Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1496: Startling scars

Feeling the warmth of Long Xiaoqi, Gong Jiuge kept arching in her arms.

Looking at the head that was chaotic on her chest, Long Xiaoqi's face turned red, and he quickly reached out and wanted to get rid of him from her.

If it wasn't for this guy to look really abnormal, she would have fisted his face with flowers.

"After the mother, don't leave Jiuer ..." Perhaps it was the movement of Long Xiaoqi, and Gong Jiuge held her tighter instantly.


Hearing the mumbled call of Gong Jiu Ge, Long Xiaoqi's forehead dropped a black line instantly, and the hand that struck his head stopped slowly.

"Good ... Good!" Long Xiaoqi gently stroked Fugong Jiuge's head calmly.

After getting the attention of the "mother", Gong Jiuge stunned her chest again instantly. When Long Xiaoqi was about to explode, she coquettishly said, "It hurts ... Nine children hurt ..."

"Where does it hurt?" Long Xiaoqi's forehead bulged with blue muscles, gritted his teeth.

"Hand pain." Gong Jiuge murmured unconsciously.

Long Xiaoqi frowned and grabbed Gong Jiuge's hand, but he instantly became restless.

"Don't be afraid, I'll take a look at it for you and never hurt you." Long Xiaoqi's movements on his hands were softened, and he quickly soothed him.

Gong Jiuge didn't move anymore, but her body began to tremble again.

Long Xiaoqi frowned at Gong Jiuge and gently took his hand, but his eyes widened slyly.

How could this be?

The not-wide wrist was covered with scars of various shades, densely packed, and there were hundreds of them.

Looking at the shocking scar, Long Xiaoqi's heart seemed to be stabbed, and it hurt.

Long Xiaoqi picked up his other hand and found that there were also numerous scars on that wrist.

She raised her hand and stroked the criss-crossed scar on his wrist, her nose sore.

These are knife-cut. Isn't he a prince? Who cut him, or did he cut it himself?

Gong Jiuge's body shuddered a bit, and Long Xiaoqi quickly withdrew his hand.

"Don't be afraid, no one will hurt you again, I will protect you." Looking at his painful expression, she hugged him gently and patted him like a kid.

A gentle voice like a mother calmed down Gong Jiuge.

Long Xiaoqi used his life's patience and coaxed Gong Jiuge to sleep again before finally taking back his hand.

Looking at Gong Jiuge still flushed, Long Xiaoqi frowned.

Still having a fever, what should I do now?

Long Xiaoqi thought for a while, then turned around and moved the fire over.

Glancing at his dripping pants, Long Xiaoqi could not help but tangled again.

You should take off your wet pants too, and it ’s easy to get sick, but she just ...

Long Xiaoqi's face flushed and patted his face, forget it, it was not the first time he took off his pants.

Long Xiaoqi climbed directly to the stone bed and spent nine cattle and two tigers. Seeing that he was going to take off Gong Jiuge's pants, he heard "tear and pull", and the pants became two rags.

Long Xiao looked at the two rags in his hands, and unconsciously twitched.

I really can't blame her. She was also for his sake, so she wanted to help him take off the wet pants. I didn't expect that the quality of the pants was so poor that she broke into pieces before she tried hard.

Long Xiaoqi comforted himself and threw the rag sliver aside.

Then he took the cloak and covered it on Gong Jiuge, and then tore a rag from his torn pants, and stained it with rainwater and put it on his forehead.

If this guy knew that she was laying his forehead on Lord Dragon's nose, he would probably be disgusted again.

After a busy day, Long Xiaoqi clapped his hands in relief.

That's almost it, and there is a boil.

Long Xiaoqi sat next to the fire and took out the "Medical Code of Heaven" and turned it over, and soon found a prescription for treating cold.

Remembering the recipe, Long Xiaoqi directly released his eight pets and told him, "Well, you are here to guard, except I can't let anyone know?"

"Rabbit, let's go get the medicine." After explaining the pet, Long Xiaoqi picked up the gray rabbit on the side and waited for it to run away.

Worried that Gong Jiuge was not safe in the cave by himself, Long Xiaoqi quickly collected all the herbs and returned to the cave.

Seeing Gong Jiuge still sleeping on the stone bed, Long Xiaoqi finally relieved and began to boil medicine.

After the soup was cooked, Long Xiaoqi went to Gong Jiuge and wanted to wake him up, but he couldn't wake up anyway.

No way, Long Xiaoqi had to hug him in half and then feed him with a crock pot.

The mouth of the earthen jar is relatively large, Gong Jiuge does not open his mouth, and most of the soup medicine is spilled outside.

Long Xiaoqi was worried for a moment, and she didn't have a spoon.

Under the yellowish light, the **** thin lips covered with soup medicine have an attractive luster.

Long Xiaoqi stared at the beautiful thin lips and swallowed his mouth unconsciously.

It's not that she wants to take advantage of him. Who keeps him from taking medicine?

Long Xiaoqi comforted himself, took the medicine, and slowly leaned down.

A soft touch struck, and Long Xiaoqi blushed instantly.

Color is empty, empty is color, Long Xiaoqi, how does Master teach you in peacetime? How can you be fascinated by a man.

Long Xiaoqi meditates on this clear heart curse, while pretending to feed someone medicine calmly.

It took a lot of effort to feed the soup.

Touching the heat that had faded from his forehead, Long Xiaoqi was finally relieved.


When Gong Jiuge woke up, it was almost noon. The cave was bright, not as dark as the night.

Gongjiu frowned when he saw Long Xiaoqi, who was sleeping soundly on the stone bed beside his feet.

Recalling the vague speech in his ears last night, his heart was chaotic.

Did she mean to protect him?

This was the first time that someone said to protect him.

Gong Jiuge sat up, and a dirty rag fell off his forehead.

Gong Jiuge turned black instantly, threw the rag aside, picked up the cloak and wanted to cover Long Xiaoqi, but he just picked up the cloak, and the blue tendons on his forehead burst out.

Damn woman, really should not have any good fantasies about her.

It seemed that he was awakened by Gong Jiuge's resentment, Long Xiaoqi raised his eyes stupidly, and unconsciously saw the most unworthy place.

Gong Jiuge's face turned completely dark.

"I didn't mean to see you, don't get me wrong!" Long Xiaoqi turned blushing and turned.

"Where are my pants?" Gong Jiuge took a deep breath and pressed down the anger in her heart.

When it came to pants, Long Xiaoqi's back was cold, and he pointed at the stone bed with a tangled look.

Gong Jiuge picked up his trousers and wanted to put them on, but he found that his trousers had no legs and only two rags left and right.

"Dragon! Little! Seven!" Gong Jiuge took two rags and ran away instantly.

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