Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 814: I only serve Mo, Zuo Yuqing is a fart

"Fairy girl, you're my life." Zuo Fangyi's eyes were red, and he slashed at the **** regardless of the big knife.

He dreamed of looking for revenge on this demon girl, and God treated him well, and finally gave him this opportunity.

While avoiding Zuo Fangyi's attack, Baiju throws a flying needle at him impolitely.

Zuo Fangyi was not afraid of the beaver's gold needle, waving his left and right swords as if he was crazy, only staring at the beaver.

Seeing his gold needle fly into Zuo Fangyi's shoulder, Zuo Fangyi didn't seem to feel any pain, and Beaver frowned, only to find that Zuo Fangyi was a bit wrong.

She took a closer look at his blue complexion and slightly convex eyes, her eyes widening narrowly.

I am afraid that this person has also practiced the quick success method. This family is really amazing, and it is no wonder that they have to count them.

Seeing Zuo Fangyi and Baiju fighting, Father Zuo immediately wanted to help.

He had a hunch that Bai Qiyuan's granddaughter would definitely be the greatest threat to Zuo's family. Now that he has this opportunity, he must remove her.

Father Zuo wanted to deal with the beaver, but as soon as he moved, Zhuo Qingyun and Lan Yanyu got entangled.

Here, Qin Tian, ​​Qin Lang, Hubak, Yan Hongtian, Wu Huailin, Li Maozi and others also came forward and got entangled with Father Zuo.

Although Father Zuo was already Bai Ling, he could not stand up for a while and a half while facing the siege of so many people.

In the air, Mo Beichen glanced at Baiju and Zuo Fangyi, and saw Baiju's ability to deal with it with ease, and then he and Zuo Yuqing were at ease.

Seeing Mo Beichen still thinking about the beaver, Zuo Yuqing suddenly felt as if he had been insulted and launched a big move.

A stout silver mysterious force, like a pillar, flew towards Mo Beichen in a stern manner.

Mo Beichen held a Yulong sword and waved it vigorously, and the silvery mysterious strength like a pillar turned into an icicle with a lightning speed.

Zuo Yuqing's eyes widened in disbelief, how could it be, how could his ice spirit be able to freeze his mysterious power, this is impossible.

Not to mention Zuo Yuqing, even Bu Yangzi and Elder Yuan were stunned.

Having lived for nearly a hundred years, they can be considered as well-informed, but they have not seen any mysterious spirit that can control the spiritual force so skillfully, that they can master even the power of nothingness.

After a few breaths, Zuo Yuqing's proud Xuanli pillars all turned into icicles, and broke instantly with a "bang".

Zuo Yuqing stared blankly at the disappearing fragments, staring at Mo Beichen like a ghost.

Who is this person? His power is really terrible. Even though he is a silver spirit now, his rank is above him, but facing him, he still has a sense of powerlessness.

He is obviously the first **** of the cloudscape, he has reached the **** level and entered the realm of silver spirit, and he is only a white spirit, he does not believe that a **** level will lose him to a heaven level.

Zuo Yuqing gritted his teeth and continued to attack hard.

When Bu Yangzi and Elder Tu saw this, they immediately flew forward to help.

Seeing Bu Yangzi coming over, Zuo Yuqing didn't put them in his eyes at all, and waved a silver mysterious power directly at them, and went to deal with Mo Beichen.

Mo Beichen was afraid that Bu Yangzi would be injured. He took over two mysterious forces from Zuo Yuqing.

Bu Yangzi was busy, but he didn't help Mo Beichen at all.

Elder Tu gasped, panting, "How can I feel like I can't get in?"

No matter how they swayed in front of the two, they could ignore them completely.

Elder Yuan's eyes looked at the battle between the two of them deeply, "These two people's cultivation is above us."

Elder Bu Yangzi and Elder Su frowned frowningly. At this moment, they all felt like they were getting old.

Although they are almost a hundred years old, they have never felt this way before.

Because their cultivation has always been at the top of the cloudscape continent, what is better than them is just a Bai Qiyuan, and that Bai Qiyuan is also older than them, so they really didn't have such a sense of inefficiency.

It's different now. The two juniors who are so much younger than them have already become better than them, which makes them feel like they won't accept old age.

"This Zuo Yuqing ..." Elder Tu paused for a moment, unconvinced, "I only serve Mo, then Zuo Yuqing is a fart."

Monsters cultivated by quick success did not admit that his cultivation was higher than them.

Elder Su frowned and glanced at the two beatings, sighing, "It seems that we can't help anything?"

He was still thinking about seeing the power of this silver spirit, but he didn't realize that he was not qualified enough.

Elder Yuan narrowed his eyes and said, "Look first, maybe Mo Zi doesn't need our help at all."

Everyone raised their eyes and looked at Mo Beichen who was always on the upper hand.

Some people are stronger when they are strong. Obviously, this is Mo Xiaozi.

As Bu Yangzi thought, Mo Beichen is now full of firepower. This is the first time that he has taken all his strength to play against a person so seriously.

Mo Beichen used mysterious power for a while, and even his spiritual power for a while. He was able to switch freely and harmoniously.

The extremely dazzling white light beam, with the chill ice-blue light, and the super-strong golden light that makes people's eyes open, no matter which kind of power can shock people.

Watching their battle is like watching a colorful firework, and there are countless shocks at the same time.

Mo Beichen fired all at once, and then attacked Zuo Yuqing without mercy.

Zuo Yuqing was at a loss for some time. Although he had just been promoted to Yin Ling, the powerful force in his body seemed to have not been completely controlled by him.

Mo Beichen is not an ordinary opponent. He is very powerful. He doesn't say that he is both a mixed master and a mystic master. Even if he is the same, he may not lose to him.

The more he thought about it, the less confident Zuo Yuqing was, and the movements on his hands gradually slowed down, not as sharp as before.

After the icy blue light, Mo Beichen, like a long-latent beast, shot at the moment Zuo Yuqing moved slowly.

Across the ice-blue light, Zuo Yuqing only saw a touch of excitement from Mo Beichen's silver-purple eyes.

Yes, it is the light of excitement. Secretly paying attention to him for so long, this is the first time he has seen such glory in his eyes.

"Why?" Zuo Yuqing's eyes widened unwillingly, grasping with his hands the cyan giant sword inserted into his veins.

He is already a silver spirit, why can't he be defeated?

Mo Beichen didn't show any interest in answering his questions, and Long Yinjian turned around and accurately cut off his whole heart.

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