Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 834: Half moon mountain post

The old man chattered, the **** came in with his left ear, and his right ear out, waving his face impatiently, "OK, okay, you can take care of it."

The old man immediately bowed with a smile, "Okay, then we'll do it now. The city owner is assured that we will definitely host the succession banquet."

It was such a mess that the people went downhill with satisfaction.

As soon as the people left, everyone congratulated the beaver.

"Congratulations, Chief Mo."

"Congratulations to the head of the delegation."

Shi Ran glanced at Nie Qing and they laughed, "What is the leader of Mo, it's time to call the owner of Mocheng."

Nie Qing and others changed their mouths with a smile, "Congratulations to the Lord of Mocheng."

The **** shook his hands embarrassedly, "Don't make fun of me, I'll catch the ducks on the shelf."

She had never been a master of the city, and she didn't know if she would be competent.

Shi Ran smiled and raised an eyebrow. "Don't say that. I'll convince you to be the master of this city, and I won't accept anyone who takes office."

"I also only serve you." Nie Qing also expressed their attitudes.

The **** was even more embarrassed by what they said, "Let's go, sit in."

Several people jokingly followed the **** into the fairy fox palace.

"Why didn't you see Dong Ming?"

"Yeah, why don't you see Dong Junshi?"

"I guess it's still not getting up in gentle hometown?"

"This guy is so blessed that I want to get married."

"I want to succeed, and I will let my wife introduce you a good one."

"Then bitch, then."

Listening to the voices of those people, Luo Qi looked at Dong Ming with some worry.

Dong Ming took her hand and looked at her softly, "Let's go."

Finally, looking at the Fairy Fox Palace, Dong Ming took Luo Qi down the mountain.

The **** accompanied Shi Ran and they spoke all morning, and they were not sent away until noon.

The **** is about to succeed the city owner, and there is joy in the fairy fox palace.

Hang Yong hurriedly ran into the main hall, "Gongzhu, have you seen Master Dong Jun? No one in his room."

Bai Tan flashed his eyes, "He just married, and I let him and his bride out for a honeymoon."

Hang Yong blinked confusedly, "What is a honeymoon?"

The **** chuckled and explained briefly, "Honeymoon, that is, the newlyweds do nothing to eat, drink and have fun and enjoy the time of the two."

Lan Yanyu gave a funny look at the beaver, she was clearly released by her, what honeymoon did she say.

Does Mo Beichen have a thoughtful look at the **** and spend his honeymoon?

Hang Yong instantly enviously said, "There is such a good thing."

It turns out that they can go out to eat, drink and have fun after becoming married.

The **** raised his eyebrows playfully. "Why, your kid wants to go for a honeymoon."

"Think." Hang Yong nodded without thinking.

"Then let's find a girl to marry, and I will let you go out for a honeymoon."

Looking at the real Hangyong, Baitan couldn't help but want to tease him.

Although her four ambassadors are all good, but her personality is very different. Wu Xun is smart, Xing Xing is indifferent, Hao Long Sunshine, and Hang Ning are cute. Among the four people, she likes to hang out. Every time I talk to him, I feel better.

Hang Yong shook his head in regret, and said sadly, "I can't find it."

Many disciples in the palace have daughters-in-law, but no girl likes him, but fortunately Wu Yan has not become married, and his luck is not too bad, at least he has a brother to accompany him.

Looking at him dumbfounded, the **** "thumped" and became happy.

Hang Yong blinked in confusion, totally unable to understand what Baiju is enjoying.

Hao Long came in and bowed and reported, "Gongzhu, there is a person from the Banyue Mountain Villa looking for you."

Lan Yanyu's heart tightened violently, and the hand holding the tea cup was not pinched tightly.

The white raccoon looked at Lan Yuyu, seeing his worried expression, frowning gently, waving his hand, "Let him in."


Hao Long bowed, and soon went out to bring a young man in.

This young **** they have all seen, it is Ye Lin who is the personal servant of Zhuo Qingyun.

"Mr. Mo, the head of Mo, the blue **** doctor." Ye Lin entered the main hall and saluted everyone.

The **** looked at Ye Lin with a smile, "But your master has something to bring us."

Ye Lin's eyes flashed, and he nodded, "Yes, our owner will be married tomorrow. Please go to Banyue Shanzhuang to have a drink."

The white raccoon frowned, looking subconsciously at Lan Yuyu.

Lan Yanyu's face was iron-blue, and her eyes were empty and unconscious. I wondered what I was thinking?

The **** instantly worried, and scolded Zhuo Qingyun directly in his heart.

What is this Zhuo Qingyun doing? If you want to get married, don't provoke Lan Yuyu. This is all right.

Feeling the stiffness of the atmosphere, Ye Lin only felt the scalp numb, but he couldn't help it. He came with a mission this time.

"This is an invitation from Banyue Shanzhuang. Please be sure to appreciate it tomorrow." Ye Lin took out a few red and colorful wedding invitations from her arms and handed them to the beavers.

The **** looked at the wedding invitation with a black line. Zhuo Qingyun's guy was swaying to stimulate Lan Yanyu. I hope he doesn't regret it.

Ye Lin carefully handed a wedding invitation to Lan Yanyu.

Looking at the bright wedding invitation, Lan Yanyu's heart was stinging violently, even though his heart was numb, but his face was not obvious. He took the wedding invitation blankly and opened it directly.

"Zhuo Qingyun" and "Zhou Peiyun", the names of the new couple not only sting his eyes, but also his heart.

Ye Lin looked at the blue phalanx feathers, as if crushing the wedding invitation, frowned gently.

Lan Shenyi should also like some owners, seeing the owner will be able to keep the clouds open to see the moon, but did not expect to be forced to marry the old lady.

Shouldn't he tell the blue doctor about the owner?

Forget it, the owner will wake up tomorrow, so wait until the owner wakes up before making a decision.

After giving the last invitations to Yan Hongtian and Hubak, Ye Lin bowed and left.

As soon as Ye Lin left, Lan Yanyu took away the wedding invitation.

The **** looked at Lan Yuyu in anxiety, and was caught by Mo Beichen when he wanted to follow him, "Let him calm down."

The **** frowned and threw the wedding invitation angrily on the table. "What the **** does Zhuo Qingyun want to do?"

Knowing that Lan Yanyu would definitely not be able to bear it, he also blessedly sent the wedding invitation. This was because he was afraid that others would not know he was married.

Hubbard also frowned, glancing anxiously at the back of Lan Yuyu, "Maybe he has any troubles?"

When he was in Lanchi before, he could see very clearly. When he was fighting at the gate of the city, the boy was protecting the blue **** doctor throughout the whole process, and he didn't want to hurt him a little. He cared about him that way, how could he be sad.

Xing Yuan also felt that Zhuo Qingyun must have had troubles, but he had witnessed the experience of the two together, and he couldn't believe that the person would change his heart.

Bai Tan's eyes flickered and he squinted. "Go and see tomorrow. What's his problem?"

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