Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 394: Apprenticeship

394 Master and Apprentice

On the mountain peak, a slender figure wields the heart-burning sword in the sweat of the golden corpse.

The green sword qi danced up and down, and it looked beautiful in the golden light.

The former gold corpse, which was followed by others, was finally not stupid under the sharp attacks of the beaver, and they all returned to the ground.

Just a few breaths of time, all the moments before Jin Chancan disappeared.

"Well, don't go."

When the gold corpse ran away, the **** was dumbfounded.

KAO, all ran away, who will she abuse, what is she to do with her full energy?

"Amo, they won't stay with me."

The white **** turned and looked at Mo Beichen on the stone pier with an aggrieved look.

Mo Beichen supported his head and said, "They are afraid of you. You are no longer suitable for cultivation here. You should go to a higher place."

More advanced?

The **** blinked, his eyes brightened.

"Let's go to Master."

As the **** said, he excitedly pulled Mo Beichen towards Tianji Peak.

Mo Beichen looked at the bright sky and mourned for three seconds for Bu Yangzi in his heart.

Tianji Peak.

Sure enough, when the **** arrived, Bu Yangzi hadn't got up yet.


Before the door arrived, the **** shouted loudly.

In the room, Bu Yangzi, who was sleeping soundly, heard the raccoon's shout and erected from the bed.

It's Tanuki, what's going on?

Bu Yangzi hurriedly got dressed and came out to open the door.

"Good morning, Father."

Before Bu Yangzi opened the door completely, Baiju entered.

Bu Yangzi stared blankly at the spirited **** and glanced at the sympathetic Mo Beichen behind her, and his tense heart relaxed instantly.

"This is fine."

Bu Yangzi walked back inside and put on the boots he just forgot to wear.

"I'm fine, don't see me full of energy."

The white raccoon glanced inside secretly, then walked to the table by himself and poured a cup of tea for himself and Mo Beichen, not forgetting to give Bu Yangzi a cup.

Mo Beichen glanced at the overnight tea without doing anything.

"Master drinks tea."

Seeing that Bu Yangzi put on his shoes and came out, the **** immediately obediently passed the tea cup.

"This is overnight tea."

Bu Yangzi also glanced at the tea cup and did not pick it up.

... The requirements of the two masters are really high.

The **** raised his eyebrows. "Well, I'll get you new ones."

Bu Yangzi frowned and pulled the **** back to his seat. "Don't be busy, let me see your poison."

The **** frowned in surprise. Master knew she was poisoned by fire? Was she seen by Master when she had a fire poisoning last night?

Bu Yangzi grabbed Baiju's wrist and started to take her pulse.

The **** did not move, and sat obediently to let him explore the pulse.

Bu Yangzi's brow loosened first, then tightened again, then his face was dignified.

The **** demon's eyes rolled, and he looked slyly at Bu Yangzi, "Master, do you know medicine?"

"Uploaded by the ancestors." Bu Yangzi answered without looking up.

Zu uploaded? That is to say, the master's father's family passed on medicine for generations?

Bai Tan's eyes flickered lightly, and he smiled and asked, "How is the master's medical treatment?"

"Slightly understand fur."

Bu Yangzi lifted his eyes and glanced at the white raccoon who wanted to make a joke.

Know a little about fur? That's it.

The **** raised her eyebrows. It seemed that her guess was good. The master did understand medicine.

As long as he gave her the Jiu Gong Poison Roll, she should have thought of it. Since ancient times, medicine has not been separated from each other. How can a person with such a high level of Pollution Roll can't heal.

"Then I'm poisoned, you can't figure it out."

The **** blinked at Bu Yangzi playfully.

If the master's father can solve her fire poison, then the medical technique is definitely more than just a little understanding of fur.

Bu Yangzi glanced at the **** smiling like a little fox, and chuckled.

"If my father and brother are still alive, maybe there is still a way, but unfortunately for the teacher is not proficient in medicine, so we can only look at the door."

The raccoon froze slightly, accidentally squeezing a small eyebrow.

Master ca n’t understand. According to Master ’s statement, he really only knows a little bit about fur.

But it should be true that Master ’s family is a family of medicine, but why Master did n’t follow medicine.

Bu Yangzi explored for a long time, and finally put down Baiju's wrist, "Do you have a full moon attack?"

"Well." Beaver nodded.

Bu Yangzi frowned, his face even more dignified, "Who the **** did you poison?"

The **** shook his head. "I don't know. I brought it with me since I was born."

Bu Yangzi heard his words and stared in shock.

How cruel it is, neither for a newborn baby nor for a pregnant woman should be used in such a vicious way.

Bu Yangzi frowned at the beaver, "Does your grandfather know about this?"

Beaver looked up at Bu Yangzi and begged, "My grandpa doesn't know, and he asks Master not to alarm grandpa."


Bu Yangzi looked at the **** with pity, and nodded.

