Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 831: Waited too long too long

In the room, Dong Ming looked excitedly at Luo Qi, who was sitting beside the bed. After a while, she shivered and opened the hipa.

The delicate and beautiful face appeared little by little in front of Dong Ming, instantly making his heart jump wildly uncontrollably.

Luo Qi's eyes were flushed, and she did not dare to look at Dong Ming's side with a shy look.

Dong Ming looked at her for a long time, then said dumbly, "Qi Mei, you look so good."

Luo Qi's complexion suddenly turned redder, and even her ears seemed red to drip blood.

Dong Ming shook his head and couldn't help but bow her red lips.

Luo Qi's long eyelashes trembled slightly and her eyes closed shamefully.

Inside the room, the two kissed each other warmly, but it was sky-high outside.

Everyone originally wanted to come to the cave house, followed the door in a hurry, but was stopped by Wu Yan and Xing Xing.

"Don't bother everyone, our military division managed to become a pro once and give some face." Wu Yan laughed at everyone while blocking the door.

Pian Xing stood at the door with a cold face, a posture that nobody would let in.

Everyone was reluctant to keep the cave out.

"It was only after he got married that he had to make trouble."

"Who is getting married, don't let the burrow, this burrow, it must be turbulent."

Everyone rushed up, their enthusiasm soared like never before, as if they were vowing to see the legendary beauty seven masters.

Seeing everyone's enthusiasm would be impossible to stop, Wu Yong shouted quickly, "Military division, hurry up, you can't stop."

In the room, Dong Ming, who heard the voice, finally stopped panting.

He held her small-faced hand and rubbed her lips lightly, and said dumbly, "I'm going out first."

Luo Qi looked at him with a flushed face, explaining uneasily, "Drink less."

Dong Ming chuckled and pecked at her gorgeous red lips reluctantly. "Rest assured, I will come back awake."

After Dong Ming said, he turned out of the room.

"Come out, come out."

Before everyone rushed in, Dong Ming slammed and closed the door.

The crowd shouted in disappointment for a moment, "You are so heartless, you don't let us look at the **** at a glance."

Dong Ming blushed and looked at the crowd with red face. "I will drink with you and I will not be drunk today."

"That's what you said." Seeing that he could not be regarded as a bride, everyone had to take the second step.

"Brothers pour him. Don't let him slip into the cave for a while."

A group of people noisily embraced Dong Ming and left.

Quietly outside, Luo Qi finally felt relieved.

She took off the phoenix crown above her head and went to the ear room to wash.

Outside, everyone failed to politely toast Dong Ming because they were unable to make a cave.

Dong Ming is happy today. Rarely, no one refuses to come. No matter who toasts, they drink it all. Xie Kun and Huo Bin worry them.

The two looked at each other, and instantly played together to help Dong Ming block the wine.

"Come and come, Lao Shi, I will accompany you to drink." Xie Kun sat down beside Shi Ran while holding a wine glass.

Shi Ran looked at Xie Kun nervously. "Your boy is here again. Last time, Cao Yue became married and I was drunk by you."

Xie Kun raised an eyebrow. "Why, wouldn't you like to drink with me?"

Shi Ran smiled bitterly. "I'm happy, you can't get me drunk anymore, or my wife won't let me go to bed again."

Nie Qing glanced at Shi Ran in disdain, "Look at your success and thank me for drinking with you."

Nie Qing said, and raised his glass to Xie Kun.

Xie Kun was instantly happy, "Well, Nie Qing is still proud."

Shi Ran was so excited by the two that he immediately raised his glass. "Drink and drink, who is afraid of anyone."

Three of you, I have a drink, and suddenly drink into a ball.

Huo Bin also sat next to Li Maozi, "Master Li Cheng has a good drink, and we have a drink today."

When Li Maozi saw Huo Bin, his eyes lighted up immediately. "It is Deputy Chief Huo. It happened that we didn't drink enough last time and continue to drink today."

Li Maozi has a good drink. He usually has a hard time meeting his opponents. However, the last time he and Huo Bin drank, they met their opponents.

Seeing that Xie Kun and Huo Bin are out, Wu Yan, Xing Xing, Cao Yue, and Yu Zhongjin also took the wine glasses.

When they got married last time, Dong Junshi helped to block a lot of alcohol. This time, he couldn't get him drunk.

Everyone worked together and the scene was quickly brought under control. Dong Ming drank a lot of alcohol.

He looked gratefully at the busy Xie Kun and Huo Bin, and suddenly felt a bit bitter.

Although he and these people are not close brothers, they are better than brothers. This brotherhood is different from the older brother and three sisters.

He and his elder brother are brothers. They grew up together, and they followed the master to fall into the grass. They share the same affiliation. Although the feelings are also very deep, such an environment will inevitably fight.

And he and Xie Kun, they are the kind of brotherhood that does not contain any impurities. There is never a calculation between them. Some of them only treat each other frankly.

He could give his back to them without reservation, but he couldn't trust the third sister and the sixth brother at all.

It is a pity that he is leaving, and he may never see them again.

Dong Ming raised his glass and drank the wine in the glass.

"Where is the military division?" Lu Ming and Shao Heng came over with wine glasses. "Why are you hiding here and drinking alone, let's find it. Congratulations on your marriage, I respect you."

"Thank you."

Dong Ming immediately took the glass and drank.

Although Xie Kun blocked their drinks, Dong Ming drank a lot of wine, and when he returned to the room, he was a little drunk.

"Seven heads."

Wu Xuan and Xing Xing helped Dong Ming back to the room and retreated respectfully.

Seeing Dong Mingdong bewildered, Luo Qi immediately stepped forward to support him, "How to drink like this, shouldn't you let me drink less?"

Dong Ming looked at Luo Qizhen with a smile and said, "I'm happy today. They didn't let them make trouble in the cave. They would not let me go."

"You." Luo Qi also laughed, and helped Dong Ming sit next to the bed, and then drew a wet parcel to wipe his face, "Is it uncomfortable, do you want to drink water?"

Dong Ming looked at Luo Qi's gentle eyebrows, and the fire in her heart ignited instantly.

He yanked the parcel in her hand and pressed her to the bed.

Luo Qi flushed and tried to push him, but he caught his hands instead.

He looked at her drunkenly and mistily, and the hot eyes seemed to burn her all.

He clasped her lips like a thunder leopard, and kissed wildly as if to eat her whole belly.

He waited too long and too long, and at this moment he didn't want to wait any longer.

Luo Qi was stunned for a moment, and did not know how to react. She could only cling to him and let him do whatever he wanted.

The red candle was swaying, and it was trembling.

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