Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 835: Why lie to him?

Lan Yanyu was lying on the bed, staring at the top of the tent, holding the wedding invitation in his hand.

"I don't want to get married. In order to forget you, I agree with the grandmother's love."

"Do you know what kind of pain it is to read? It is more uncomfortable than death."

"If you are not in my life, I feel like a walking dead even if I live."

"I'll go back now to dissolve the engagement. I'll be back soon, wait for me ..."

Lan Yanyu slowly closed her eyes, her hands shaking with anger.

why? Why lie to him?

Squeezing the wedding invitation in his hand, the blue pimple plummeted from the bed.

No, he is not reconciled, why can he tease him like this.

Lan Yanyu glanced down at the wedding invitation pinched by himself, and a flash of coldness flashed in the evil eyes.

Want to get married? He won't let him do it.

Throwing away the wedding invitation in his hand, Lan Yanyu slammed open the door and ran out.

Soon, the disciples of Xianhu Palace went to Baitan to report, "The palace master, the blue **** doctor is out of the palace."

Bai Tan frowned frantically and looked at Mo Beichen.

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows indifferently, "Maybe I went to find him. Don't worry, they are all adults and can handle their own affairs."

Beaver nodded anxiously, hopefully, but why was she always upset?

Early the next morning, Xie Kun Huo Bin, as well as Yan Hongtian, Hubak, and Wu Huailin, they went to the main hall and waited for the beaver.

"Will we go to Banyue Mountain Villa today?"

The **** raised his eyebrows. "Since the invitation has been sent, we are naturally going."

Zhuo Qingyun is not only Zhuo Qingyun, but also the owner of Banyue Mountain Villa, and they all have their own identities. This wedding they must go, even if they don't go, they have to send someone.

Moreover, she also wanted to find a chance to see Zhuo Qingyun, did she really have any distress?


Lan Yuyu ran for a day and night on horseback, and finally arrived at Liuzhou City.

The largest family in Liuzhou City, Zhoufu.

Lan Yanyu glanced at the golden plaque in Zhoufu, squinted his eyes, and went directly over the wall into the Fuyuan.

"Give me some sweets, hurry up and set them up, and someone who will pick you up will be here."


The servants responded one after another, and they were busy driving away.

Lan Yanyu secretly followed a few maids carrying Feng Guanxia and arrived at an embroidered building.

Before waiting for the maids to go upstairs, Lan Yanyu flew up to the embroidered floor first.

"Jane Lang and I really love each other, so my father and mother will become daughters."

In the room, the voice of a woman came, and Lan Yuyu stopped immediately.

"Pei Yun, why are you still obsessed with it now? That key is just a poor scholar. He can't even support himself. What can he support you?" This time was a woman's voice.

Hearing the word "Peiyun", Lan Yan frowned frowningly.

The name written on the wedding invitation with Zhuo Qingyun seemed to be Zhou Peiyun.

It seemed that the dissatisfied mother looked down on her sweetheart, Zhou Peiyun said with a stubborn neck, "Jian Lang, he can teach, we are hungry."

Master Zhou aside sneered dismissively, "What about he can teach, can he compare with the wealth of the rich country in Banyue Mountain Villa? He can't even match Zhuo Qingyun's one finger."

Zhou Peiyun was instantly white-faced, but couldn't hit his father.

Mrs. Zhou was patient and persuaded, "Pei Yun, that simple key is a poor boy who wants to climb the dragon and attach the phoenix. He is not worthy of you at all. Our Zhou family and Banyue Shanzhuang are the door-to-door counterparts. Both father and mother fancy Zhuo Qing. Rhyme, we will not harm you. "

Mrs. Zhou was dying now, knowing that the poor scholar was so ignorant of courtesy, integrity, and shame, she should not have been sent to teach in the government. The son did not learn anything good, but made him seduce his daughter.

Zhou Peiyun stared angrily, and did not kneel. He stood up and said angrily, "Are you looking for Zhuo Qingyun? You are looking for the wealth of Zhuo's family. You know he is allergic to women, and you want to take me to Push in the fire pit, am I really your biological daughter? "

I heard that Zhuo Qingyun is very manly. If she really marries, isn't she trying to stay alive? For the business of the Zhou family, they can completely ignore her life and her happiness, and they are not worthy of being her father and mother.

"Presumptuous!" Master Zhou raised his hand violently.

Zhou Peiyun was stubbing her neck and was not afraid of Master Zhou hitting her.

"Master is angry." Madam Zhou hurried forward and pulled down Master Zhou's hand.

Today is a day of great joy, and if there are marks on her face, what would my aunt think of them.

Mr. Zhou obviously thought of Zhuo Qingyun, and he suddenly shook his hands. "I told you Zhou Peiyun, if you marry today, you have to marry, if you do n’t marry, you have to marry. If you dare to produce any moth, I will let Jane see Less than tomorrow's sun. "

Zhou Peiyun's eyes were red, "You ... you are too much."

There was a sound of footsteps, and Lan Yanyu immediately hid.

The maids came to the door and knocked on the door. "Master, madam, young lady."

Neither Master Zhou nor Zhou Peiyun spoke, and Mrs. Zhou had to say, "Come in."

The door was pushed open, and several maids came into the house with Feng Guanxia. "Miss' dress has been changed."

Master Zhou glanced at Feng Guanxia and said, "Waiting for your lady to freshen up."


The maids responded and immediately walked towards Zhou Peiyun.

Zhou Peiyun frowned and said, "No need, you all go out."

The maids stood there at a loss.

Zhou Peiyun raised his voice instantly, "Get out of here."

Mr. Zhou was so angry that his forehead and blue tendons exploded and turned and glared at Zhou Peiyun, "I warn you, don't show me tricks."

Zhou Peiyun sneered, "Aren't you threatening me with Jane Lang? What tricks can I play?"

Master Zhou threw his sleeves angrily and left the room.

Mrs. Zhou and several maids immediately put down things and followed.

Master Zhou looked at the maids and said loudly, "You are all watching outside. If the lady makes a little mistake, I want your life."

As soon as Master Zhou's harsh words had been said, the door of the room was slammed shut.

Mr. Zhou was so angry that his eyes were red and he clenched his fists, wishing to pinch the rebellious daughter to death.

"Yes." A few waitresses bowed to it with resignation.

Mr. Zhou rushed down the embroidery floor, and Mrs. Zhou quickly picked up her skirt and followed.

Zhou Peiyun fell to the stool weakly, and looked at Feng Guanxia Xuan only to feel very wronged.

This was obviously embroidered for Jane Lang, but in the end she had to wear it to marry another man.

The tears in his eyes slipped uncontrollably, Zhou Peiyun fell to the table and wept silently.

"Don't you just want to marry him?"

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