Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 803: All out

Shi Ran frowned for a moment, "This man is so scattered, it can be said that it is spread throughout the Holy City. If it is to dig the tunnel, it can be considered a huge project."

Nie Qing also said, "This project is not a big deal. I'm afraid we haven't waited for us to dig the tunnel to rescue people, and there will be some action there."

Everyone else frowned and thought this was a good solution, but it was not easy to implement.

Only Zhuo Qingyun, who had entered the secret passage, looked at the **** with admiration.

The woman was as clever as ever.

Knowing what everyone was worried about, Beaver said with a smile, "Who says this is a huge project, and I promise to save everyone in three days."

Shi Ran looked startled, "It's unlikely for three days."

Nie Qing also frowned, "Yeah, only three days, how could it be possible to dig out so many tunnels."

Beaver raised his hand and made a snoring gesture. "Everyone is calm and restless, listen to me first."

When everyone was quiet, the **** said, "I told you before that there were a hundred gunpowder barrels buried in the Holy City, and this hundred gunpowder barrels were placed in the secret road of the Holy City."

The **** said from his arms, he took the esoteric map drawn by Elder Yuan and Elder Wu together and showed it to everyone. "This is a map of esoteric roads. All these esoteric roads are connected. One person is tall enough, and one person walks a little from below. No problem. "

Shi Ran looked at the crisscrossing dense road map, and suddenly hesitated, "I have lived in Shengtian City for several decades, but I didn't know that there was such a big secret road under Shengtian City."

Everyone else was shocked.

Such a big secret road, this is to cover the entire Holy City. The man was exhausted to bury the gunpowder.

Yu Zhongjin glanced at the map and said, "If this is the case, then this method is feasible."

"Yes." Bai Tan nodded and took out the map again. "Look at these black spots. These black spots are the place where the people are detained, and the place where the gunpowder buckets are. I will dig from the outside to these. At the black spots, people can be rescued as well as gunpowder barrels. "

In addition to saving people, those gunpowder buckets must also be dealt with together, otherwise these things will be a disaster sooner or later in this holy city.

Looking at the map and the road map, everyone no longer doubts the feasibility of the plan.

There are many secret passages underneath, and they can be rescued simply by linking to any secret passage.

The crowd gathered in front of the two maps, "Which side should we dig from?"

The **** touched his chin and looked at the secret passage. "The people are scattered, and the secret passage below is also very large. If only one was dug, I'm afraid they won't be able to go out for three or four days. They will be found by then. . "

Uncle Wu just stayed in it for three days. He still had some practice. If he took a group of people who didn't practice, he would not run out.

The crowd nodded, and the Holy City was two or three times larger than the ordinary city, and indeed it was impossible to dig a secret passage.

The **** thought for a while, pointing at the azimuth road on the map, "In this way, we divide in eight directions: east, south, west, north, northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest, and digging together. When the time comes, we must act in the fastest way. Speed ​​saves everyone. "

"Okay, that's it." Everyone agreed with Baitan.

If you save people from eight directions together, you should be able to save people quickly.

Bai Tan raised his eyes and looked at Wu Yan and others, "The heavens and the earth are yellow, the four messengers."

Wu Yan, Yun Xing, Hao Long, and Hang Yong stood up together, "Subordinates are here."

"The four of you, each with a team of people, are responsible for digging tunnels from four directions: southeast, northwest, and northwest. Be sure to dig tunnels within two days."


The four responded and bowed back together.

The **** looked at Cao Yue again, "You go and call Shan Jiang and Ni Jun."


Cao Yue bowed out and soon brought in Shan Jiang and Ni Jun.

As soon as the two entered the hall, they saluted to the beaver, "Head, look for us."

The **** glanced silently at the two, and compared to the first time they saw them, they have grown up.

Ni Jun has always practiced hard. Now that he has reached the end of Qingling, after this period of training, he has less childishness, and looks much more calm than before.

Although the boy Shanjiang Xiuwei is worse, he has already reached Qingling, and this boy has always been smart, but he is also capable of doing things.

Seeing the beavers looking at them all the time, they were instantly restless.

Beaver looked at the two for a while, then smiled, "Do you want to be the elite captain?"

"Leader ..."

Shan Jiang and Ni Jun were both silly.

The **** raised his eyebrows and said positively, "Now the head of the team officially promotes you two to the elite captain."

Now the Iron Blood Mercenary Corps has more than doubled the mercenaries it used to have. She had long wanted to promote them to the elite captains, reducing the burden for Cao Yue and Yu Zhongjin, but she never found an opportunity.

Shan Jiang and Ni Jun still seemed stupid, looking at the **** incredibly.

Everyone couldn't help laughing at the stupidity of the two.

Huo Bin even stepped forward and patted Dan Jiang's head. "You two silly boys, thank you, head, please."

The two returned to their knees and immediately knelt down in excitement. "Thank you head."

The **** looked at the four elite captains in front of him and said, "Cao Yue, Yu Zhongjin, your two old captains will bring the new captain, Shan Jiang, Ni Jun, you should learn more from Cao Yue and Yu Zhongjin."


The four looked at each other and smiled and hammered each other's shoulders.

The relationship between the four of them has always been good. Even if Bai Tan wouldn't say that Shan Jiang and Ni Jun would consult them naturally, Cao Yue and Yu Zhongjin would naturally not hesitate.

Looking at the four captains like brothers, Shi Ran instantly felt envious.

This is what makes the Iron Blood Mercenary Corps different from them. From the commander to the deputy commander to the elite captain, the common mercenaries are very united. No matter what the commander says or does, they are unconditionally obedient, never When in doubt. This was not available in their mercenary regiment.

When this time is over, I really have to learn from others, or I will be thrown away.

Seeing the four people so harmonious, Baiju nodded in peace. "The remaining four directions are the responsibility of the four of you. Shan Jiang and Ni Jun asked Cao Yue and Yu Zhongjin if they did not understand."


The four responded and retreated together.

"Huo Bin."

Huo Bin immediately stepped forward, "Head of the Party."

The **** attached to his ear and whispered something to him.

Huo Bin nodded after listening, then turned out of the main hall.

Seeing Huo Bin also gone, Shi Ran frowned. "Head Mo, what are we doing?"

"Yeah, what are we going to do?"

The **** wicked his lips. "Let's do nothing, keep our spirits up, and prepare for a tough battle."

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