Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 839: Ippirakawa

Everyone looked at the two who were whispering in the middle, and then gossiped again.

"Who is this woman? They look so close."

"Don't you say that the owner Zhuo is allergic to women? Why have they caught their hands?"

"The owner of Zhuo Zhuang seems to be nervous about her. She won't come to **** her relatives."

"If it is true, then there is a good show."

Mrs. Zhuo also looked strangely at the beaver.

Isn't she the girl that Qing'er likes? Seeing her looks really good, but it's really uncomfortable to slap with Qing'er in the public.

Zhuo Qingyun glanced at Mrs. Zhuo on the high seat, and whispered in Baijue's ear, "I have been prescribed medicine, mysterious power cannot be used, and I can't even walk. Is there any way to help me unlock it. "

The white **** frowned frantically, immediately pulling Zhuo Qingyun's hand to probe his veins.

Feeling the weakness of Zhuo Qing's pulse, Baiju's complexion was hard to look instantly.

It was really being prescribed a medicine. Who gave him the medicine?

"How about, is there a way to unlock it for me?" Zhuo Qingyun looked at Baiju anxiously.

Baitan let go of Zhuo Qingyun's wrist. "The antidote is available, but it must give me time to refine."

He is not poisonous either. This special medicine must be refined by corresponding antidote.

Zhuo Qing frowned frantically, a little disappointed.

The **** secretly glanced at the old lady and said, "Your grandmother gave you medicine just to force you to get married?"

"Um." Zhuo Qingyun answered weakly, frowning, "I'm a little worried about Lan Yanyu, where has he been?"

Beaver looked at Zhuo Qingyun and said, "He got away with the wedding invitation last night. I thought he was looking for you."

Zhuo Qingyun immediately shook her head. "No, I have been dizzy for two days and two nights. I haven't seen him at all."

Seeing Zhuo Qingyun's anxiety, Baitan immediately appeased, "You don't have to worry, he should be fine."

The two kept mumbling so much that Old Zhuo finally couldn't stand it. "This girl, the visitor is a guest, please come in."

The **** frowned, holding Zhuo Qingyun in a small voice, "You cope first, we will find a way to save you in a while."

The **** said, turning around and bowing to the old lady, she returned to her original position.

"What's wrong with Brother Zhuo Xian?" Hubbark asked as soon as Baitan sat down.

The **** calmly sipped his tea before he said, "He has been prescribed medicine, and we will act on it in a moment."

A few people nodded silently, and felt sympathy for Zhuo Qingyun instantly.

It is too miserable for this pro to be prescribed medicine.

"The bride is here." There was a sudden noise in the hall.

The crowds stretched their necks to look at the door, and the beavers looked at the door.

"Why isn't this bride wearing a wedding dress?"

"Yeah, didn't you say that the Zhou family is a famous big family in Liuzhou City? Why don't you even understand this etiquette?"

"Why do n’t you wear a wedding dress?"

The words of the discussion spread to the ears of the hi wife and the maid, and several of them instantly blushed with embarrassment.

The young lady really did. She had prepared Feng Guanxia, ​​but she refused to wear it. Now she is all right, her face is lost.

Old Zhuo stared at Lan Yanyu with the same cold face, and her eyes were full of anger.

Originally, she thought that this week's girl was a conscientious person. She didn't expect that she was so ignorant. This week was really so. It turned out that the girl came over in ordinary clothes like this. Lost their Zhuo family face.

At the side of the Zhuo family, the sister-in-law, granddaughter, grandson, grandson, all looked at "Zhou Peiyun" with a mockery.

I thought that this week's girls are so amazing. Everyone's lady, gentle and kind, are nonsense.

In the face of everyone's ridicule, Lan Yanyu seemed to hear nothing, and glanced at the red horns in front of her.

Zhuo Qingyun didn't even react at all. His current thoughts are all on Lan Yanyu. Where can I listen to the gossip of others?

Lan Yuyu was assisted to Zhuo Qingyun by two maids.

Zhuo Qingyun didn't look at Lan Yanyu's side at all, as if she was completely absent.

Although old lady Zhuo was very dissatisfied with Lan Yuyu, she looked at the emcee.

The master of ceremonies instantly understood and sang immediately, "Greece is here, and a great gift."

Zhuo Qingyun looked back, looked up at Old Zhuo coldly, "I won't be married."

In a word, the old lady's face suddenly became iron blue.

Everything the emcee was about to say was stuck in her throat.

The crowd of guests boiled instantly.

"What's going on, how can you be married again?"

"Will it be dissatisfied with the bride not wearing a wedding dress?"

"I heard that the owner Zhuo likes men, it seems true."

"Who is the owner Zhuo Zhuang like? Maybe it is the Hongji of Banyue Pavilion."

"If the girl is now withdrawn from marriage this week, I'm afraid she won't marry in this life."

Everyone, please say a word to me, whether it is lively or not.

Hi Po and those maids are dumbfounded. What's going on? The young lady does not want to marry the Zhuo Zhuang owner, and the Zhuo Zhuang owner does not want to marry the young Miss, which is the close relative.

Baitan also frowned, but did not expect Zhuo Qingyun to be so anxious, she thought he would finish worship first.

Zhuo Qingyun turned to look at "Zhou Peiyun", and said blankly, "Sorry, I can't marry you?"

He didn't want to marry her, and he didn't show interest in worshiping her.

Zhuo Qingyun said and turned to leave.

Lan Yanyu subconsciously grabbed Zhuo Qingyun's hand, and that familiar touch made Zhuo Qingyun's body stiff for an instant.

The **** looked at the bride pulling Zhuo Qingyun and frowned, "Do you think this bride is strange?"

Shi Ran nodded with a strange face, "It's strange, this bride is too tall, and she's almost going to catch up with the owner of Zhuo."

The owner of Zhuo Zhuang was very tall and slender, but this woman seemed to be on par with him. It was the first time he saw such a tall woman.

Said by Shi Ran, everyone also noticed that the height of the bride was indeed much higher than that of ordinary women.

The **** looked at the black boots on the bride's feet and couldn't help raising his lips. "Don't you think his figure is familiar?"

Shi Ran heard his words, his eyes lightened brightly, "Yeah, it seems like a blue doctor."

"Don't ..."

Everyone froze instantly, all looking intently at Lan Yanyu's chest.

Sure enough ... Yipingpingchuan!

Zhuo Qingyun stared blankly at Lan Yanyu's hand. He was too familiar with these hands. He not only held countless times, but also secretly kissed many times.

For a moment, Zhuo Qingyun's heart came alive instantly, unable to hold herself in excitement.

is it him?

But why did he become a bride?

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