Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1497: You still have a smile

Long Xiaoqi did not expect Qi, Gong Jiu Ge called her name for the first time in this case.

"If I said I didn't do it on purpose, would you believe it?" Long Xiaoqi narrowed his neck and looked at Gong Jiuge humbly.

Gong Jiuge stared at Long Xiaoqi with red eyes, it looked like he was going to eat.

Long Xiaoqi swallowed the waterway, "I didn't mean it on my own, and I did it for you, too. I saw that you were sleeping in wet pants and had a fever, so I wanted to help you take off your pants. Who knows your pants? The material is so bad, it broke into this without any effort. "

It really wasn't her problem, it was definitely her pants problem.

"I'm Snow Forging!" Gong Jiuge was finally angry when he saw that Xiao Xiaoqi had done something wrong by himself and slandered his pants.

Long Xiaoqi pouted his lips, and said unpleasantly, "What snow forging, rain satin, in short, is better without sackcloth."

Snow forging is amazing. I really don't understand these emperors and nobles. They are all silk satin. How can there be linen so comfortable? And her linen trousers have never been broken.

Seeing Long Xiaoqi's arrogance, Gong Jiuge didn't quarrel with her, only raised his eyebrows, "What now? Do you let me go barefoot? Or do you plan to let me stay in this cave all my life."

Long Xiaoqi blinked with a smile. In fact, she could do it anyway. It was him who had bare legs, and it was him who lived in the cave. It had nothing to do with her.

When looking at Long Xiaoqi, Gong Jiuge knew what she was thinking, and suddenly got angry again: "Even if I want to live in a cave all my life, I want to accompany you, so you better hurry up and give me a way."

Long Xiaoqi shrugged his lips. Who wants to stay with him in the cave all his life?

Long Xiaoqi's smart eyes rolled around, looking at the two rags, his eyes suddenly flashed, "If you have, isn't it just broken? I'll just sew it for you."

To sew?

Gong Jiuge looked at Long Xiaoqi suspiciously, how could they sew like this? Can the pants be worn even after sewing?

"Rest assured that the gowns of Masters and Brothers were broken before, and I helped to sew them. My skills are very good, and I will definitely help you to sew your pants." Pants.

"I found it." Long Xiaoqi pulled the needle and thread out of the storage bag and said excitedly, "Look, I'm so prescient, even the needle and thread."

Long Xiaoqi said, flauntingly raising the needle thread for the palace nine songs.

Gong Jiuge looked at the black line, and did not want to care about Long Xiaoqi.

Long Xiaoqi was not annoyed, and after threading the needle, he began to sew his pants carefully.

She wasn't blowing it just now. Her needlework was really okay. In the past, Master and Brother often praised her.

Gong Jiuge secretly glanced at Long Xiaoqi who was earnestly making up his pants, and suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart.

The green silk drooped slightly, covering her forehead, but adding a touch of charm.

This woman's normal look is still pretty.

Although it is not a stunning beauty who is in the country, it is better than the Qingling. The whole person is like the elves in the mountain, beautiful and beautiful.

Long Xiaoqi's speed was very fast and he was very serious. After a short time, he helped him sew two trouser legs.

"Well, you're done." Long Xiaoqi stood up and shook his pants, looking very satisfied.

After admiring his masterpiece, Long Xiaoqi showed it to Gong Jiuge again, "Is it perfect? ​​I will say my technique is good."

Gong Jiuge squinted the eyes of Xiaolong Qi's trousers. The expression was to be disgusted.

The smile on Long Xiaoqi's face froze, and he tucked his pants directly into the arms of Gong Jiu Ge. "If you try it, you will know how strong I sewed it."

Long Xiaoqi turned around and said that he could not peek.

Gong Jiuge looked at the trousers in disgust, and looked at the back of Long Xiaoqi.

For a while, Miluo heard Long Xiaoqi's face become hot, "How is it?"

There was no sound behind. Long Xiaoqi waited for a while, but still couldn't hear Gong Jiuge's speech, then turned his head and glanced at it.

This doesn't look good, at this look, Long Xiaoqi burst into laughter instantly.

"Hahahaha ..." The laughter of joy suddenly spread out from the cave.

Gong Jiujun glared at Long Xiaoqi with a dark face, "You are still smiling."

Isn't this all from her? She still smiles.

"I don't laugh ..." Long Xiaoqi took a moment's hold, but broke power within a second, "ha ha ha ha ... I can't help it ..."

She really didn't want to laugh, but she couldn't help it.

Looking at Long Xiaoqi, who was crying with tears, Gong Jiuge suddenly darkened his face and said, "I'm not wearing it."

Gong Jiuge said that he was going to take off his pants that were twisted like twists.

"No!" Long Xiaoqi stopped at once. "Do you want to go out barefoot? Or do you want to live in a cave all your life?"

Long Xiaoqi directly returned his words to him.

He had torn her underpants and underpants, and he couldn't even wear outer pants. What was it like?

Gong Jiu singer frowned, looked at Long Xiaoqi frowning.

Seeing his thoughts, Long Xiaoqi quickly shook his head: "Don't expect me to go down the mountain to buy you pants, I'm a idiot, and I definitely can't find the way back when I go down."

She doesn't know if she can find the way back to Yuqingmen now, of course, she hopes that she can't find it.

"Ah ..." Long Xiaoqi smiled, coughed gently, and pulled Gong Jiuge's tight pants, "I'm sewing a little tight, but it doesn't matter if you don't show flesh? Tightness is better than flesh Alright, you'll just wear it. "

It's better to have pants than no pants.

Gong Jiuge glanced resentfully at Xiaolong Qi, and his face was unlovable.

Looking at the look of Gong Jiuge who didn't want to live, Long Xiaoqi couldn't help but want to laugh.

Gongjiu gave him a glance, and Long Xiaoqi stopped laughing and took the cloak on his side. "So, this cloak is for you, and you put the robe down again, so you won't see anything. ?"

Long Xiaoqi put his robe off his waist, and only his calf showed a little.

Gong Jiuge looked down at her small half-length calf, and finally reluctantly agreed with Long Xiaoqi's proposal.

In fact, he didn't agree and had to agree. He couldn't really go out barefoot or live a lifetime in this cave, and those people were still waiting to catch him nearby.

Long Xiaoqi cleaned up in the cave, then picked up the gray rabbit, "Let's go out, and leave these hills before those people find us."

Long Xiaoqi didn't wait for Gong Jiuge to promise, so he went out holding the grey rabbit first.

Gong Jiuge wanted to keep up, but as soon as he opened his legs, he heard a tear.

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