Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 832: Death contract

It was lingering all night, I don't know how many times it took her, until she cried and begged for mercy, he finally stopped reluctantly.

Looking at the sleeping face in his arms, he kissed lovingly in the corner of her eyebrow.

He hugged her gently, fixedly looking at the top of the tent, and stayed up all night.

Luo Qi slept all night and woke up until dawn.

"Second Brother?" She felt the empty bed beside her, and sat up leaning on her waist in doubt.

"I'm here." Hearing Luo Qi's voice, Dong Ming immediately lowered the basin and ran over.

"Second Brother, I thought you ..." Luo Qi flew directly into Dong Ming's arms.

"What do you think of me?" Holding her slick body, Dong Ming immediately began to get upset, and his rough hands began to move up her body irregularly.

Luo Qi's face flushed, and she immediately grasped Dong Ming's hand shyly. "Don't make trouble, my waist is about to break."

She struggled so hard last night that she almost felt dead.

"I rub it for you." Dong Ming hugged her to her lap distressedly, then rubbed it gently around her waist.

Luo Qi leaned gently in Dong Ming's arms. At this moment, her heart was extremely stable, and she was no longer restless.

Dong Ming kissed her cheek gently and whispered in her ear, "Does it hurt?"

Luo Qi blushed "Teng" and immediately shook her head gently.

Although he was very anxious yesterday, he was very gentle. The first time it hurt a little, and the back was much better.

The two honed for a while, before Dong Ming helped Luo Qi get dressed. "Wash, I'll get some water."

Dong Ming brought the basin and twisted the parcel to wipe her face.

Luo Qi blushed and took over the papa. "I'll do it myself."

The second brother is still like this, both married, and still treat her as a child as before.

Dong Ming's eyes flashed, "Then you wash slowly, and I'll pack things."

Dong Ming said and got up to pack things.

Luo Qi finished washing and looked at Dong Ming who was in a daze holding her clothes, her heart tightened.

She walked over and embraced him gently from the back, "Don't you want to follow me."

He has been so absent-minded from yesterday to now that she knows he's upset, so he tossed with him.

Dong Ming turned back, his eyes flashed, and he turned around and hugged Luo Qi. "Don't think about it, I will go with you."

Luo Qihong stared, hugging Dong Ming tightly, "Second Brother, don't leave me, I only have you."

Dong Ming softened suddenly, and gently stunned her forehead, "No, I will not leave you in this life."

A happy tear dripped from the corner of her eyes, Luo Qi smiled and buried her face in Dong Ming's arms.

She hugged him tightly and tightly and couldn't let go.

She somewhat understood why the second brother was so desperate for that woman?

Although she didn't know why she wanted her to marry her second brother, she knew that if she changed her, she wouldn't have such a big belly, which might be her charm to let so many people die.

But no matter how good she was, she couldn't get through that hurdle in her heart. She would never stay here, nor would she let her brother stay.

Dong Ming packed his things and went to retreat to the beaver.

Inside the beaver, he seemed to be waiting for Dong Ming.

"The lord of the palace."

Bai Tan raised his eyes, saw Dong Ming, smiled and said, "Come in."

Dong Ming entered the house, kneeling directly at the beaver, without saying anything, he struck three heads directly.

The **** did not move, and he gave him three heads before helping him up.

"This is your deed of death."

Bai Tan took out Dong Ming's death deed and tore it directly.

Dong Ming moved his face and knelt down, but Baiju refused, "You don't have any burden. I didn't intend to stay on this death contract, and I never treated you as an outsider."

"The palace master ..." Dong Ming was warm in his heart, and raised his eyes to look at Baiju.

The **** chuckled, "I know you like that girl, but in fact she is not bad and is sincere to you. You can live a good life and I can rest assured."

The **** said, handing him a sandalwood box on the table, "This is my little care, you take it."

Dong Ming frowned, and quickly waved his hand, "I can't."

The **** shoved the box directly into his arms. "Hold it on, Cao Yue always had them when they got married."

"Thank the palace master." Dong Ming had to accept it, bowing and thanking him.

Baici looked at Dong Ming and patted his shoulder gently, "Xianhu Palace will always be your home, and the people here will always be your brothers. You can come back whenever you want."

"The lord of the palace ..." As soon as Dong Ming's nose was counted, his eyes were instantly red.

The **** smiled and raised an eyebrow. "Go, come back often when you have time."

Dong Ming looked at the **** reluctantly, and it took a long time before he bowed out.

As soon as Dong Ming left, the **** finally reddened his eyes.

She appreciates Dong Ming, and even values ​​it more than Xie Kun and Huo Bin, but it's about his happiness, and she can't force him to stay beside him like this.

Outside the room, Luo Qi was carrying baggage and waiting for Dong Ming.

Seeing Luo Qi, Dong Ming gathered her emotions, took the burden, took her hand, "Let's go."

Luo Qi glanced at Dong Ming's reddish eyes. She couldn't help but felt a little distressed. She took his hand and nodded slightly.

The two came out of the fairy fox palace from the back door and were about to go down but saw a crowd of people going up the mountain.

Dong Ming frowned, and stopped stumblingly.

Luo Qi frowned in doubt when she saw the group of people.

What do these people come to Xianhu Palace? Is it coming to trouble?

Luo Qi glanced at Dong Ming, and she really saw his face worried.

"Let's go later."

Dong Ming pulled Luo Qi behind a bush.

Luo Qi was not angry and stayed with Dong Ming.

She knew that if he wasn't sure that Fairy Fox Palace was okay, he would definitely not leave.

The people swarmed up the fairy fox palace, and the winding stone steps looked like a long dragon, and they looked spectacular.

When the disciples of Xianhu Palace found the people, they immediately ran to report.

Beavers heard the news and ran out immediately.

The **** frowned as he watched the mighty people going up the mountain.

Are these people going wrong? This is not a temple here. What do you run here for?

Lan Yanyu and Yan Hongtian, and Hu Buck also frowned unconsciously, and Qin Tian and Qin Lang were on guard.

The old man who walked in the forefront saw the **** running away in an instant, "Head Mo, we can see you."

The **** looked at Shiran and Nie Qing who were behind the old man in surprise, and said, "What's the matter?"

They looked at each other and laughed. "It's a good thing."

The **** blinked inexplicably. What's good, so many people need to come and talk?

The old man knelt down with excitement at the beaver, "We want to ask the head of Mo to be the lord of our holy heaven city."

Without waiting for the **** to respond, the people behind him all immediately knelt down, "Please ask the head of Mo to be our city master."

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