Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 833: Holy heaven new town master

For a moment, everyone was dumbfounded and looked at Baiju together.

The **** was even in the clouds and fog, completely confused about the situation.

Ask her to be the city owner, aren't they kidding?

Although she also had an idea about Shengtian City, she never thought of being the city owner of Shengtian City. She just wanted to be the county master, the county master or whatever, and directing and directing those city masters.

Dong Ming, who was hiding behind the bushes, was relieved when he saw that these people were not here to cause trouble.

But Luo Qi was a little surprised. I didn't expect that these people came to invite this woman to be the city owner. Her charm is really not small.

Yan Hongtian and Hubbark were also a little embarrassed, but soon became happy for Baiju.

This is really a great thing.

The members of the Iron Blood Mercenary Regiment and the disciples of Xianhu Palace were also happy after the encounter.

The head of the palace (master of the palace) is going to be the master of the city, which is great.

The **** sorted out his thoughts and bent over and raised the old man, "You get up first, I'm afraid it's not a good thing for the owner of this city, please be smart."

She knows her own temperament best. She is not the master of the city. She can't even wait for the imperial city of Zixiao, let alone the holy heaven city. She must not manage a city.

Unexpectedly, the Beaver would refuse directly, Yan Hongtian and Hubbark were in a moment again.

She refused such a good opportunity. I do n’t know how many people want to be the Lord of the Holy City in this world. If you do n’t talk about others, let ’s talk about them. No more.

Now that the owner of the city has delivered it to her, she hasn't picked it up yet. Isn't this a violent thing?

Dong Ming was not surprised. She didn't bother to care about the fairy fox palace. Where would she want to control the tens of thousands of holy heaven city?

Dong Ming thought for a moment and felt sad again. Later he was away, she was afraid it would be harder.

Luo Qi looked at the **** in front and couldn't help but raise her lips.

This woman's temperament really fits her appetite, unfortunately ...

The old man heard that the beavers were unwilling to be their city lords. Where did they still stand up and directly scratched their heads, "Please ask the head of Mo to be our city lord. If you do not agree, we will not be able to kneel."

"I can't afford to kneel."

As soon as the old man's voice fell, the people immediately followed.

A series of "long kneeling" ring from the mountain to the end of the mountain, deafening.

The **** frowned, suddenly a little overwhelmed.

It was terrible, but she would never deal with these things.

Seeing the **** still should not, Shi Ran also knelt down, "Please ask the head of Mo to be our city master."

Nie Qing, Shao Heng, Luo Hao, Lu Ming, and Jiang Yan were on their knees. "Please head Mo to be our city master."

The **** looked at them very speechlessly, "How come you are making a mess?"

This is because she is not big enough.

Shi Ran lifted his eyes and smiled, "Why are we being nonsense? No one is more suitable to sit in this position than you. Only you are qualified to be our city master, and you agree."

Nie Qing immediately agreed, "Promise it."

They all grew up in the heavens from a young age, and their families are centuries-old. If they are the city owners of this city, they will be more or less unconvinced, but if the new city owner is her, they will be convinced.

A country cannot be without a king in one day, and a city cannot be without a rule in one day. The old city owner is killed and the city owner ’s house is bombed. Ask someone they can trust to be the owner of the new city, and this person has no choice but Baiju.

Beaver frowned, feeling that things were a little out of her control.

Seeing the **** still unwilling to agree, the old man said a head and said, "Mr. Mo, you have a kind heart and a deep sense of righteousness. You have done so many things for us, except who else is qualified to be our holy Lord. "

The old man said, then stood up and shouted to the people below, "I ask you, who eliminated the bandits and cleared the way for the people?"

"Head of Mo." The people answered in unison in an instant.

"Who lifted the plague and saved the nations?"

"Head of Mo."

"Who saved the blood in a hole and made a good marriage?"

"Head of Mo."

"Who secretly rescued the people, cleared the gunpowder, lifted the military disaster, killed the thief Cen, and was holy and clear?"

"Head of Mo."

The impassioned voice was louder than the others, and everyone was instantly heated.

Even the **** herself was a little excited. Did she do so many good things?

Yan Hongtian and Hubak all looked at Baijue with emotion.

She is truly brave and daring, and she has the world in her heart. Without her, Shengtian City, the Ten Southeast cities, and the Ten Northwest cities do not know how many people will die?

Luo Qi was equally shocked.

It turned out that she really did a lot of good things as they said.

Suddenly, Luo Qi was a little bit sad. It turned out that in these people's hearts, their Langya Village was really a scourge, and they were really wrong.

The excited voice of the old man continued, "Do you want to make the head of the city our leader?"

"Think." There was an instant enthusiasm below.

"So, shall we see the New Town Master?"

As soon as the old man said this, the **** instantly became black.

What's this, do you catch the ducks?

Without waiting for the **** to speak, the people underneath bowed together and worshiped, "See the Lord of the City."

Baitan finally compromised, and he couldn't really let these people kneel here.

"Ah ..." Baitan coughed gently. "Let's all get up."

The old man looked up at the **** with surprise, "Did the city's promise?"

The **** rolled his eyes directly at him. In this case, wouldn't she agree?

The old man was overjoyed and immediately scratched his head and said, "Xie Chengzhu."

"Xie Chengzhu."

There was an excitement again underneath.

The **** glanced at everyone, "You all go back to the city first, and I will deal with things in the city later."

The old man stood up and pleased with a smile, "Citylord, the citylord's mansion has been bombed. Where do you want to build the new citylord mansion?"

The **** frowned. "No need to bother, I'll be right here."

The old man immediately retorted, "How can this be done, the city's main government must be built."

The city owner of this city does not have its own city mansion, which is too ridiculous.

Without waiting for the **** to speak, the old man said again, "The new city owner will hold a succession banquet. When do you plan to do it?"

Beaver's eyebrows throbbed. "Another banquet, don't use it."

These two days were a celebration party and a happy event, and she was annoyed.

The old man retorted, "What should we do? The successor banquet must be held as soon as possible, so that others can know that our Holy City has changed its owner."

He couldn't wait to let everyone in the world know how good their new city owner was in the Holy City.

The **** pinched her eyebrows with a headache. This would not work, that wouldn't work. She wasn't a city lord.

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