Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 823: Is it OK after the marriage is terminated?

Zhuo Qingyun seemed to understand Lan Yanyu's suggestion, and her eyes lightened brightly. "So after the dissolution of the marriage contract, is it OK ..."

Zhuo Qingyun jumped with two clusters of flames in her eyes and looked at Lan Yuyu with excitement.

Lan Yanyu's face turned red a little, and he nodded his head slightly.

Zhuo Qingyun's eyes widened unbelievably, her eyes were full of fanaticism.

He nodded just now, did he read it right, did he agree ...

Joy stunned his head for a moment, and he couldn't believe his eyes at all.

"I mean ..." Zhuo Qingyun's excitement was incoherent. He wanted to verify it more clearly, but he didn't know how to say it. He could only slap him with his burning, "Is that okay?"

His voice became hoarse with excitement, but his whole body was red with shyness.

This **** guy is really, it feels getting hotter there, and Lan Yuyu patted him on the back in a hurry, "You're enough."

Where Zhuo Qingyun was willing to go, still rubbing on him like a coquettish, "Is it okay?"

"You're so annoyed." Lan Yanyu's face flushed, his face turned red, how obvious this guy made him to say.

Zhuo Qingyun was so impressed by Lan Xiu's shameful look that he turned his head and leaned over to give him a hot deep kiss before he got up stumblingly, "I'll go back now to dissolve the engagement."

"Wait a minute." Seeing Zhuo Qingyun leaving, Lan Yanyu quickly got up.

Zhuo Qingyun turned around and lifted Lan Yuyu's chin with a look of insidiousness. "Aren't you willing to let me go?"

Lan Yanyu patted his hand with a disgusted look. He reached into his arms and wanted to give him a bottle of medicine, only to find that his clothes had been untied long ago.

Confronted with his playful eyes, he immediately pulled up his shirt with shame, only to find a salve from the bed and throw it to him, "This medicine is for you, wipe your hands."

Zhuo Qingyun, instead of picking up the ointment, stretched out her hand. "You help me."

Lan Yuyu didn't want to ignore him, but when he saw his eyes as a loyal dog, he relented.

After pulling his hand, Lan Yanyu carefully applied wound medicine to him.

"Okay." After applying the wound medicine, Lan Yanyu shoved the ointment into Zhuo Qingyun's hand. "You can take the ointment and apply it again."

Zhuo Qingyun took the ointment with a smile, leaned over his lips and stole an incense, "I'm gone, I will come back as soon as possible, wait for me."

Zhuo Qingyun took Lan Yuyu's hand and was unwilling to leave, but he also knew that the marriage must be resolved because the wedding would be held in two days. It would not be good for anyone if it was not resolved.

"I'm gone." Zhuo Qingyun let go of Lan Yanyu and turned away without looking back.

Lan Yanyu looked at the back of Zhuo Qingyun and lay back anxiously on the bed.

I hope things can be resolved satisfactorily.

In the main hall here, the atmosphere was still not very enthusiastic, Tian Jihu and they cheered cheeringly away. In the end, a good banquet could only be left in advance.

Mo Beichen is most happy to leave in advance.

Without waiting for the **** to talk, Mo Beichen took Wei Wei's **** back to the room and learned.

As soon as Bai Tan and Mo Beichen left, everyone left the game one after another.

Everyone is gone, Tian Jihu, Ding Taiyuan, these uninvited guests, and it is not good to stay cheeky, and can only say goodbye to everyone, but no one cares about them, and the last four people can only leave in a humble way.

Mo Beichen wanted to put Baiju on the bed and wash her face with water, but she hugged him tightly.

"Amo, I'm dizzy."

The **** stupidly held Mo Beichen and kept pushing him into his arms.

Mo Beichen glanced distressedly at Beaver, and hugged her to the bed, gently brushing the hair on her cheek. "Who wants you to drink so much alcohol, should you drink water?"

"Don't, I want to eat you." Baiju shook his head directly, then threw Mo Beichen.

Mo Beichen took a look at the little man lying on him with a kind of anger and amusement, and teased evilly, "Are you sure?"

The **** lifted his drunken eyes and glanced at Mo Beichen's handsome face like a god, confused, nodding his head.

She had long wanted to wipe him out.

Looking at Bai Mei's charming and drowsy eyes, Mo Beichen moved his mind and wanted to kiss her. Who knew that she paused for two seconds, then shook her head again, "Never mind."

She didn't want to be a fox.

The **** stumbled down from behind Mo Beichen, but was instantly oppressed by him.

Mo Beichen drew a bite on her earlobe, mutely, "I don't mind humans and beasts."

The **** murmured flushedly. "Don't, it's so shameful."

The **** said, a furry red tail came out.

Before Mo Beichen spoke, the **** pushed him away with his big tail, and climbed into the quilt to sleep on his own.

Looking at the **** that just fell asleep, Mo Beichen couldn't help crying and laughing. She quilted her, and turned to wash.

Because the drunk was drunk, the next day when the raccoon woke up, he felt his head almost explode.

She rubbed her head and sat up stupidly, but without seeing Mo Beichen, she was immediately lifted out of bed.

Before the white little feet touched the ground, people were hugged.

Smelling the special cold scent of Mo Beichen, his tail glowing red around his neck spontaneously.

The white raccoon leaned softly on Mo Beichen's arms, while cuddling on his chest, he said softly, "Amo, my head hurts!"

Mo Beichen hugged her and sat down, glancing at her coldly, "Drink more and you won't have a headache."

That being said, Mo Beichen still lowered the medicine bowl and gently pressed her temple for her.

The **** nestled comfortably in his arms for a moment, without moving.

After pressing for a while, Baitan grabbed Mo Beichen's hand, "Don't press, I'm much better."

Mo Beichen held up the medicine bowl next to him and handed it to her, "Drink the sober soup."

The **** was good-natured, so he took the hangover soup and drank it.

Mo Beichen took the empty bowl and glared at her, "Dare to drink so much next time and see how I punish you."

"Ha ha!" Bai Tan said silly, without fear of his threat.

Every time A Mo thunders loudly and the rain drops little, she is willing to punish her.

"Hug me to wash." Baitan hooked Mo Beichen's neck and coquettishly.

Mo Beichen glanced helplessly at her, only holding her into the atrium.


As soon as they came out of the atrium, they heard a loud noise, as if something was broken.

"What voice?" Bai Tan immediately looked at Mo Beichen.

Mo Beichen shook his head, where did he know what the sound was.

"Go out and see." Bai Tan patted Mo Beichen and motioned him to let her down.

Where was Mo Beichen willing to hold her to the bed and put her shoes on before she put her out of bed.

Outside, the "ping-pong-ping-pong" sound continued, and Bai Tan immediately pulled Mo Beichen out of the room.

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