Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 395: Leadership style

Chapter 395: The Leader's Style

The **** was startled, and jumped subconsciously into the air, but he saw the numerous black ants crawling out of the fiery crevice.

The raccoon frowned, staring at the black ant colony rushing towards her.

Level 5 Spirit Beast Black Fire Ant?

But no one had told her that the black fire ants were so big.

Looking at a black fire ant the size of a palm, the **** felt numb.

Because Master Mao likes raising insects so much, aren't those lions and tigers very cute?

The **** stood in the air for a long time, and finally jumped into the black ant pile.

With the green sword gas, the heart-burning sword swept into the air, and the group of black fire ants all caught the heart-burning sword instantly.

The **** was startled and almost lost his sword.

KAO, in any case, these black fire ants are not even afraid of burning the sword.

The **** looked at the heart-burning sword full of black ants, and frowned.

Is it the fire on the heart-burning sword that attracts these black fire ants.

The **** frowned for a moment, then took away the heart-burning sword and replaced the trenches.

Sure enough, after the fire disappeared, the black fire ants stopped on the trenches.

The raccoon's lips slightly raised, and when he raised the trenches, he rushed into the black ant pile and slaughtered.

Although the black fire ant is on fire and has a higher level than the golden corpse, for the beaver, it is still more willing to kill the black fire ant, at least it does not smell.

But when she really started fighting with black fire ants, she realized that these black fire ants were far less effective than she thought.

These black fire ants will not only use their tails to throw fireballs, but more importantly, the black fire ants are very united. They will either not attack, and they will swarm up to attack.

Not only that, they also have their own formations, sometimes encircling, sometimes breaking out, as well as left and right, front and rear, main attack, etc. In short, just like humans fight, the IQ of these black fire ants is It is really high, and it is indeed a fifth-level spirit beast.

Some of the formations they changed had never been seen by the beavers. At first they were burned by their heads. Fortunately, the beavers were also smart, and soon they calmed down and began to break.

Because of their fresh formation, the beavers have a long-sightedness, secretly remembering all the formation formations, in case they can be used later.

Seeing that the white **** is getting better, Bu Yangzi is not staying much.

"follow me."

Bu Yangzi glanced at Beichen and flew northwest.

Looking at the white raccoon fighting the black fire ants under the fire, Mo Beichen couldn't help but gently twitch his lips, turned around and followed Bu Yangzi.

Bu Yangzi took Mo Beichen to Tiangan Peak.

The Tiangan Peak is the largest and most dangerous of the eight side peaks. Generally, no one will come, and even the elders will not easily reach the Tiangan Peak.

Bu Yangzi stood on the top of Tiangan Peak and looked at Mo Beichen. "You have reached Mo Ling. If you just practice by meditation, the upgrade will be very slow. You will practice it on this day."


Mo Beichen nodded.

The unusually strong aura here made his spirit a little agitated, and even Long Yinjian seemed to feel something, trembling agitatedly.

Bu Yangzi turned his eyes to the bottom of the peak, squinting.

"I don't know exactly what's in it. I only know that it's extremely dangerous. If you encounter any danger, you can exit in time and nothing will happen."

The dry peak is very big this day, and even he has only gone in for less than a half. Only this half is dangerous and abnormal.

However, he believes that with this kid's ability, he should be able to travel all over Tiangan Peak.

If it is said that he is not good, he may not be as tall as him, but if he really fights, the boy may not lose him.

The indifferent eyes swept gently, and the bottom of the silver-purple eyes instantly swept through.

I did not expect this Fengshen Academy, there is such an interesting place.

"It's dangerous here, help me set up an enchantment here, and don't let Tanuki come in by mistake."

When Mo Beichen finished speaking, he jumped directly down the Tiangan Peak.

Bu Yangzi narrowed his eyes.

This dead boy, this is calling him as a guard.

Unhappy and unhappy, but Bu Yangzi still said according to Mo Beichen, set up an enchantment at the entrance of Tiangan Peak before leaving.

Mo Beichen stood at the bottom of the peak, looking at the blank area around him, frowning frowningly.

It turned out to be a fantasy world, and it can make the fantasy world so realistic. The cultivation of the person who built the peak is definitely above God level.

Mo Beichen glanced at the various arrays arranged around him and raised his eyebrows with interest.

However, a small side peak, even with so many arrays, is there any treasure hidden in Qianfeng this day.

Mo Beichen didn't rush forward, but kept all the formations around him in his heart, so as not to make mistakes and start the formations in a panic for a while, it was definitely a disaster.

Just as Mo Beichen recorded the formation, a strong wind suddenly struck, and Long Yinjian trembled desperately.

Mo Beichen's eyes flickered, and his big hand lifted, Long Yinjian flew into the air and flew to the monster behind him.

Mo Beichen turned around and looked coldly at the golden eagle with six wings behind him.

Seven-level holy beast with six wings?

Mo Beichen flew directly into the air, grabbed Long Yinjian and slashed at the head of the golden carving.

As if feeling the danger, the Golden Eagle flashed away immediately, and then waved his six giant wings.

A powerful hurricane struck. It was too late for Mo Beichen to hide, and the whole person was blown out by the hurricane.

Mo Beichen immediately carried his spiritual power and stabilized his body shape. Before he could move, the original empty space suddenly blew a dust storm, and even the surrounding scenes instantly turned into a desert.

