Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 802: Way to save people

When they saw the beaver, Elder Tu and Elder Yuan were instantly rejoicing.

"Girl Tanuki is back."

"Your girl is back, but you want to kill us."

"It's not smooth over there, has the plague been lifted?"

"Mr. Mo and Mr. Lan, why didn't they come back with you?"


Everyone rushed up and surrounded the beavers. You said, I didn't give her time to talk at all.

Elder Wu, who was squeezed aside by a few people, complained instantly.

These guys, just pretending to be worried about him, now when they saw Tanuki, they took him directly into the air.

Elder Wu hummed around them and sat beside Bu Yangzi to drink tea angrily.

"The second master sent me the prescription, and the plague was lifted."

"Lan Yuyu has already returned. He is now outside the city. A Mo is still on his way back and will soon be back."

The beavers answered the questions of Elder Tu one by one, and then bypassed them and walked to Bu Yangzi, "Master, I am back."

Bu Yangzi looked at the **** lovingly and nodded, "Just come back."

He was worried about death these days, for fear that she was sick there, and now seeing her return safely, the hanging heart finally let go.

Elder Tu and Elder Yuan followed, and saw Elder Wu sitting next to Bu Yangzi, eyes widened in surprise.

"Laowu, when did you come back?"

The elder Wu listened to the words in unison.

These two **** guys really have the ability to be mad.

Looking at Elder Wu's dark face, Beaver explained with a smile, "I just went to Shengtian City to find a powder keg and met Uncle Wu, so I returned with him."

Elder Tu and Elder Yuan stared again. "You came back with Tanuki. I just didn't see you."

Elder Wu was so angry that he turned around and glared at the two, saying "You are blind, both are blind."

Both of them turned black for a moment, how could this old Wu still scold others, but they were so worried about him just now.

"Heck ..." Baitan grinned and coughed softly, "Uncle Yuan, you also entered the secret passage, how many gunpowder barrels did you find?"

As soon as he mentioned the gunpowder barrel, Elder Yuan rose up solemnly, and he silently calculated the next words, "Not counting the five I and Laowu found together, I later found 47."

The **** nodded and glanced at Elder Wu.

Elder Wu said, "I also found forty-seven behind me."

Elder Yuan frowned, "No, that's only ninety-nine gunpowder barrels, one less."

The **** frowned and looked at the two, "Will you remember one more?"

"No?" They both said in unison.

The **** raised his eyebrows at the two, so sure?

Elder Yuan first said, "I can't make a mistake. I cut off the leads of each gunpowder barrel. There are 51 leads in total, and 52 gunpowder barrels will not be wrong."

Elder Yuan said that he took out the leads he had cut from his arms.

Elder Wu also took out the leads he had cut. "I cut 47 leads and 47 powder kegs. I should be right."

The two counted the leads together, and it turned out that there were only 98 leads, one less.

Elder Yuan frowned and thought, "The topography of the secret passage is not complicated or messy, and we should not miss it unless the last powder bucket is not in the secret passage."

He was afraid of missing it, so he looked very carefully.

The **** was silent for a moment and said, "Last one, let's ignore him first, we'll deal with the ninety-nine first."

Elder Yuan said: "We have cut off the leads. If they want to ignite the medicine barrel, it will not be as easy as before."

Beaver raised his eyebrows. "Uncle Yuan is indeed a good solution, but we are not only solving the gunpowder problem, but also the hostage problem."

Several elders nodded when they heard that how to save talents is the most important thing now.

Beaver looked at Elder Tu and Elder Wu. "Uncle Yuan, Uncle Wu, can you mark the gunpowder barrels you found on the map?"

The two looked at each other and nodded together, "Yes."

When the **** was pleased, he immediately took out the map Xie Kun gave her and handed it to the two.

They looked at the many black spots on the map and frowned at the same time, "What is this?"

"This is where the hostages Xie Kun found."

Elder Yuan raised his eyebrows clearly. "No wonder it coincides with the position of the powder keg, but they are not all there."

Beaver laughed, "Then bother you two uncles to complete him."

The two nodded, found an ink pen, and marked out the locations of the hostages and powder kegs.

The **** looked silently at the black dot map.

Everyone in the city is detained and scattered in every corner of the city. Each detention point is guarded by soldiers. There are soldiers patrolling the streets. It is not easy to rescue people without knowing it.

God is unaware of the ghost?

Baitan suddenly brightened his eyes, "I have a way."

"What's the way?" Everyone instantly looked at Baiju together.

The **** mysteriously raised his lips, "Leave this matter to me, I promise not to save everyone in three days."

The elders looked at each other and became more curious.

Beaver looked at Elder Yuan and Elder Wu with a smile and said, "I wonder if the two masters could draw me a secret road map, I have great use."

The two nodded, took a piece of parchment, and worked together to complete a secret map.

"Thank you two uncles." Beaver looked at the map with satisfaction and carefully closed the map.

Bu Yangzi frowned at the beaver, "Would you like to help?"

The **** looked at Bu Yangzi with a smile, "Master, rest assured, when you and your uncles help, this little thing does not require masters and uncles to be overkill."

These are trivial matters, and there are still big battles to be fought later, when Master and Uncle are useful.

Seeing the **** saying so, Elder Tu slaughtered his chest arrogantly immediately, "Just say what the raccoon girl has to help."

The **** smiled and nodded. "Of course the **** will not be polite with the masters. The master and the uncles will rest first, and we will go back to save people now."

"Be careful." Bu Yangzi explained uneasily.

The **** bowed, "the disciple understands."

Saying goodbye to Bu Yangzi, Baiju and Zhuo Qingyun hurried back to Xianhu Temple together.

Bu Yangzi looked anxiously at the back of Bai Jue and Zhuo Qingyun.

Elder Yuan patted his shoulder comfortably and said, "The raccoon girl is so smart, she is very rewarding."

Bu Yangzi nodded silently.

That girl is really smart, and I think nothing should happen.

As soon as the two arrived at Xianhu Palace, Dong Ming and Xie Kun both greeted them.

"President (head)."

The **** looked at them and laughed, "Go ahead and talk."

The **** said that he advanced in the main hall, and the others immediately followed him.

As soon as the **** sat down, he said, "I already have a way to save people."

Everyone was excited when they heard the words, "What is it?"

The **** licked his lips, glanced at the crowd, and then slowly said three words, "dig the tunnel."

Dig into the tunnel?

Everyone looked at each other, and immediately began to consider the feasibility of this approach.

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