Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 830: Married

Seeing his guilt, Old Zhuo's eyes flickered and he clapped his hand, "Well, I know you don't want to get married, and I'll have someone go to Liuzhou City tomorrow to break the marriage contract."

Zhuo Qingyun's eyes lightened brightly, and she said nervously, "Are you serious?"

Mrs. Zhuo raised her eyebrows, with a sincere expression, "Of course it is true."

Zhuo Qingyun finally breathed a sigh of relief and hugged the old lady with excitement, "Thank your grandmother."

Old Zhuo patted him lightly on his back, but her eyes glanced at the waitress who was waiting.

The maid immediately bowed and turned to bring a cup of ginseng soup. "Old lady, your ginseng soup."

Old Zhuo pushed the ginseng soup directly in front of Zhuo Qingyun, "Come, Qinger drank this ginseng soup."

Zhuo Qingyun frowned, and her eyes flashed, "Grandson just drank it. You can drink it yourself."

Zhuo Qingyun said that she pushed Shen Tang back.

Mrs. Zhuo stared directly. "Have you drunk? You have a fart."

Zhuo Qingyun narrowed his eyes with a black line. Is this still his wise grandmother?

Old Zhuo directly put the cup in front of him, "Drink this ginseng soup, otherwise you are not allowed to go."

Zhuo Qingyun reluctantly poked his lips and could only take the ginseng soup and sip it.

Putting the empty cup down, Zhuo Qingyun looked resentfully at Old Zhuo Road, "I can go."

Old Zhuo waved with a smile, "Go, go back and take a good rest."

"The grandson retired."

Zhuo Qingyun stood up and wanted to go out, but fell down.

Old Zhuo quickly caught him, patted his face gently, and called, "Qinger."

Seeing the medicine had worked, the old lady Zhuo loosened her eyebrows.

Mock up, I can't cure you.

He knew that he wouldn't eat the soup obediently, but fortunately, she had already prepared with both hands.

Thinking of it, old Zhuo frowned, "Is this medicine without side effects?"

An old man came out of the side room and bowed, "This is a medicine specially formulated by old slaves, which will not have side effects."

Old Zhuo nodded. "That's good."

Old Zhuo lovingly stroked Fu Zhuoqing Yun's sleepy handsome face and sighed silently.

This boy is just like his mother who died early. If this way is not used, the wedding the day after tomorrow will certainly not be possible.

"Take your owner back, so you can wait and see."


Immediately, a waiter came forward and carried Zhuo Qingyun back to Xiyuan.


The fairy fox palace was full of lights, and the next morning, Dong Ming and Luo Qi put on a wedding dress together.

The **** looked for Xi Po to make up Luo Qi's face.

Dong Ming also shaved his beard. When everyone saw his white face, they couldn't help but tease him.

"Good handsome groom officer, this bearded man is really handsome."

"It turns out that Dong Junshi is really the first beautiful man in the cottage."

"This letter is back."


"If the military division looks like a bandit, the little girl and sister-in-law are afraid that you don't need to rob, and I will run up the mountain with you directly."

Dong Ming was directly blushed by everyone, raised his hand and greeted Hang Yong's head, "Is your kid itchy?"

"Oh ..."

Hang Ling immediately mourned holding his head.

"Moye, the lord of the palace is here."

Seeing Mo Beichen and Baiju, everyone gave way.

"Mr Ye, the lord of the palace." Dong Ming and everyone bowed down.

Baitan glanced at Dong Ming's Bai Jingjun's beautiful face, and immediately smiled, "That woman's vision is really good."

In a word, Dong Ming blushed again.

Lan Yanyu also glanced at Dong Ming in surprise. No wonder he wants to have a beard. If such a face is not covered, it is estimated that he would have been eaten away by his uncle's shameless woman.

Seeing Dong Ming flushed, Baitan could not bear to tease him again, and waved, "Okay, the hour is almost up, prepare to salute."


The crowd responded immediately, and everyone immediately lived up to the scene with enthusiasm, fired artillery, sang and sang peace.

Bai Tan and Mo Beichen entered the main hall together and sat on the main seat.

Shi Ran, Yan Hongtian, and Hubak all came to observe the ceremony.

Luo Qi was quickly escorted into the main hall by Xi Po.

Dong Ming rushed up, grabbed the red silk with excitement, and led Luo Qi to the center of the main hall.

"It ’s time to go, worship heaven and earth!"

Xie Kun's voice was very high and seemed extremely excited.

The two turned around and knelt down, worshiping outside the temple.

"Thank you Gaotang!"

Luo Qi froze stiffly and frowned.

Dong Ming glanced at Luo Qi, sighed softly, and knelt down towards Baiju and Mo Beichen.

Luo Qi pinched the red silk tightly, how unwilling to bend her legs.

The original lively atmosphere in the temple froze instantly.

People who don't quite understand the reason are all looking at each other, their faces are unknown.

And those who understood the cause and effect of the incident frowned, looking at Luo Qi nervously.

The white raccoon glanced at Luo Qi and raised his hand, "Excuse me, let's worship directly."

Xie Kun bowed, and as soon as he wanted to sing, he saw Dong Ming worshiping Bai Jue and Mo Beichen in a regular manner.

Looking at Dong Ming who was worshipping in a church, Luo Qi felt sore in her heart, she closed her eyes helplessly, and knelt down.

The crowd looked at Luo Qi in surprise, especially the disciples of Langya Village before, all eyes widened in disbelief.

The **** raised her eyebrows in amazement, did this woman take the right medicine?

Even Dong Ming looked at Luo Qi inconceivably.

Xu Shi felt everyone's surprised eyes, Luo Qi's face flushed, "I just don't want my wedding to be imperfect."

Luo Qi explained a sentence, then scratched her head.

She loves the second brother. The second brother has waited for more than ten years at this wedding. The same is true. She doesn't want to ruin her wedding because some people don't kneel down. She doesn't worship the beaver. Brother's feelings.

Dong Ming's eyes flashed lightly, pinching Luo Qi's hand with a look of expression.

Luo Qi rolled her eyes and looked "Dong Ming" in the direction of Dong Ming, smiling quietly.

For the second brother, she can do anything?

The **** looked at the tenderness and sweetness of the two, and nodded secretly.

This woman is really interesting, no wonder Dong Ming would like her.

The two love each other just fine, this time they finally did not mess up.

After the vignette, the atmosphere in the temple heated up instantly.

"Couple worship!" Xie Kun's voice remained warm.

After the two worshiped face to face.

Xie Kun exclaimed excitedly, "Sent to the cave!"

"Into the room!"

The crowds started to coax.

Dong Ming was also excited, his heart seemed to be on fire, burning and hot.

He picked Luo Qi up, and strode toward the new house.

When everyone saw this, they laughed again.

"Looking at our army division, this is anxious to go back into the cave."

"I remember when someone got married, I was more anxious than a military division."

"Such a beautiful bride is really a cheap military officer."

"Can't cheap him, go, go to the cave."

The crowd followed in a hurry.

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