Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 838: Where is Lan Yanyu, where is he?

Mrs. Zhuo didn't want to explain any more, she said directly, "The girl of the Zhou family is already outside. Let's go to worship."

"I do not want."

Zhuo Qingyun looked away stubbornly, did not help the bed, and eagerly went out, but fell to the ground with a sigh.

"Ye Lin." Old Zhuo was very distressed and hurried to help him.

Outside the room, Ye Lin heard the shouting of Mrs. Zhuo and quickly entered the room.

"Zhuangzhuang ..." When Zhuo Qingyun fell to the ground, Ye Lin immediately came over to help him.

Old Zhuo looked at the stubborn Zhuo Qingyun and frowned, "Put your master in a suit, and then help him go out to worship."


Ye Lin glanced at Zhuo Qingyun and immediately responded.

After Old Lady Zhuo went out, Ye Lin started to change clothes for Zhuo Qingyun.

"Ye Lin, you dare."

Zhuo Qingyun stared angrily at Zhuo Qingyun, anxious to give Ye Lin his hand directly.

Ye Lin's back was cold, and she looked at Zhuo Qingyun with a embarrassed face. "Zhuang, please don't embarrass me. The old lady is waiting outside, even if I don't change it for you, there will be others for you You changed. "

While Ye Lin was talking, she arbitrarily changed clothes for Zhuo Qingyun.

He was very fortunate that the owner could not move now, and even had no strength to raise his hands, otherwise his task of changing clothes would definitely not be completed.

Zhuo Qingyun frowned, staring coldly at Ye Lin, "I don't want to get married, you take me out."

Ye Lin poked his lips in a black line, "Do you know how many dark guards the old lady has set up in our Xiyuan? Unless you resume your martial arts, your subordinates will not take you away."

If he could save him, would he have to wait until today?

Zhuo Qingyun was instantly angry, "then go and find me an antidote."

With the medicine, can he not recover his martial arts?

Ye Lin was crying bitterly, "The antidote is kept by the old lady. Where does the subordinate steal it for you? And the old lady knows that I am your confidant, and I just stare at it. Now, I can't do anything at all. "

During the conversation, Ye Lin had changed Zhuo Qingyun's suit.

"Are you my confidant? Do I have such a useless confidant?" Zhuo Qingyun was so annoyed that he glared at him fiercely and wished to stab him with a knife.

Seeing that Zhuo Qingyun was angry, Ye Lin quickly calmed down, "Don't be angry, I have sent an invitation to the Fairy Fox Palace. When the head of the Mo delegation comes, they will definitely save you."

Head Mo, their relationship with the landlord is so good, it should not be met with death.

Zhuo Qingyun was dumbfounded, eyes narrowed, "You sent an invitation to Xianhu Temple?"

Seeing Zhuo Qingyun's sudden excitement, Ye Linxuan nodded. "Yes, the head of Mo is now the owner of the Holy City, and it is impossible for the owner to invite her for your wedding."

It was not his intention to send invitations to Xianhu Temple, he sent them according to the list prepared by the old lady.

Zhuo Qingyun was instantly angry, and he stared at Ye Lin with red eyes, "You ... who asked you to post an invitation, you are a goddamn."

Thinking of Lan Yingyu, Zhuo Qingyun panicked again, "No, Lan Yanyu must have misunderstood me, I'm going to explain."

Zhuo Qingyun pushed away Ye Lin and wanted to go outside, but she couldn't move in one step. Zhuo Qingyun was so anxious that she really wanted to die.

Ye Lin quickly helped Zhuo Qingyun and advised, "The owner, don't be impulsive. You can't go out like this. You go out to worship first. I'll go and find the blue doctor. The blue doctor also accepted the invitation. Will come to the wedding. "

Zhuo Qingyun frowned, looking at Ye Lin anxiously, "Will he come?"

Ye Lin nodded quickly, "I think he cares about the owner. He will definitely come."

There was a flash of light in Zhuo Qingyun's flustered eyes, "Then you go to him, I want to see him."


Ye Lin responded and hurried out.

After Ye Lin left, a waiter soon came to wait for Zhuo Qingyun to freshen up.

Zhuo Qingyun didn't embarrass them this time. All his thoughts were on Lan Yuyu. He just wondered if he could see him for a while. If he saw him, how could he explain to him, would he be angry with him?

By the time Zhuo Qingyun thought about it, the man had been taken to the hall by the waiter.

In the hall, Mrs. Zhuo and the Zhuo family were already waiting.

The guests are almost there, everyone is waiting for the bride and groom.

Bai Tan and Mo Beichen, as well as Yan Hongtian, Hu Buck, and Shi Ran were all assigned seats.

Because the status of several people is not low, so the seat is at the front.

The **** came over this time with a veil, but she still couldn't stop her looks and peerless style.

Although everyone was talking, most of her eyes were on her.

The men's eyes were burning, while the women were envious and inquiring.

If there wasn't Mo Beichen beside Baijue, it would be expected that all the men here would be crowded around her.

Mo Beichen also wore a mask today, covering his stunning appearance, coupled with his strong aura and cold temperament, everyone would not dare to rely on him again.

Bai Tan was next to Mo Beichen, waiting to be a little sleepy.

They were here all afternoon, not to mention Lan Yuyu, and even Zhuo Qingyun had not seen her. She doubted whether the two men had run away.

"The groom officer is here."

I don't know who shouted, and everyone looked at the door all at once.

The **** immediately came to the spirit, looked towards the door, and sure enough saw Zhuo Qingyun came over.

But watching him held by two people, he frowned suddenly.

How is this going? It seems wrong.

Mo Beichen and Hubbark also instantly noticed something and frowned.

Zhuo Qingyun's fragile appearance instantly aroused public opinion.

"What's going on? Is the owner Zhuo sick?"

"No, so coincidentally, today is his great day of joy, and there is a cave tonight."

"This road can't move anymore, I'm afraid the cave house this evening will not be completed."

"Even if he isn't sick, I'm afraid he won't be able to finish it. No one knows that he is allergic to women."

For a moment, everyone sympathized with the girl from the Zhou family, and heard that she was also a beautiful woman.

Two waiters helped Zhuo Qingyun to the main hall.

Zhuo Qingyun soon saw Bai Tan and Mo Beichen.

I didn't see Lan Yuyu after a sweep, Zhuo Qingyun was anxious for a moment. He wanted to ask Baiju, but he couldn't move. He just struggled and didn't want to go forward.

Seeing Zhuo Qingyun's strangeness, Baitan immediately got up and walked over, "Zhuo Zhuangzhu."

Zhuo Qingyun waved the waiter away, grabbed the beaver, and said anxiously, "Where's Lan Yuyu, where is he?"

The **** frowned. "Did he not come to you?"

She thought that Lan Yanyu came to Half Moon Villa last night.

Zhuo Qingyun shook her head in a panic, "No, I just woke up."

The beaver's head became even more confused. "What the **** is going on?"

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