Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1498: Your leprosy is better now

Gong Jiujun's face turned "red", and he immediately dared not to make strides.

Long Xiaoqi followed the gray rabbit's command all the way down, half way, but turned back and found that Gong Jiu Ge was gone.

Long Xiaoqi was startled, and immediately turned to look for him, but fortunately, he saw people without going back a few steps.

Watching Gong Jiuge linger behind, Long Xiaoqi stared dissatisfied, "I said, can you hurry up and go like you, we can't go out to this forest in the dark."

Gong Jiuge glanced at Long Xiaoqi with a black face.

She was embarrassed to say, who harmed him like this?

Seeing his twisted posture, Long Xiaoqi immediately walked over and cared, "Is the pants too tight? Should I show you?"

Long Xiaoqi said as he pulled his pants, but was patted away with his palm.

Long Xiaoqi caressed his hand in pain, raised his eyes and wanted to scold others, but saw Gong Jiu Gejun's flushed face, unable to help himself.

"Well, isn't this His Royal Highness?"

Before Long Xiaoqi had time to admire the embarrassment of Gong Jiuge, a nasty voice sounded.

Long Xiaoqi's eyes blinked, and he quickly and vigilantly blocked Gong Jiuge.

Gong Jiuge also raised her eyes and looked at the group of people in black who appeared suddenly.

The leading black protector glanced at Gong Jiu Ge expressionlessly, and looked at Long Xiao Qi again.

The man in black behind the black protector was excited when he saw Long Xiaoqi, "It really is the ghost you smashed. Why, your brother who died of leprosy is now good again."

The man in black said and stared at Gong Jiu Ge again.

This man is obviously Prince You Qin, and the dead girl dared to lie to them about what he said was a leprosy brother.

Long Xiaoqi followed the line of sight of the man in black and looked at Gong Jiuge behind him, but saw that he was looking at her with a dark face, and suddenly pulled his lips guilty.

Yesterday she was also trying to save him. Does he have to be so careless?

I didn't want to think about what I had done. Long Xiaoqi turned his head and flew the little eyebrow at the man in black, "Yeah, who made me medically clever, wouldn't I just rescue him?" ? "

Seeing Long Xiaoqi's irrational words, the man in black instantly became red-eyed, "I am! What's alive? Obviously you are acting to deceive us and pretending to scare us deceitfully."

Long Xiaoqi lifted his chin, "So what? Who made you so intimidating."

She didn't want to scare them, she just acted a drama, they were timid, so afraid of death, who is weird?

"You dead girl, I think you just want to die."

The black suit was so popular that he wanted to dash towards Long Xiaoqi with a big knife, but was stopped by the black guardian.

The man in black frowned, glancing at the black guard law for unknown reasons.

Hei Hufa did not look at him, but only looked at Long Xiaoqi. "Girl, we only need the people behind you. If you are aware of current affairs, leave them behind, and we can let you go without damage."

Hearing that the Black Guardian was going to let Long Xiaoqi go, the man in black was instantly reluctant and stared at Long Xiaoqi eagerly, wishing to eat her.

Long Xiaoqi gave a funny glance at the man in black, then looked at the black guardian, and smiled innocently, "I believe I will definitely leave without any damage for a while, but you ..."

Long Xiaoqi shrugged and said with regret.

Long Xiaoqi's arrogant expression instantly angered the group of people in black.

The leading black protector narrowed his eyes slightly, and waved at Long Xiaoqi and Gong Jiuge.

People in black received orders and rushed towards the two in an instant.

Long Xiaoqi was not nervous or afraid, turned around and pushed the gray rabbit in his arms into Gong Jiuge's arms. "Go and hide yourself and take care of the rabbit."

The furry touch hit, Gong Jiuge's hand trembled, and the gray rabbit in his hand almost fell to the ground.

After hearing the second half of Long Xiaoqi's words, Gong Jiuge pursed his lips, and barely left the gray rabbit.

The men in black rushed to the two with only a moment's effort.

Before that, the black man who scolded Long Xiaoqi rushed to the front. He held a big knife and was going to cut it off Long Xiaoqi's head.

Long Xiao Qichi punched his broadsword, only to hear a "bang" sound, the original majestic sharps instantly turned into a crooked handle.

The man in black was dumbfounded for a moment, staring blankly at his twisted sword, like a ghost.

Before he could react, Long Xiaoqi punched him in the head.

With a buzz, the black man's head went blank for an instant, and he didn't have time to shout, and then he stunned and fell foam on the ground.

Long Xiaoqi glanced at the man in black who stared at the sky with an angry look, and rubbed his fist.

The demo, and she was dragged two and a half with her, and a little apprentice in Yuqingmen could beat him down.

Looking at the half-dead black man lying on the ground, Gong Jiuge's brows jumped unconsciously.

Now he felt that the punches she hit him yesterday were really gentle.

The man in black who was preparing to charge here was instantly stunned by the fierce strength of Long Xiaoqi.

Long Xiaoqi raised his eyes and glanced at the black protection law. "How about, I don't want to kill people. If you are aware of current affairs, I can let you leave without damage."

If Long Xiaoqi had just given her the black protection law, she returned it to him.

The black protector immediately turned his face down, "Give me up."

With the order of the Black Guardian, even if the people in black are afraid, they can only go together.

Long Xiaoqi frowned and frowned. She really didn't want to kill anyone? Why do these people have to force her?

A large knife waved away, Long Xiaoqi flew up and kicked him out with a knife.

The men in black huddled up, surrounded Long Xiaoqi Tuantu, and raised their swords at her.

Long Xiaoqi jumped up and flew across the circle of his head one by one.

"Yi" soon half of the circle was kicked and fainted.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Hei Hufa shouted, "Don't worry about her, get me the palace song."

Hearing the order, the men in black did not dare to entangle with Long Xiaoqi any more, and rushed to the palace.

Gong Jiuge frowned slightly, holding the grey rabbit back again and again.

Long Xiaoqi quickly hit a man in black and flew in front of Gong Jiuge.

She grabbed the knife in the hands of the black man on the opposite side, and just clicked on his head, and the black man was dizzy instantly and beautifully.

One by one in black fell down, but Long Xiao Qi and Gong Jiu Ge were unscathed.

With Long Xiaoqi here, those in black had no chance to get close to Gong Jiuge.

The black guardian squinted his eyes, and when those people in black were entangled with Long Xiaoqi, they quietly flashed over and picked up Gong Jiuge and ran.

Long Xiao was shocked, and quickly ran away from the man in black who entangled her and chased out.

The speed of the black protection method is very fast, like a black cloudy wind teleporting in front.

Long Xiao squinted his eyes narrowly, and it turned out that he was one of the devil. Why did they keep catching the palace song?

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