This girl is also suffering. For so many years, she has to experience such pain every month. It is also her firm will. If she changed to other people, she would not be able to bear it.

Knowing that Bu Yangzi was distressed by her, Beaver's heart warmed and laughed, "Master does n’t have to worry too much about my poison. I have survived for so many years. I can always find a way to solve it, not to mention I have found a restraint now It will not be so painful in the future. "

Bu Yangzi chuckled when he heard the words, "You are optimistic."

Mo Beichen watched the interaction between the master and apprentice, his eyes softened.

The **** went to make a pot of new tea and poured a cup for both the master and apprentice.

"By the way, I want to practice another peak. The previous mountain peaks have had little effect on me."

Bu Yangzi looked at Xiu Xiu and nodded, "You are now the triple spirit of the green spirit, it is time to change the mountain."

When the **** was pleased, he immediately said, "Master, please take me to the new mountain."

"Now, I haven't drunk tea."

Bu Yangzi frowned, holding the tea cup to drink, but was pulled down by the beaver.

"Come back later and drink again."

The **** could not help but pull Bu Yangzi out.

However, Mo Beichen drank a cup of tea before going out.

Outside, Elder Tu and others got up to wash.

"White girl is so early."

Seeing Bai Yang pulling Bu Yangzi, he was envious.

It ’s still an apprentice, and I know that I ’m pulling Master to bend early in the morning.

Bai Tan smiled sweetly at the elders, "Mr. Shu, early."

The more obedient the beaver, the more envious the elders are.

Hey, which of the apprentices in his family can be better than Bai Girl.

Elder Yuan went back to the forest to meditate and saw Bai Xiuwei's eyes widened.

"Well, how did Bai Girl get promoted to this level, and it was the Green Spirit Triple."

Elder Yuan said that everyone noticed Bai Xiu's cultivation.

"That is, you girl, this is flying. Why did you rise to triple in one night?" Elder Tu also looked surprised.

The first two days when I saw this girl was only Huang Ling Yae. In the past two or three days, this girl has arrived at Green Spirit Triple, but she is not flying.

Embarrassed by the crowd, Baiju scratched his head stupidly.

"Hey, it's nothing, it's just a four-level promotion."


The elder Su, who was gargle, heard the beaver's words, spit out a spit of water, and immediately touched the opposite elder Feng.

Elder Feng stared blankly, "How can I rinse my mouth and spray water?"

"Ahem ..."

Elder Su coughed twice, ignored the elder Feng, turned and looked at the **** with excitement, "You will be promoted to the fourth level in a moment."


The **** nodded, without waiting for the question, and added a sentence, "It's not strange, I had a level five before."

...... The elders were hit in an instant.

There was another time when I was promoted to 5th level, oh my god, where is this geek who came, and even so many levels at a time, it is not surprising.

Don't say that you have been promoted four or five times at one time, but two times at a time. These are things you have never heard of.

Hey, why did they let go of such a gifted and good-natured apprentice?

In the jealous eyes of everyone, Bu Yangzi took Baiju and Mo Beichen to fly away from the fire.

Looking at the left-right posture of Bu Yangzi, Elder Tu and others turned red with jealousy.

This old man, like a treasure now, was unwilling to accept Bai girl.

I knew this girl was so powerful, how could they not let Lao Bu collect one get one free?

Bu Yangzi took Baiju and Mo Beichen directly to the fire to leave the peak.

As soon as the fire was set off, the **** felt a rush of heat, and the fire spirit in the body became restless.

Mo Beichen frowned frantically.

"Here is the fire from the peak, and you are practicing here during the green spirit stage."


The **** glanced down at the blazing flames beneath the mountain and frowned, "Why is there fire here?"

Before those mountain peaks were not woods or water, but how to get here was a sea of ​​fire. Is it a volcano here?

Bu Yangzi explained with a light smile, "The Tianji Peak where we are was created by predecessors according to the Taiji Bagua array. The main peak is the second level of Yin and Yang. The dean is Juyang, the elder is Yin. Let's say that the fire under our feet is away from the peak.

This fire off the peak is different from the real volcano. Although the fire below is also a real fire, it is less than one tenth of the volcano.

However, in terms of the fire practice method of this girl, here is very suitable for her practice.

The **** nodded, "I see, I'll continue to practice."

The **** said and turned to Mo Beichen again, "A Mo, go and practice with Master for a while, I will go to you in the afternoon."


Mo Beichen nodded and he didn't adapt to this, so he couldn't stay here for a long time to accompany her.

The **** jumped directly down the mountain and into the sea of ​​fire.

Looking down at the Liaoyuan Mars that came to the bottom, Baitan suddenly understood the real feeling of going up the sword mountain and going down the sea of ​​fire.

After the **** stepped on the sea of ​​fire, the flame rose instantly.

The fire, the **** is not afraid, let alone a little fire, no matter how big the fire, it will not hurt her.

The **** looked around, and just when he wanted to lift his foot to the depths of the flame, there was a movement under his foot.

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