue in his whole body is gone, and he feels comfortable.

Gong Jiuge looked at the soothing Long Xiaoqi, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Long Xiaoqi squinted his eyes, and fell asleep within a short time.

I didn't know that she had been tired in the woods for a few days before.

Listening to the breathless sound of Long Xiaoqi, Gong Jiuge counted time silently in his heart, and at half an hour he couldn't wait to get up.

I have to say that this woman's bird feces ointment is really effective. Before, he couldn't sit up and couldn't sit up. Now he seems to have recovered all his strength.

"Where are you going?" As soon as Gong Jiuge moved, Long Xiaoqi erected himself from the cloak.

"Time is up, I'll wash it off." Gong Jiuge tore off his coat and threw it on the stone bed, then went out with his upper body naked.

"There are no rivers or streams in this forest. There is only a swamp. Do you want to wash it?" Long Xiaoqi stayed for a while before turning to look at Gong Jiuge's back.

Gong Jiuge paused for a while, but didn't turn back and didn't speak.

"There is a blue sky python in the swamp. It doesn't seem to have a good temper. Be careful it bites you."

The blue sky python in the swamp sneezed instantly.

"I wash with rain." Gong Jiuge said a black line and finally spoke.

With rain?

Long Xiaoqi stayed, and suddenly "haha" laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" After hearing her laughter, Gong Jiuge couldn't help looking back at her.

Long Xiaoqi smirked and didn't go to see Jiu Gege. He lay back on the cloak, tilted Erlang's legs. The old **** was in the tunnel. Now I like Lord Dragon's snot. "

Gong Jiuge's face became ugly at a glance, and standing out of the hole was neither entering nor entering.

Long Xiaoqi ignored him, tilted Erlang's legs, and closed his eyes again and again.

Gong Jiuge glanced at the pouring rain outside, reached out and took two drops of water under the eaves of the cave, and then put it on the tip of his nose with a disgusted look and smelled, except for bird feces, he didn't smell anything else.

Regardless, let him put on this bird feces overnight, might as well kill him.

Gong Jiuge plunged into the pouring rain, covering his eyes, ears, nose and nose, and let the rain wash him.

In the cave, Long Xiaoqi heard the movement and couldn't help grinning.

Teasing him is also very fun, who makes him always so fierce to her.

Xu Shilong Xiaoqi said that the metaphor was too welcoming. Gong Jiuge didn't wash much. He just washed off the bird excrement ointment and went into the cave.

Hearing Gong Jiuge coming in, Long Xiaoqi didn't open his eyes, still pretending to sleep by the fire.

Gong Jiuge was soaked in body, quickly picked up the clothes on the stone bed and wrapped it on his body, glanced at the eye socket next to the fire like Long Xiaoqi who was asleep, and he turned over to sleep.

Hearing his even breathing, Long Xiaoqi fell asleep at ease.

In the middle of the night, Long Xiaoqi heard the voice all the time. After turning over countless times, she finally couldn't lie down. She sat up anxiously and walked to the stone bed, staring at Gong Jiuge resentfully.

This guy's dream talk was too serious. He shouted from start to finish, clearly not wanting her to sleep.

At this time, Gong Jiuge seemed to be stuck in his nightmare and couldn't extricate himself.

"Don't!" He shook his head desperately, his hands still waving.

"Hey ..." Long Xiaoqi saw that his face was flushed and sweaty, and he immediately squatted down and patted him on the face.

An unusual scorching attack came, and Long Xiaoqi was shocked instantly, and quickly attached his hand to his forehead.

"It's hot!"

what happened? Why did he have a fever? Is it raining?

"Hey, wake up, you have a fever." Long Xiaoqi glanced at Gong Jiu Ge, who was still having nightmares, quickly grabbed his flurry hands and patted his face and shouted.

"Let me go, don't grab me ..." The hand was grabbed, and Gong Jiuge suddenly struggled tremblingly.

Seeing that Gong Jiuge was suddenly so excited, Long Xiaoqi quickly let go.

"It hurts, it hurts!" Gong Jiuge curled up as if in pain.

"Hey ... are you okay." Seeing him shaking, Long Xiaoqi couldn't help but patted his shoulder.

Gong Jiuge suddenly turned and rushed into Long Xiaoqi's arms, hugging her tightly.

Long Xiaoqi's body froze instantly, and he didn't dare to move.

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