Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 836: Zhuo Qingyun's lover

Suddenly the man's voice scared Zhou Peiyun's eyes sharply.

Through the mist of tears, she dimly saw a beautiful face.

Zhou Peiyun blinked her tears in disbelief and stared at Lan Yanyu with a stunned expression, "Are you ... a man?"

Lan Yanyu turned black for a moment and said unhappyly, "Do I look like a woman?"

"No." Zhou Peiyun quickly shook her head nervously.

He is not like a woman, but he looks better than a woman.

After Zhou Peiyun paused for a moment, he finally remembered the key point, "Who are you?"

Lan Yanyu's eyes flashed, "Zhuo Qingyun's lover."

... Zhou Peiyun was stupid for a moment, staring blankly at Lan Yuyu as if he didn't understand him.

Lan Yanyu sat down calmly.

He didn't lie, he was indeed Zhuo Qingyun's lover. Since this woman didn't want to marry Zhuo Qingyun, he just turned off her idea.

After a short while, Zhou Peiyun came back.

"You and Zhuo Qingyun ..."

Zhou Peiyun stared at Lan Yanyu with wide eyes.

Such a good-looking man likes a man.

Zhou Peiyun's first reaction was a pity, and then she thought of the rumor that she heard.

It turned out that Zhuo Qingyun, the owner of Banyue Mountain Villa, really liked men, and she was still such a beautiful man. If she did marry, he might not even look at her.

Zhou Peiyun converged and quickly calmed down, "What's the matter with you when you come to me?"

Lan Yanyu raised her eyes and gave her a meaningful look. "I know you don't want to marry Zhuo Qingyun."

Zhou Peiyun's eyes widened in astonishment, then a little guilty, "What do you know?"

Lan Yanyu didn't answer, and just said, "I can help you and your love man run away."

Zhou Peiyun stayed again for a moment, before chanting, "Why do you help me?"

Looking at Zhou Peiyun's confused eyes, Lan Yanyu bluntly said, "Because I don't want you to marry Zhuo Qingyun, he doesn't want to marry you."

Regardless of why Zhuo Qingyun did not dissolve the marriage contract, he believes he must not want to marry this woman.

Zhou Peiyun frowned, her bright eyes blinked slightly.

Lan Yanyu's evil lips, "Please think about it quickly, we don't have much time."

Zhou Peiyun became tense for a moment. She quickly made a decision and begged to look at Lan Yuyu, "Please help me."

Lan Yanyu didn't raise her eyebrows unexpectedly. "Do you have anything to take away?"

"please wait for a moment."

Zhou Peiyun immediately got up to pack things.

Because she wanted to marry, everything in the house was packed. Zhou Peiyun quickly took a stack of silver tickets and all the gold and silver jewelry, and packed a few other clothes.

"Let's go."

Lan Yanyu glanced at Feng Guanxia at the table and said, "Bring this Feng Guanxia at the same time, you may use it later."

Zhou Peiyun glanced at the Feng Guanxia Xiu, but in the end he listened to Lan Yiyu's words.

After all, she embroidered it one stitch at a time, and she really couldn't bear to leave it like that.

Lan Yanyu took Zhou Peiyun out of the rear window.

When the two landed, Lan Yuyu let go of Zhou Peiyun, "Where's your love man?"

"follow me."

Zhou Peiyun immediately took Lan Yuyu carefully to a firewood room.

Lan Yanyu looked at the small house guarded by two guards and frowned, "Where is he?"

Zhou Peiyun nodded quickly.

Lan Yanyu raised her eyebrows, rushed directly to the acupuncture point where they were caught, and then split open the door of Chaifang with one palm.

"Jane Lang." Zhou Peiyun immediately ran into the firewood room with excitement.

The man in Chaifang saw Zhou Peiyun a moment of joy, "Yuner, why are you here?"

When seeing Lan Yuyu at the door, Jian Key wondered, "Who is he?"

Zhou Peiyun wiped the tears in the corner of her eyes and held Jian Key, "Don't talk about this first, let's go out."

Before waiting for Jian Key to come back to life, Lan Yanyu was like catching the chicks, one hand at a time, holding them and flying out of Zhoufu.

After leaving Zhou Mansion, Zhou Peiyun was finally relieved. She quickly pulled Jian Jian to kneel towards Lan Yuyu. "Thank you, Gong."

Lan Yanyu took a meaningful look at Jane Key. Zhou Peiyun's vision was really not so good. This Jane Key is really like Master Zhou said, even Zhuo Qingyun's finger is not comparable.

For Yan Yanyu's face control, it is really impossible to understand Zhou Peiyun's vision.

But this woman's vision is also good, and saved him a lot of heart.

Lan Yanyu glanced at them and said, "Let's go."

Before the two talked, Lan Yuyu flew back to Zhoufu.

Zhou Peiyun looked at Lan Yuyu's back and frowned slightly.

What did he do back to Zhoufu?

Jian Key pulled Zhou Peiyun up and said, "Yuner, what is going on?"

Zhou Peiyun returned to his thoughts and quickly said, "Jane Lang, let's leave here first, we'll talk about it later."

This is still the site of the Zhou family. If they don't leave quickly, they will certainly be found soon.

Zhou Peiyun hurriedly holding Jane Key.

Lan Yanyu went back to Xiulou without knowing it.

He paused in the room for a while before taking out a red shirt from the storage ring.

If Zhuo Qingyun was there, he would surely recognize that this red shirt was exactly what he forced Lan Yuyu to put on.

At that time, Lan Yanyu wanted to throw this clothes away, but later picked it up.

Lan Yanyu took a deep breath, replaced the blue shirt on her body, and put on the red shirt.

Although the bright red clothes are not as delicate as the hi clothes, they are simple and easy, but they have a unique flavor.

Lan Yanyu looked at the indistinguishable man in the mirror, slightly stunned.

He was a fool to fall in love with him before he could distinguish between male and female.

Thinking of the day he forced him to wear a dress and kissed him, his handsome face couldn't help getting hot.

Lan Yanyu reached out her hand and slowly pulled out the jade jade from her head. The blue silk of Rumo slipped down, and instantly made that stunning face more difficult to distinguish between male and female.

Outside, there was a sound of footsteps, and the blue pupa frowned, picking up the hippah cover on the dresser to his head.

"Miss, Hi Po is here."

The maid's voice was ringing, but no one answered in the room.

The maids looked at each other and immediately pushed open the door.


Seeing "Zhou Peiyun" sitting in front of the dressing table, several maids were relieved.

I was so scared to death just now that I thought the lady had run away.

Looking at the simple red coat on Lan Yanyu, Xi Po shouted suddenly, saying "Oh, why didn't you wear a wedding dress?"

Several maids also gave a strange glance at "Zhou Peiyun". This dress was not the wedding dress they had sent. Miss, where did you find this dress?

Seeing that the maids were all stunned there, Xi Po frowned immediately, "It's not time to change the suit for the lady. The time is coming, and all the relatives are here."

The waitresses returned to her, and quickly went over and bowed, "Miss, slaves help you change your wedding dress."

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