Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 815: God-Man Regent

Zuo Yu's eyes widened sternly, he could feel no pain in his whole body, but he felt the breath of death.

He still grabbed Long Yinjian and let go, his unwilling eyes stared straight at Mo Beichen, and he spoke hard, "I ... don't ... take ..."

Mo Beichen's eyebrows throbbed, and Zuo Yuqing didn't even look at him, and pulled back his own Dragon Yin Sword.

Finally, Zuo Yuqing stared down and fell from the air.

For a moment, everyone stayed.

Both Bu Yangzi and Elder Tu stared at Mo Beichen blankly.

I didn't expect him to kill Zuo Yuqing so easily, but it was Yin Ling.

Mo Beichen still did not look at Zuo Yuqing, only looked at Long Yinjian, seeing that there was no blood stain on it, then he closed the sword with satisfaction.

Seeing that Mo Beichen was going to lock it up again, where Long Yinjian was willing to tremble, he kept shaking, intending to tell his master how strong his desire for freedom was.

Mo Beichen glanced down at the trembling trembling Long Yinjian, and loosened his hand so hard to speak.

Feeling good today, let him be.

As soon as Mo Beichen took off his hand, Long Yinjian flew out like a wild horse, and then disappeared.


Looking at the corpse that fell to his feet, Zuo Fangyi was instantly mad and shouted.


Father Zuo also roared in sorrow, and swiped away the people around him, and rushed over regardless.

"My Qinger!" Zuo Fangyi clutched Zuo Yuqing's body and wept bitterly.

At this moment, time seemed to be still. No one moved. Everyone looked at the crying and roaring father and son duo, but their hearts were still shaking Mo Beichen's battle with Zuo Yuqing.

Especially Qin Tian, ​​Qin Lang and the soldiers of Moxue, they always knew that their regent was very powerful.

He is superior in martial arts, brave and good at war, leading soldiers at the age of 12, annihilating rebels, subduing small nations, calming down chaos, and fighting with wisdom. Since the age of 12, the entire Moxue Kingdom has no one questioned his ability.

Not only is the ability to lead soldiers to fight, the entire Mo Xue is still spreading. Their regent's cultivation is also unpredictable, but no one has ever seen it.

Now they have really seen it. They look really, clearly, white, such dazzling ice skills, such magnificent white mysterious power, and the golden beam that seems to destroy everything, enough to shock them. lifetime.

Obviously there is only Bai Ling, but they defeated the silver masters with a relaxed attitude. Their regent really deserves the title of "man of God".

"The regent is mighty, the regent is brave ..."

I don't know who shouted, the soldiers behind him shouted excitedly in an instant, "Regent King mighty, Regent King brave, Regent Chitose Chitose Chitose ..."

The shout of a million male teachers resounded deafly through the sky.

Yan Hongtian and Hubbark, when they heard the words "Regent King", they stayed for a moment.

They thought that Moye was the ordinary prince of Moxue, but he did not expect that he was one of the three mysterious figures of Cloudscape, Moxue Regent.

Thinking about it, they soon let go. Who is such a powerful person who is not the regent of Mo Xue?

Xie Kun and Huo Bin both stopped.

They always knew that Mo ’s identity would not be simple. He did not expect that he was the regent of Mo Xue. Sure enough, the vision of their head was so unique.

Bu Yangzi and Elder Tu could not help shaking their eyebrows.

Co-authored these three mysterious figures of Yunjing, all the time in their Fengshen Academy.

However, Mo was actually the Prince Moxue. They didn't expect it, not only because he was young, but also because he didn't have the pride of a royal aristocracy, but the arrogance of the king was always there.

When Father Zuo heard the words "Regent King" that was deafening, he raised his eyes and looked at Mo Beichen in shock.

He turned out to be the regent of Moxue. No wonder he could easily attract millions of troops.

The regent Wang Moxue actually hooked up with the little demon girl of the Bai family. This is absolutely devastating news for the left family.

Father Zuo's thoughts turned around a thousand times, and he couldn't care about his sadness. He pulled up Zuo Fang Yi Road and said, "Hold Qinger, let's go."

Zuo Fang raised his eyes sternly, looking at the left father with an unbelievable look.

Qing'er died, and he didn't avenge himself, so he had to leave.

Father Zuo looked at the sorrowful son, didn't explain anything, directly picked Zuo Yuqing and left.

You shouldn't stay here for a long time, otherwise they will all die here.

Father Zuo took two steps and was stopped by the soldiers.

Father Zuo held Zuo Yuqing and turned to look at Mo Beichen, "I do n’t think anything happened to Qinger, let us leave."

Mo Beichen's eyes flickered, and he looked at the beaver.

The **** was interested in glancing at Mr. Zuo. The old man deserved to be his grandfather's rival, and he was a bit of a brain. It was better than his son and grandson.

The **** wicked his lips, and was very generous, "Let them go.

Mo Beichen looked at Baiju and waved her hand when she saw that she had no joke.

With the instructions of Mo Beichen, the soldiers then let go.

Father Zuo took a deep look at Mo Beichen and Baiju, and then left Zuo Yuqing striding away.

Zuo Fangyi stared at Mo Beichen and Baijue fiercely. He wanted to eat people, but did not dare to say anything.

Father Zuo went halfway and saw Zuo Fangyi still staying there. He immediately screamed, "Not yet over."

This idiot, is it because they think they died fast enough?

Zuo Fangyi gritted his teeth and stared angrily at Mo Beichen and Baiju, so he reluctantly followed up with Father Zuo.

"Dad, why not avenge Qinger?"

Zuo Fangyi's voice was very sad and angry, and he had a killing in his eyes.

Father Zuo didn't even look at him, and he didn't look back at all. "If you want to die, you can report."

Qinger is already Yin Ling ca n’t beat that Mo Beichen, they will only die if they work together, not to mention that there are so many of them, relying on both of them, not to mention dealing with Mo Beichen and Baiju, I'm afraid they are those of Hu Buck People can let them die there.

He is the head of the family, and the Zuo family still depends on him to support him. He must not die here.

Bai Taner took the matter of Moxue Regent, and he had to go back and tell the emperor.

It is needless to say how powerful Moxue ’s regent is in Moxue. If the Bai family had Moxue Kingdom ’s support, it would be difficult to deal with the Bai family.

Zuo Fangyi squeezed his fist and glanced back at the city tower. He really wanted to give Qinger and Boer revenge in spite of this, even if he died.

Zuo Fangyi gritted his teeth, and the gentleman avenged his revenge. It is not too late for ten years, Mo Beichen, Bai Taner, he will definitely make them pay the price.

Seeing Father Zuo and Yi Fang left, Bu Yangzi greeted the beavers and went back to Fengshen Seminary.

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