Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 822: Don't touch me until the marriage is terminated

Zhuo Qingyun's handsome face suddenly darkened, and frowned, "What is this, what pre-marital practice? Am I that kind of person?"

That's how he thinks of him. Is he so uncomfortable? How hard he cares for him, can't he feel it?

Listening to the words of Zhuo Qingyun's blame, Lan Yanyu instantly redeemed her eyes.

Zhuo Qingyun felt a sudden pain in her heart, and immediately stepped forward to hold Lan Yuyu in her arms, and coaxed softly, "I'm sorry."

Lan Yuyu dissatisfiedly pushed Zhuo Qingyun, but Zhuo Qingyun was holding him tightly. "I never thought of any pre-marital practice. From the beginning to the end, I was only you. For you and me. You do n’t even have to die, wherever you like others. "

Zhuo Qingyun's words caused Lan Yuyu to push his hand for a moment.

Zhuo Qingyun was relieved, a smile flashed in her eyes, raised her eyes and pinched his chin, "You look so jealous."

Lan Yanyu's face turned red, and he gave him a glance, turned his head and said, "Who is jealous."


Zhuo Qingyun grinned Lan Yuyu's chin with a smile, and then hooked back.

Lan Yanyu slaps Zhuo Qingyun's hand in anger, he is not a woman, this **** guy always gives him this set.

Zhuo Qingyun was not annoyed, she was cheeky and stuck in Lan Yuyu, and hugged him tightly, "You eat my vinegar, I'm very happy, very happy." And I'm also scared.

He was really afraid that he didn't want him so, and gave him no chance to explain, so he wiped him out.

Thinking of that feeling of suffocation, Zhuo Qingyun suffocated his heart. He re-applied his lips and kissed him eagerly. As if only in this way, he could heal the uneasiness and fear in his heart.

Lan Yanyu was inattentive and was disturbed by Zhuo Qingyun.

When Zhuo Qingyun's restless hand slipped into his placket, he woke up like a dream and shoved him away.

Zhuo Qingyun's kiss was so exciting that she was pushed away and looked at Lan Yuyu with dissatisfaction.

Lan Yanyu stared at him flushed, "Are you really going to get married?"

Zhuo Qingyun darkened her face instantly, and narrowed her eyes.

Why does the problem suddenly come back?

Seeing Zhuo Qingyun's acquiescence, Lan Yuyu was furious and raised his fist at him again.

"Bang" for a moment, Zhuo Qingyun's panda eyes were immediately symmetrical.

Lan Yanyu still fisted furiously, Zhuo Qingyun quickly caught his fist and pulled him into his arms.

Where is Lan Yanyu willing to fight with him, hands and feet.

Zhuo Qingyun did not dare to force, but she was not willing to let go of Lan Yuyu.

The two entangled in this way, entangled from the ground to the bed.

Lan Yuyu was still in trouble, Zhuo Qingyun held his hands to his head and pressed him against him, "You listen to me explain."

Lan Yanyu struggled twice, and found that he couldn't move, so he couldn't move anymore, looking straight at him as if waiting for his explanation.

Seeing that Lan Yanyu was no longer in trouble, Zhuo Qingyun held his hand easily.

Lan Yanyu took his hand, but did not push him away, still waiting for his explanation.

Zhuo Qingyun took a deep breath, "I'm getting married."

Before Lan Yuyu was angry, Zhuo Qingyun immediately continued, "But isn't that all your harm?"

Lan Yanyu smiled angrily, "I am harmed, I made you marry?"

When did he say let him marry, and when did he allow him to marry again?

Zhuo Qingyun corrected with dissatisfaction, "If you don't get married, you're about to get married."

Lan Yanyu stared angrily. "Is this different?"

Zhuo Qingyun rolled her eyes. "It's totally different."

Once married, there is nothing to redeem. Before marriage, there is still a chance for everything.

Lan Yanyu turned her head angrily and ignored him.

Zhuo Qingyun pressed on him, buried his face in his neck, and smelled his unique scent of medicine before he gradually settled down.

It took a long time for Lan Yuyu to hear his mournful voice, "It's you who don't want me. You were so heartless before that you never wanted to see me again."

His voice was grieved, as if accusing him of previous atrocities.

Thinking of the past, Lan Yuyu's body softened.

Feeling the change of Lan Yuyu, Zhuo Qingyun hugged him tightly, complaining more grievously, "In order to forget you, I agreed with the grandmother's family affairs."

Lan Yanyu frowned, and he couldn't be angry about Zhuo Qingyun's reason.

After being silent for a while, Zhuo Qingyun slowly said, "I used to try very hard to follow you and forget you, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't forget."

As if recalling the pain of that time, Zhuo Qingyun's voice gradually became desolate and desperate, "Do you know what kind of pain you can't have? It's more uncomfortable than death."

The warmth in his neck made Lan Yuyu's heart twitch, and he was red-eyed, and he couldn't help reaching out and gently hugging him.

He said that he had no experience. He was too timid and persistent. Fortunately, he finally understood that they did not miss it again.

Zhuo Qingyun looked up at Lan Yanyu and explained, "I don't want to get married. If I want to get married, I won't go to Blue Pond before. I was going to die with determination. Without you in my life, I feel like a walking dead even if I live. "

Lan Yanyu's nose was sour, she couldn't help but slip a tear.

He had previously guessed that he went to Lanchi to seek death, but now that he really heard it, he still couldn't bear the heartache. He used to die almost for him. Without him, there was no beaver, maybe he would die in Lanchi Already.

Zhuo Qingyun leaned down and kissed the tears in the corner of Lan Yuyu lovingly, hugging him tightly, "Don't leave me, okay? I will die."

"Um." Lan Yanyu nodded, and embraced Zhuo Qingyun tightly.

He won't give up on him anymore, this person will be his.

Zhuo Qingyun was so happy in her heart that she stared at him immediately, "Lan Yuyu, I love you."

Before Lan Yuyu spoke again, Zhuo Qingyun eagerly sealed his lips.

Lan Yanyu closed her eyes and kissed him back equally enthusiastically.

Zhuo Qingyun's heart was aroused at once, and his kiss became extremely hot instantly, like a fire that could hit Yuanyuan, out of control.

Lan Yanyu was confused by his enthusiasm, and soon became a small boat floating on the sea, unable to find his direction.

The falling hand in his placket gave him a hint of clarity.

Lan Yanyu seized Zhuo Qingyun's hand across her clothes.

Zhuo Qingyun opened her black eyes full of desire and looked at him dissatisfied.

Lan Yanyu charmed his lips, and raised his head teasingly and bit his chin.

Where could Zhuo Qingyun be seduced by Lan Yanyu, she suddenly yelled and kissed him again, but sealed his lips with his palm. "You must not touch me until the marriage is terminated."

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