Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1591: Queen Mother's thoughts

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He looked up at the concubine and saw that she was staring at herself with a dark face, as if she were very angry.

Long Xiaoqi felt baffled. She remembered that she did n’t seem to mess with her. This was the first time she saw her.

Did she offend her when she didn't pay attention?

"Old nine, seven girl." Just as Long Xiaoqi was thinking hard, the queen mother in the seat spoke.

Long Xiaoqi looked up at the Empress Dowager and saw that she was looking at herself lovingly: "The Ai Family knows that you had some holidays with the Queen before, no matter what unpleasant things happened to you before, the Ai Family likes you to be able to make things big and small In the final analysis, everyone is a family, and the mourning family does not want the trivial matters of the harem to cause the emperor to share his worries. "

The Queen Mother said this not only to Long Xiaoqi, but also to the Queen, but also to the entire Harem.

"The empress said very much that the concubine was dull." The queen stood up for the first time.

"The concubine waited for the teachings of the empress dowager." The concubines at the back came out one after another.

Seeing the situation, Long Xiaoqi also got up and bowed to the queen apologetically: "It's my fault. I kindly do bad things. I hope the queen's mother will not be angry with me."

Although Long Xiaoqi said apologetic words, he explained his intention clearly after the words.

The queen's face suddenly stiffened, and the smirk on her face almost couldn't hold back: "How come, you all say that you are good at doing bad things, how can this palace blame you."

Seeing them in harmony, the empress nodded with satisfaction: "That's fine, everyone is in harmony, the harem is peaceful, and the emperor can handle state affairs with peace of mind in the previous dynasty."

"The Empress Dowager Shengming!" The concubines congratulated one after another.

The queen mother smiled and waved her hand: "Okay, don't be restrained anymore. It's a family feast today. It's all casual."

"The Queen Mother."

Everyone sat down together, and Long Xiaoqi also sat back to Gong Jiuge.

"I didn't expect the Queen Mother's prestige in the harem to be quite high, even the queen was afraid of her." Long Xiaoqi whispered to Gong Jiuge's ear.

If it were n’t for the Queen Mother today, how could the Queen say those words to her, it seems that the Queen is also very afraid of the Queen Mother.

Listening to her mention of the Queen Mother, Gong Jiuge frowned, saying meaningfully: "The most terrifying woman in the harem is not the queen, and the person you should be most careful of is not the queen."

Long Xiaoqi looked at the eye palace Jiuge and darkened his face, and he was even more puzzled.

Why did she always think he seemed very opinionated on the Empress Dowager, but now the Empress Dowager is clearly on his side.

Things in the palace are so complicated, she really can't understand.

"Sister-in-law." Just when Long Xiaoqi was absent, Gong Shengling ran over secretly. "There is a ten-year-old turtle in the pond of Ci'an Palace. Do you want me to take you to see it?

Long Xiaoqi's eyes lit up: "Okay!"

She is bored.

"Nine Brother, you eat slowly. I will bring my sister-in-law back in a while." Gong Shengling ignored Gong Jiuge's cannibalistic eyes and pulled Long Xiaoqi away.

Gong Jiuge frowned at them and sighed helplessly.

Long Xiaoqi was not there, Gong Jiuge didn't even want to eat, he sat for a while and left.

Opposite the concubine saw Gong Jiuge left, and immediately got up to say goodbye to the empress.

Gong Shengling took Long Xiaoqi to the pond, and Long Xiaoqi saw a big turtle on the shore.

"This is the ten-year-old turtle you said!" Long Xiaoqi rushed past and looked at the big turtle strangely.

"Is it great?" Gong Shengling squatted to Long Xiaoqi, quite proud.

"It's really big!" Looking at the big turtle like a boulder, Long Xiaoqi was also excited: "I haven't seen such a big tortoise so big, is it really ten thousand years old?"

"Of course, this is a tribute from Beiman, specially given to the emperor's grandmother. Let the emperor's grandmother live like a long-lived turtle." Gong Shengling explained proudly.


Long Xiaoqi frowned, wasn't Beiman not the site of the Demon Church? When did Beiman become an affiliate of Dongqin?

"Sister-in-law?" Gong Shengling shook her hand in front of her when she saw her in a daze. "Don't you believe me?"

Long Xiaoqi looked back and glanced at Gong Shengling with a smile: "Of course I don't believe you anymore, this turtle is not ten thousand years old at all."

"How do you know?" Gong Shengling looked at Long Xiaoqi strangely. "

"It told me. It said it was only 983 years old this year, not even a thousand years old." Long Xiaoqi thought without hesitation.

"Ah?" Gong Shengling stayed in an instant, staring straight at the turtle. "What did it tell you? How did it tell you?"

"Oh!" Realizing that he was wrong, Long Xiaoqi quickly concealed: "I mean, the turtle's age is well distinguished by looking at its turtle shell, there are annual rings on the turtle shell, this It's just a circle. "

"It turns out that this is their annual rings, really many circles." Gong Shengling looked at those annual rings strangely and excitedly said: "Sister-in-law, you know a lot!"

Long Xiaoqi smiled embarrassingly. In fact, she didn't understand anything. The big turtle told her, but she remembered what Gong Jiuge had said to her. She couldn't let people know that she could understand what the animals said. .

"Hey, it seems to be injured." Long Xiaoqi picked up the big tortoise's front hooves, and found that there was a big hole in it, which was bleeding.

"Really!" Gong Shengling frowned at the wound, "I'll go to the doctor."

"No need." Long Xiaoqi pulled him. "Don't trouble the doctor with this small injury, I'll just bandage it."

The doctors in this palace didn't know if they would see the animals for treatment. Anyway, if she had herbs, she wouldn't trouble them.

Long Xiaoqi took out a herb from the storage bag, put it in his mouth and chewed it, put them on the front hooves of the big turtle, then picked up his clothes and wanted to tear off a piece of dressing for the turtle.

"Wait a minute." Gong Shengling hurriedly stopped Long Xiaoqi. "Let me come."

People in this palace have many eyes, and if someone sees her clothes are broken, it is estimated that she will chew her tongue again.

Gong Shengling tore off his clothes and handed it to Long Xiaoqi.

"Thanks." Long Xiaoqi smiled at him, took the rag and started to wrap up the turtle.

Gong Shengling looked at Long Xiaoqi's serious look, and his face could not help being slightly hot.

He finally understands why Brother Jiu likes sister-in-law. In the city of Kyoto, sister-in-law is not really a pretty woman, but she looks very smart and very special. It is completely different from the pretentious woman in the palace. She is very kind.

"Okay, this medicine works very well. You better not get into the water these days. It will be useless if there is too much water in this medicine. Your wounds will become inflamed." Long Xiaoqi bandaged the wound for the turtle and shot It patted its head.

Gong Shengling looked at her with tears and laughs: "You tell it so much, can it understand?"

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