Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1592: Seeing Li Fei hugging Gong Jiuge, disgusting!

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"Of course, animals are very spiritual." Long Xiaoqi ignored Li Gong Shengling and continued to touch the turtle's head.

The tortoise seemed to understand what she said, rubbing her palm, not going into the water, but crawling to the shore again.

Looking at the turtle's reaction, Gong Shengling was dumbfounded: "It seems to really understand your words."

"I tell you that the animal is spiritual, let's go and let it rest." After waving his hand with the turtle, Long Xiaoqi wanted to turn around and leave, but he instantly froze when he saw something.

"What's wrong?" Gong Shengling saw that her expression was wrong, and looked up at the gazebo in front of her, but saw a man and a woman hugging in the gazebo.

Gong Shengling was a little surprised. Before he could see who he was, he was squatted down by Long Xiaoqi.

In the front pavilion, Gong Jiuge seemed to be hit by something stolen, and pushed Li Fei away: "You are crazy!"

Li Fei bumped into the pillar at once, but she held Gong Jiuge dead: "I'm crazy, how can I marry the old man who can be my father for you."

From the perspective of Long Xiaoqi and Gong Shengling, I can't see clearly what happened, only seeing that the man seems to be pressing the woman against the pillar, as if he is still doing something intimate.

At this time, Gong Shengling finally saw the man's appearance, his eyes widening in disbelief.

How could it be Brother Nine, this is impossible!

Thinking of something, Gong Shengling quickly turned to look at Long Xiaoqi: "Sister-in-law ..."

He wanted to explain for Gong Jiuge, but he didn't know how to speak.

Long Xiaoqi was so uncomfortable at the moment that she couldn't even breathe. She desperately suppressed herself from rushing to beat the Palace Nine Songs, almost crushing her pair of jade fists, and Long Xiaoqi couldn't help but turn away.

"Sister-in-law ..." Gong Shengling wanted to chase Long Xiaoqi, but he felt inappropriate.

In the pavilion, Gong Jiuge abandons Li Fei's hand indifferently: "The road is chosen by yourself. No one has forced you, and from the beginning to the end, you have never felt anything about you."

After Gong Jiuge finished, despite her embarrassed complexion, she walked out of the pavilion.

"I don't believe you love me, it's me!" Li Fei rushed out of the pavilion and shouted towards Gong Jiuge's back.

At this time, Gong Shengling finally saw Li Fei's appearance, and even his face changed in shock.

Gong Shengling frowned solemnly, turned quickly and disappeared.

Feeling that the person behind left, Lifei finally turned around and smiled in the direction of Gong Shengling and Long Xiaoqi leaving.

Long Xiaoqihe returned to Lanyue Temple with a sullen face, and began to pack things directly.

Both Hongxiao and Qingya were baffled.

"Madam, what do you want, the slaves will help you prepare." The two stepped forward to help, but Long Xiaoqi ignored it, directly found out his original clothes, and then took the cloth bag back to Jiang Xuexuan.

"Ma'am, Your Highness didn't follow you ..." Lingjiu saw that Dragon Xiaoqi came out with a burden, but also looked inexplicable.

Long Xiaoqi walked past him as if he hadn't heard his question at all.

"What's the matter with Madam?" Lingji looked at Hongxiao and Qingya inexplicably.

The two shook their heads together: "This is the way back from Ci'an Palace. Is something happening?"

"My wife's emotions seem to be wrong. Go and look for Your Highness." Hong Xiao said, pulling Qingya to chase Long Xiaoqi.

Ling Jiu and Jade Crane glanced at each other, and also felt that the situation was a bit serious, and quickly went to find someone.

As soon as they went to the Moon Palace, they saw Gong Jiuge.

"Did you see your wife?" Gong Jiuge asked first before the two began.

"Ma's wife has returned, but as soon as she came back, she packed up and returned to Jiangxuexuan." Ling Jiu quickly reported.

"Hang Jiang Xuexuan?" Gong Jiuge frowned, thinking of something, his face slightly changed.

"Nine Brother!" Gong Shengling chased over and saw that they were also there, waving at them. "You go down first."

The two watched Jiu Ge in the Eye Palace, and when they saw him nod, they retreated together.

"Nine Brother, you just ..." Gong Shengling looked at what Gong Jiuge wanted to say, but he couldn't speak as hard as he could.

"Did you see it?" Gong Shengling hadn't finished speaking yet, but Gong Jiuge already knew what he wanted to say.

"Well." Gong Shengling nodded, still a little unbelieving, "Are you really with Li Fei?"

"Is she with you just now?" Before Gong Shengling asked, Gong Jiuge asked anxiously.

Gong Shengling frowned at Gong Jiuge and said anxiously: "Sister-in-law seems to be very angry and just left without saying a word."

"I will explain this to you later." After hearing Gong Shengling's words, Gong Jiuge dropped a sentence and left anxiously.

Looking at Gong Jiuge's anxious look, Gong Shengling was even more confused.

The elder brother likes to be the sister-in-law obviously, how can he get in touch with Li Fei, not to mention, Li Fei is the favored concubine of the father emperor, Jiu Ge is even less likely to do such a thing.

Gong Shengling sighed and returned to the Moon Temple uneasy.


Jiang Xuexuan.

"Your Highness!" Hong Xiao and Qingya were relieved when they saw Gong Jiuge coming.

"You go down first." Gong Jiuge sent the two out as soon as they entered the house.

"Yes." The two responded and exited the room together.

Gong Jiuge walked into the back room and saw Long Xiaoqi lying on his back against him and pretending to sleep.

"Angry?" Gong Jiuge walked to the bed and sat down, patting her shoulder.

Long Xiaoqi, as if he didn't hear it, still lay still on his side.

"Things are not what you see, I can explain." Gong Jiuge said helplessly.

Now he doesn't know whether he should be happy or distressed.

She was angry, obviously caring about this, that is, caring about him, he was naturally happy, but if she had just seen something, he was afraid he would really not be able to explain it.

"You don't need to explain to me. I'm not your real lady. We are just acting. You think I will care what you do with other women." Long Xiaoqi suppressed his anger and chuckled.

Long Xiaoqi said in a sentence, it suddenly seemed to squeeze a group of cotton to Gong Jiuge's heart, making him extremely depressed.

He tugs up Long Xiaoqi: "Do you really care? If you really don't care, you won't be angry like now."

Long Xiaoqi shook his hand away with a black face: "Who said I was angry, would I be angry with someone who doesn't matter? You are just my protector, we are not familiar with it at all, can I be angry for you?"

Another group of cotton plugged in, Gong Jiuge even more uncomfortable.

"I'm an insignificant person. Can an insignificant person kiss you?" Gong Jiuge said, kissing her lips like a sulking.

This time it seemed to be poking at Ma Honeycomb. Long Xiaoqi was so angry that his lungs would explode. While raising his hand and pushing him away, he punched him and slammed it into his head.

"Boom!" Gong Jiu was suddenly shot blue.

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