Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 804: Langya Village Old Seven

In the dense forest ten kilometers away from the Holy City.

Mo Beichen rode his horse forward slowly.

Liu Yan hit the horse and arched, "Master, Huo Bin is here."

Mo Beichen lifted his eyelids, "Let's come over."


Liu Yan responded, and soon brought Huo Bin over.

"See Mo Ye." Seeing Mo Beichen, Huo Bin immediately bowed to salute.

"What is it?"

Indifferent voice, no emotion can be heard.

Huo Bin stared a little in a daze, "The commander of the regiment will let you take the soldiers to the heaven two days later."

Mo Beichen's eyes flickered, and he said lightly, "I see."

Huo Bin bowed down and went directly back to Xianhu Temple.

Looking at the back of Huo Bin away, Liu Yan frowned slightly.

Didn't the madam let them go to the holy heaven as soon as possible? Why aren't you in a hurry?

Mo Beichen glanced at the direction of Shengtian and squinted his eyes, "Stop troops."


Liu Yan immediately responded, and turned to pass the order.

Fairy Fox Palace.

In the owner's exclusive room, the **** slept soundly.

I hurried for a few days and didn't take a rest after returning. I was always busy, so I fell asleep as soon as I touched the pillow.

A dark shadow flashed, and there was one more person in the room. It was Mo Beichen who should be ten miles away at this moment.

Mo Beichen walked to the bed and looked at Bai's tired little face, and couldn't help frowning.

As if feeling something, Baitan opened his eyes slyly, and when he saw Mo Beichen, he closed his eyes softly.

"Amo." The **** rolled into his arms, hugged his waist, and buried his face in his arms.

Mo Beichen loosened her brows and gently stroked her green silk, softly, "Do you know I will come back?"

The **** closed his eyes, a radian radiated from the corners of his lips, "I know you can't rest assured of me."

Mo Beichen's lip angle was light, and she put a kiss on her forehead, then took off her boots and hugged her to sleep.

The two slept well all night, waking up for seven or eight hours.

Dong Ming, Xie Kun, they also listened to Baiju's words, went back to sleep a lot, and raised their spirits.

When Bai Tan and Mo Beichen appeared together in the main hall, they really surprised Huo Bin.

"Moye ..."

When did he come back? Why do you look back before him?

Others saw Mo Beichen as a surprise, saluting one after another.

"Moye is back."


Mo Beichen glanced at them lightly and said nothing.

Beaver looked at Dong Ming and Xie Kun said, "Well, you have seen Wu Yan, Cao Yue and their progress."

Dong Ming immediately bowed, "Subordinates have gone to see it just now, and they will be able to find out in two days."

"Very good." Baitan nodded with satisfaction, but time was too late.

The **** thought for a while, and watched the two confess, "Let them hurry up, don't be lazy, dig through the tunnel and rescue the people, everyone has a reward."

"Yes." The two responded and bowed out to supervise together.

Beaver looked at Huo Bin and laughed. "When did you come back?"

Huo Bin glanced at Mo Beichen, "When it was dawn."

The beaver's eyes twitched and looked at Mo Beichen.

How did this guy come back so quickly?

Mo Beichen ignored the two and sat down to drink tea.

"Ah ..." Baitan looked at Huo Bin, and coughed softly. "You go to rest and keep your spirits up. There are important tasks to be left to you."


Huo Bin responded with excitement, turned around and went back to rest.

Baitan sat next to Mo Beichen and drank tea.

Shi Ran and Nie Qing, who were sitting opposite them, looked at Mo Beichen secretly. They wanted to talk to him but did not dare to speak.

Baici looked at Mo Beichen with a funny look. This guy's iceberg nature can really scare many people away.

City main house.

The old town owner was restless for a few days, and Hubak and Yan Hongtian did not come one day, and he was uneasy one day.

"Where have they been?"

Fang Qi immediately bowed. "It is said that Chishui and Lanchi have already been out. I don't know where they are."

The old city owner squinted and said, now that it has set off, it will take up to two or three days to reach the holy heaven.

The old town owner looked at Fang Qidao, "The secret road and others have shown me well, and there can be no mistakes."

"Yes." Fang Qi shuddered, but she dared not show anything.

The two were talking, and the door was suddenly opened.

The old city owner's displeased eyes shot at the door of the room, and frowning frantically when he saw the person coming.

When Fang Qi saw the woman at the door, she subconsciously blocked her in front of the old city master, and said loudly, "Who are you?"

The woman completely ignored Fang Qi and glanced at the old city sneer sneerly, "Why, don't you invite me to sit in?"

Fang Qi frowned slightly, and turned to look at the old town owner.

The old city owner's deep eyes shook and waved at Fang Qi, "You go down first."


Fang Qi's eyes flashed with suspicion, but he did not dare to retreat indifferently.

After Fang Qi left, the woman entered the house in an impromptu place, and without waiting for the old town master to explain, she sat at the table and poured herself a cup of tea.

The old town owner was not upset, and when she saw a cup of tea, she went over and picked up a teapot to give her another cup.

The woman raised her eyebrows and lost her interest in drinking tea. She put the tea cup back on the table and stared at him, "You should know why I came?"

The old city's master asked his lips, knowingly, "Please, girl Luo."

Luo Qi glanced coldly at the old town owner, "I want to destroy the whereabouts of my Langya Village."

The old city's evil-spoken lips, pretending to be sorrowful, "Brother Su Xian died tragically. I didn't know it until later. I'm sorry for not being able to help."

The old town owner didn't say it was okay, but Luo Qi was even more angry when he said it.

I think how much benefits Langyazhai gave this old fox at first, at least half of the money in Langyazhai fell into this old fox's pocket. I thought that as the master of a city, how much can I help Langyazhai to lining up, It didn't help him to think of him being a bit busy.

Luo Qi took a deep breath and said, "Less nonsense, I just want to know who killed my elder brother and their elder brother."

The old town chuckled, "Your second brother is fine."

Luo Qi stared in shock, "What did you say?"

The old town owner gave her a glance, and sneered, "Your second brother took everyone in Langya Village and turned to the one who destroyed you Langya Village."

"This is impossible." Luo Qi frowned frantically, refuting subconsciously.

The old town owner did not argue with her, only said, "It's impossible, you can see it with your own eyes."

Luo Qi clenched her fists and squinted, "Where are they?"

She didn't believe that the second brother would betray Langyazhai, and she never believed that the second brother would do such a thing.

The old city master smiled and raised an eyebrow, "Before you rush, they will naturally see you in two days."

Luo Qi frowned, looking at the old town owner for unknown reasons.

The old city owner's eyes shook and said, "You live here these two days, and you will understand me in two days."

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