Those formations buried under the desert were completely buried at this time. Fortunately, Mo Beichen just wrote down those formations first, otherwise it would be really miserable.

Mo Beichen frowned at the frosty sand, and stretched out his sleeve to cover his face.

Mo Beichen not only did not feel dangerous at this moment, but felt more interesting.

He hasn't been to such an interesting place for a long time.

Mo Beichen lifted the sword shape of Long Yin and disappeared into the sand of the desert.

Seeing that Mo Beichen disappeared, the six-winged golden eagle was anxious and immediately fanned the wind more wildly.

Just as the six-winged gold carving went crazy, Mo Beichen suddenly appeared behind it.

"Ah ah……"

The blue dragon-shaped great sword slammed into the six-winged gold carving.

In only a moment, the six-winged gold carving was split in half and disappeared into space.

As soon as the golden eagle of the six wings died, the wind and sand storm disappeared instantly, but the desert did not disappear.

Mo Beichen fell gently to the ground, and with a big wave of his hand, he would put away Long Yinjian.

Long Yinjian finally came out, and he refused to go back wherever he could, rubbing softly around Mo Beichen.

Because of the illusion, Mo Beichen left him behind, and threw him behind, and then moved forward along the desert.

From the beginning of this illusion, he was given a seventh-level holy beast, but he was looking forward to it.

Here one man and one sword walked through the desert, while the **** and the black fire ant were fighting wit.

There were several people in a row, both of them practiced independently, and each of them also made progress.

Seeing that both apprentices practiced so earnestly, the most gratifying thing was Bu Yangzi.

With Bai Tan and Mo Beichen as role models, Murong Yu and Bai Yihan also worked harder.

In particular, Bai Ruyue was completely hit by the speed of the **** training. After returning to Orange Feifeng, he practiced day and night, and even Nangong Huang forgot to go and watch.

Not only were they allowed Murong to take them, but even Xue Yan and Xiang Liyang were also forced to start studying hard by elder Tu and others.

According to Elder Tu, people are so talented, but still working so hard. What reason do you not have to work hard to cultivate?

Therefore, since Baitan and Mo Beichen began to practice hard, the entire Zixia Peak seemed to be in a state of preparation for war. Except for morning exercises, almost no one was seen in the main square. Everyone hid in their houses and practiced seriously.

The disciple contest is imminent, and everyone is willing to work hard. Even then, even if you cannot become the chief disciple, you can't humiliate the master.

With the leadership of these people, the disciples of the entire Fengshen College have been earnestly practicing.

For the disciples' rare and diligent behavior, Bu Yangzi and other elders were very pleased, and Elder Tu and others even boasted that the **** had the lead and sister style.

This word passed into the ears of Zuo Yuqing and his apprentices, and he became Baizi's ability to become the chief disciple.

Zuo Yuqing was dismissive of this statement, but Shijiu was very worried.

On this day, Shi Jiu could not help but call Zuo Yuqing to question.

"How are you doing?"

Zuo Yuqing's face froze, and he immediately bowed down. "The disciples have worked hard to cultivate, but the cultivation is still not progressing, and they are still triple."

When the wine was instantly disappointed, he hummed.

"Waste, you look at Mo Beichen. I saw yesterday that he was about to break through the heavy one, and you are still suffering triple damage."

It's been almost a year since he was in Mie. It's only been a few days since Mo Beichen was about to get heavy again. It's really better than not knowing.

Zuo Yuqing frowned in a black line.

He would say that he didn't look at how long it took for Morin to rise, and this upgrade was naturally faster than him.

Zuo Yuqing's eyes rolled and he bowed, "The disciples don't want to, either, isn't there a quick way?"

"The quick way?"

Shi Jiu raised his eyebrows and looked at Zuo Yuqing in doubt.

Zuo Yuqing immediately stepped forward to explain, "The disciples thought that the reason why Mo Beichen and Bai Tan'er can be promoted so fast is that there is something we don't know is a quick way."

After knowing that they have a quick method, he has no intention to cultivate, only to find the quick method to take shortcuts.

Shijiu narrowed his eyes and sneered, "So you want their cultivation method."

The idea was revealed, and Zuo Yuqing's face froze, and she immediately lowered her head.

"The disciples are afraid."

Shi Jiu Lengheng raised his eyes and looked at Zuo Yuqing quietly.

"Since ancient times, things have not been rushed quickly. The practice of cultivation, based on solidity, is always greedy, and it will only pay for itself."

Zuo Yuqing didn't pay attention to Shijiu's exhortation. When he saw that he was unwilling to find the quick way for him, he responded with some disappointment.

"Disciple understand."

Looking at the disappointed expression of Zuo Yuqing, Shi Ji flashed a touch of irony and waved his hand slightly.

"Come on and practice well. In any case, this disciple contest cannot be lost to Baijuer."

Zuo Yuqing raised his lips confidently. "Master, rest assured, disciples will never lose."

After Zuo Yuqing said, he bowed and retreated.

Shijiu looked at Zuo Yuqing's back, squinting slightly.

What a stupid person to believe in a quick way. He has lived for so many years and has never heard that this practice is fast-moving.

If he didn't want him to help him win the disciples contest, such a idiot, he would not bother to care about him.

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