Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 813: Zuo Yuqing

Hearing the explosion, Zuo Yuqing was terrified and immediately turned back to the city's mansion.

Zuo Yuqing stood in midair and looked at the ruined city main mansion. The first thing that came to his mind was the two volumes of exercises he had not yet learned, and he was immediately furious.

"Damn!" Zuo Yuqing whispered a curse, and then stepped angrily towards the tower.

"Qing'er ... Qing'er is still in the main city."

On the tower, Zuo Fangyi finally returned to his mind, and hurriedly wanted to rush down the tower.


A familiar voice came, and Zuo Fang raised his eyes sternly, but stopped for a moment.

Father Zuo looked at Zuo Yuqing blankly, as if he did not recognize him.

The crowd turned around at the same time, and when they saw Zuo Yuqing in the air, they instantly changed their faces.

Lan Yanyu looked at Zuo Yuqing, who was not like a ghost or a ghost, in the air, and couldn't help but swallowed, and whispered, "Is he Zuo Yuqing?"

Zhuo Qingyun nodded silently, "a bit like."

Lan Yanyu frowned. "What's going on, how did he become this ghost?"

Although Zuo Yuqing was not too handsome before, his face was still at least visible, at least it was a human face. Now, his hair is pale, his face is green, his eyes are protruding, his mouth is big, and he is far away. Far from looking like an individual, it looks like a beast.

The **** looked at Zuo Yuqing with cold eyes. "This may be the sequel to that exercise."

Lan Yanyu felt sad for Zuo Yuqing in his heart. He turned to look at the corpse of the old city owner with a resentful glance. "This old guy is so vicious, he can really do anything vicious."

The **** raised his eyebrows indifferently. "One is willing to hit the other."

She didn't have any pity for Zuo Yuqing. As the saying goes, a slap won't slap, and the flies won't bite the egg. If Zuo Yuqing herself didn't want to learn any quick success method, how could she be in the way of the old town master.

If you want to get it for nothing, you have to pay the price.

"Qing ... Qinger ..." Zuo Fangyi shouted tentatively.

Zuo Yuqing immediately flew over to Zuo Fangzi and Zuo Fangyi, "Grandfather, father, are you all right?"

Zuo Fangyi looked at Zuo Yuqing for a long time before finally grasping his hand in excitement, "It's you, Qinger, how did you become like this?"

If he hadn't seen him before, he wouldn't dare to recognize him.

Zuo Yuqing didn't realize anything unusual about him, and even frowned, "What happened to me?"

What Zuo Fangyi wanted to say, Father Zuo immediately pulled his sleeves, and Zuo Fangyi stuttered, "No ... nothing?"

Zuo Fangyi glanced at Father Zuo secretly. Father Zuo looked solemn and complex.

At this time he finally knew that they had been fooled by the old fox, and he said how could he so kindly pass the order of God to Qing'er, who originally wanted to forge Qinger into his killing tool.

Father Zuo stared at the old city owner on the ground, anxious to unload his body.

Damn, he had a talented grandson, so he was ruined.

At the same time that Father Zuo felt heartache, he was also thinking quickly about the retreat of the three of them.

Although Qing'er became such a person, he was a god-level master. He had to bring him back to Blue Magic. By then, Qing'er would be in town, not afraid that their left family was not strong.

They should n’t have visited the muddy waters today. They are hostile to the Bai family, but this is not the time for them to avenge themselves. They must leave Shengtian City as soon as possible.

When Father Zuo was thinking about how to leave here, Zuo Yuqing finally found the body of the old city master, and suddenly he was angry, "Who did it?"

Zuo Yuqing screamed angrily, then immediately squatted down and began searching the old city owner's body, but he rummaged through all his pieces of clothes, but couldn't find even a piece of paper.

Zuo Yuqing's eyes were instantly red, and the city's mansion was gone. He originally had a glimmer of hope, hoping that the old city man could bring those two exercises to him, but now he had no last hope.

Zuo Yu lifted his eyes sternly, blood-stained eyes full of murderousness directed at Bai Jue and others, "Who killed him?"

The **** glanced at Zuo Yuqing with a disdain, and poked, "Dasha."

Zuo Yuqing clenched his fist, and the blue tendon in his forehead suddenly burst out, stubbing his neck, "What did you say?"

The **** was not afraid of him at all, and still disdain, "I said that you fool, really sold it to others, and also paid for the number of people."

Zhuo Qingyun and Lan Yanyu laughed instantly.

Isn't this man a fool? People are threatening him, and he is still handing swords to others, this is not a fool, what is it?

At the moment of seriousness, when the **** was so troubled, he instantly relaxed.

Zuo Yu got angry, turned his hands into claws, and grabbed at the **** with a stun.

Mo Beichen's eyes narrowed and he pulled Baiju behind him, welcoming himself.

Zuo Yuqing looked at Mo Beichen at first, and suddenly he was excited.

He was afraid of Mo Beichen before, but now he is not afraid of him anymore. He is already a god, and he doesn't believe he can beat him.

Zuo Yuqing's red eyes flashed with an excited red light, picking up the vigorous mysterious power in his body, and splitting towards the top of Mo Beichen.

Mo Beichen waved a white mysterious block without expression.

One silver, one white, and two mysterious powers collided, and a warm spark was emitted instantly, "bang", and the two were shaken away at the same time.

Zuo Yuqing stepped back a few steps, instead of being annoyed, he became more excited.

Good strength, and really only he deserves to be his opponent.

Zuo Yuqing suddenly printed two silver mysterious powers towards Mo Beichen with his hands printed on his hands.

Mo Beichen was not afraid, and his right hand was raised, and an ice dragon was thrown out.

The two instantly struck the sky from the ground, and the dazzling sparks flashed like a slap in the air.

The **** frowned, and anxiously wanted to come forward to help, but she was only Mo Ling. In front of the two white and silver giants, it was not enough to see. She came forward to help, but she would not only help A Mo, but also become His burden.

Just when the **** was anxious, Bu Yangzi and several elders arrived.

"Girl Tanuki, here we are."

Seeing them, Bu Yangzi and Elder Yuan, the **** was overjoyed and immediately said, "Master, uncle is just here, go and help A Mo."

"Leave it to us." Several people glanced at the two who were fighting in the air, and flew together.

Here, Zuo Fangyi glared at the **** with a murderous look, "White demon girl, you have hurt me, I will avenge my son today."

The **** sneered, "well, as long as you can win me, my life is yours."

"Zhang Kuang!" Father Zuo looked cold and shot first.

As soon as Mr. Zuo moved, everyone underneath moved, and the melee broke out instantly.

Although the old town owner was dead, everything was in his plan. Even if Father Zuo didn't want to go to this muddy water, he now had to go according to the old town owner's plan.

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