Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 837: Miss seems strange

Lan Yanyu didn't say a word and didn't get up. A maid tried to undress his clothes.

With a "snap", a heavy slap was patted on the maid's hand.

"Ah!" The maid exclaimed, and withdrew her hand subconsciously.

Cold eyes shot at them across the hijab.

The maids trembled, and Qi Qi knelt down. "Miss forgive me."

Na Xipo didn't expect that the "Miss Zhou Family" was so bad-tempered that she was so scared that she was shocked there.

A string of firecrackers sounded outside, and Xi-Pi was anxious for a moment. "The time has come, and this suit has not changed yet. What can I do?

The maids were all on the ground, and none dared to go to change clothes.

Lan Yanyu ignored them completely, stood up and went outside.

The red hipa covered most of his vision, and he could only stare down at the ground.

Seeing that the bride had gone away, Xipo was dumbfounded. When Lan Yuyu left the room, she returned to God and said quickly, "Hurry up and help the girl."

Several maids got up immediately and chased out.

"Miss, we help you."

The two maids supported Lan Yanyu from left to right.

Lan Yanyu frowned in disgust, but did not push them away.

There were two other maids and Xipo following them, and the group went down the embroidery building together and went to the front yard.

The two maids who followed were staring blankly at Lan Yuyu in front.

The maid in yellow put up a little whisper in the ear of the maid in pink, "Do you think the lady looks strange?"

The pink maid looked at Lan Yuyu's back and silently nodded, "It seems to be taller, but it may be wearing a phoenix crown and looks taller."

The maid in yellow froze and mumbled, "It's possible."

Maybe it's not wearing a wedding dress, I always think there is something wrong.

In the front yard, Mr. Zhou and Mrs. Zhou are already waiting there. In addition to them, there are relatives and friends in the room.

In the front yard, Xi Po took the lead to go to Master Zhou and Madam Zhou to mumble, which should explain the bride's refusal to wear a wedding dress.

Master Zhou stared at "Zhou Peiyun" with an angry expression, and the blue tendons in his forehead kept bursting.

Mrs. Zhou was helpless, and looking at "Zhou Peiyun" was sad and reluctant.

The two maids were to help Lan Yuyu to worship her parents. I didn't know that Lan Yuyu was not willing to enter the main hall. They waved away the two maids and turned to the door.

All the guests were dumbfounded.

"What's going on, why didn't Miss Zhou come to worship my parents?"

"I don't know. Usually, the girls of other people's marriages are crying. This girl is better, and she went to the sedan chair by herself."

"What do you guys know? I heard that this week's girl had a good friend and was unwilling to marry the owner of Banyue Mountain Villa. This was forced to marry by Master Zhou and Madam Zhou, so I hate them."

"Also, this half-moon villa is the first richest man in Yunjing, rich in the wealth of an enemy country. She is unwilling to do so. I don't know how many women envy the family to find such a good husband this week."

"No, I really do n’t know how to be in the blessing. I heard that Zhuo Qingyun not only makes money, has a wrist, but also looks very beautiful. He is the first beautiful man over the east, and has fascinated many men in the east. What about women. "

Listening to the sound of teasing around, Mrs. Zhou blinked instantly.

This is for a poor scholar, hated her biological father and mother.

In the end, it was the flesh that had fallen from her body, and she wouldn't come up with a gimmick if she got married. How could she not be sad.

She forced her to marry into Zhuo's family, and it was also for her good. The simple key was by no means a good person, and she would understand her hard work in the future.

Master Zhou was so angry that he covered his chest.

Just when he did not give birth to this rebellious and unfilial girl, after today, their Zhou family is afraid to become the laughingstock of the whole Liuzhou City.

At the gate of Zhoufu, it was Ye Lin who came to pick up the relatives.

Seeing the bride coming out by herself, Ye Lin stayed awake, and immediately stepped forward to open the car curtain for him, "Madam, please get in the car."

Lan Yanyu frowned, feeling that "Mrs." was extremely harsh.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, Lan Yanyu finally lowered her head into the sedan chair.

Seeing Xi Po and the four maids also coming out, Ye Lin immediately shouted at the front, "Go."

The festive sound of Suona reminded instantly, the bearers lifted the sedan chair and went together to the east of Banyue Mountain Villa.

It wasn't until the afternoon that someone found Jian Key running away and quickly notified Master Zhou.

Master Zhou had a big temper and sent someone to look for it.

Damn, he was run away by this poor scholar. He wanted to teach him better.

When Master Zhou thought of it, he immediately ushered in a small uncle, "Come here, go to Banyue Villa to stare at the young lady, and never let her meet the poor scholar."


The little sister responded, and left quickly to the east.

Ye Lin and them finally arrived eastward in the evening.

Half Moon Villa, the main house of Xiyuan.

Zhuo Qingyun, who was in a coma for two days and two nights, was finally filled with antidote for the feed and woke up.

Zhuo Qingyun opened her eyes stupidly, only to feel that the headache was about to tear.

He fixedly looked at the top of the tent, and his memories before the coma slowly returned to the cage.

Lan Yuyu ...

He frantically wanted to sit up, but fell back because of weakness.

What happened, why did he have no energy at all?

"Qinger, how are you?"

Seeing his appearance, Mrs. Zhuo immediately went over to help him.

"Maternal grandmother?"

Zhuo Qingyun looked at Old Zhuo with a look of astonishment, and the incredible hurtful eyes instantly pierced Old Zhuo's heart.

Mrs. Zhuo touched the handsome face of Zhuo Qingqing distressedly, "Don't blame your grandmother. This is for your grandmother's sake."

Zhuo Qingyun frowned, looking at Old Lady Zhuo like a stranger.

why? Why did his grandmother give him medicine, he trusted her that way, she wouldn't treat him like that before.

Old Zhuo sighed and said, "You obey the church obediently, and your grandmother will give you an antidote."

Zhuo Qingyun shook her head directly and refused, "I won't worship, I don't want to get married."

Zhuo Qingyun lifted the quilt and wanted to get out of bed, but fell to the ground.

Full body weakness, Zhuo Qingyun's face secretly transported Yun Xuanli, but found that it had no effect at all.

Zhuo Qingyun was anxious for a moment. He exerted all his strength and tried his fate to fight for mystery, but he still had no response.

Zhuo Qingyun frowned, stood on the bed trembling, stood up, and walked out hard, but her feet seemed to be filled with lead, and she couldn't walk.

Old Zhuo looked at him like this and sighed, "You die, you can't get out of this room without antidote."

This is a medicine she made for the doctor to prevent him from escaping.

Zhuo Qingyun was instantly glared, "Maternal grandmother, why do you force me so?"

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