Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 840: Dare to lift the parchment and you are dead

Zhuo Qingyun wanted to see the appearance of Lan Yanyu across Xipa, but she couldn't see clearly.

He crouched down again to peek, but still couldn't see anything.

Zhuo Qingyun was anxious, shaking her hand and holding up the corner of Xipa. She wanted to open Xipa to check whether it was Lan Yanyu.

"Dare to lift the par, and you're dead." Before he started, a cold warning came from his ear.

Hearing the familiar voice, Zhuo Qingyun's hand trembled, and she almost pulled down the hipa.

Zhuo Qingyun was startled, and quickly released Xipa, but what she thought of, quickly and excitedly hugged Lan Yanyu.

"Great, I thought you didn't want me anymore." Zhuo Qingyun held Lan Yanyu tightly, almost crying with joy.

Lan Yanyu's face turned red, and she reached out to push Zhuo Qingyun away, but she couldn't push it.

The guests looked at Zhuo Qingyun, who was suddenly changed, and they were dumbfounded.

what's the situation? I just said I wouldn't marry the girl from the Zhou family, and I hugged it again.

The hi wife and the maid were also confused.

What the **** is going on, how come you hugged it, isn't this pro?

Old Zhuo looked at Zhuo Qingyun and Lan Yuyu in wonder.

How did they look like they knew each other, and how could she not understand?

Beavers looked at them both silently.

Lan Yuyu even went to be a bride, this one or two can really play.

After the ceremonial stunned for a moment, she finally recovered her voice, "Two people, are we still worshiping this place?"

Zhuo Qingyun turned back to her instantly, and immediately raised the most brilliant smile in her life to the emperor, "Bye!"

As if jealous of Zhuo Qingyun's splendid smiley face, only a moment later, Xiao Hongxi crawled over his handsome face.

The emcee was stupid for a moment, and the words to be spoken fell on her throat again.

"Hahahaha ..." Everyone laughed instantly.


"The owner of Zhuo Zhuang is really allergic to women. I have heard before that I never saw it this time."

"This is all right. The candlelight night in this cave house must be wonderful."

Lan Yanyu frowned in doubt, raising her eyes to look at the red dot on Zhuo Qingyun's face, but she could not see anything.

Why is he allergic, he is not a woman.

The beaver's eyes shuddered, and it was awful. He forgot that the guy was allergic to the woman, but it didn't seem that she was pulling him.

However, Zhuo Qingyun didn't care about making fun of others, she just looked at Lan Yanyu cheerfully.

Old Zhuo glanced at Zhuo Qingyun in anxiety and raised her eyes to signal to the waiter to take medicine.

But Zhuo Qingyun was excited. Where would she take the medicine, she kept pushing the emcee, "Come to the church quickly."

The emcee stared at Zhuo Qingyun with a black line.

Just now, he refused to worship, but now he is so anxious, and sure enough men are fickle.

"Cough ..." Master Yi cleared her throat and shouted, "Well, heaven and earth!"

Zhuo Qingyun led Lan Yuyu to turn around, and the two worshiped at the door.

"Thank you Gaotang!"

Zhuo Qingyun held Lan Yuyu again and worshiped Old Lady Zhuo on the high platform.

Old Zhuo nodded comfortably.

In any case, it's finally time to worship, this Qinger married her, and she can breathe a sigh of relief.

"Couple worship!"

Lan Yanyu turned slightly red and turned to face Zhuo Qingyun.

Zhuo Qingyun's face was also red, and he felt that he was about to jump out of excitement.

Such scenes only appear when dreaming, so much so that he can't figure out whether he is in reality or in a dream.

If this is a dream, let him not wake up all his life.

The two worshiped each other face to face.

Unknown people looked at the two to worship, only to find the picture very beautiful.

Hubac, who knew the situation, looked awkward.

These two big men worshiped, how strange it was.

The **** looked at the blue pupa who seriously worshipped, and his heart hurt.

He fell in love with him likewise, otherwise he would not come to worship with him. A man dressed in a woman's dress would worship at the church. How much courage it would take.

"Li Cheng, send to the cave!"

After shouting the last sentence, the emcee finally relieved.

After all, it is true that the money of rich people is not easy to earn. He has been the emcee for decades and has never been so tired.

Hearing the words "Sent to the cave", Zhuo Qingyun was so excited that she immediately wanted to hold Lan Yuyu horizontally, but she tried it twice, let alone hold it, she couldn't stand up.

Zhuo Qingyun looked at the old Mrs. Zhuo in a moment of sorrow, and said silently, "Antidote."

Looking at Zhuo Qingyun's anxious look, the old Zhuo smiled and glanced at Xiao Xiao behind her eyes.

The little sister immediately noticed and sent a bowl of tea.

Zhuo Qingyun was so happy that she drank the water and drank it.

After drinking the antidote, Zhuo Qingyun instantly had strength, he excitedly hugged Lan Yanyu horizontally.

Lan Yanyu was startled, and raised his hand and hammered in his chest.

Damn, this man treats him as a woman again, but today is a special day, he covers his head, no one can see his face, just go with him.

Zhuo Qingyun hurriedly hugged Lan Yuyu and ran to the new house.

Nie Qing looked at the back of the two innocently and said, "Are we still saving people?"

Shi Ran raised his hand and patted him hard, "Save a fart, if you go to save people now, Zhuozhuang will hate you forever."

Ye Lin, who did not find Lan Yuyu, was anxiously waiting for Zhuo Qingyun to return in Xiyuan.

"The owner ..."

Seeing Zhuo Qingyun, Ye Lin hurriedly wanted to go and tell him that he didn't find the blue **** doctor. But before he spoke, Zhuo Qingyun happily hugged the bride and ran into the room.

"Zhuang ..." Ye Lin quickly chased after him, but "popped" and was shut out of the door.

Ye Lin blinked in confusion. Under what circumstances did the owner not want to get married? Why are you so anxious suddenly?

Ye Lin stumbled out, suddenly thinking of another shot on his head, when did the owner recover?

This wedding was hosted by the host and the guests could see the mist, but although the ceremony had been staggered, everyone's enthusiasm was not diminished, and all went to drink drunk Already.

Bai Tan and Mo Beichen didn't stay long. They drank a few glasses of water and wine and went back together.

On the way back, Nie Qing didn't worry about Lan Yuyu and Zhuo Qingyun, "We really don't care about them."

Shi Ran glanced coldly at Nie Qing, "The spring evening is worth a thousand bucks, maybe they are happy now, what do you want to care about?"

Li Maozi rode on the horse with drunk eyes, sighing, "I didn't expect Zhuo Zhuang and Lan Shenyi to be a pair. What a pity these two beautiful men are."

Bai Tan's eyes flashed lightly, "It's no pity that love doesn't distinguish between men and women, only to see if we can meet the right person."

Maybe their encounter was wrong once, but then the emotions are not right or wrong. If two people love each other, then they are together. After all, not all lovers in this world can become dependents.

Li Maozi nodded his head. "This is because the two of them are quite good. Now I feel awkward when they are with the woman."

Everyone laughed when they heard everything, and silently blessed the "newcomers" in their hearts.

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