Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 841: Help out

In the room, Zhuo Qingyun carefully placed Lan Yanyu on the bed, then lifted his hijab.

The dark green silk rose slightly with the hijab, and a male and female face that was difficult to distinguish appeared in front of Zhuo Qingyun.

Zhuo Qingyun fixedly looked at Lan Yanyu as if dreaming.

Lan Yanyujun blushed up and walked to the screen to undress. He has been wearing this women's clothing for a day, which is really awkward.

Zhuo Qingyun followed Lan Yuyu stupidly, hugging him from behind him.

Lan Yanyu's undressed hand gave him a frown and looked at him with a frown.

Zhuo Qingyun buried her face next to his neck and took a faint scent of medicine that was unique to him.

"Lan Yuyu, am I dreaming?"

The hoarse voice came with infinite surprise and joy.

It seemed that Zhuo Qingyun was happy, and the corner of Lan Yuyu's lips rose unconsciously.

Even if she really held Lan Yuyu, Zhuo Qingyun still felt like she was dreaming. He lowered his head and nibbled slightly around his neck, and said hoarsely, "Would you mind me?"

Lan Yanyu's face turned red with him, when he politely twisted around his waist.

Zhuo Qingyun was in pain, and quickly let go of Lan Yuyu and touched his waist, and looked at him resentfully, "You are really willing."

Lan Yanyu rolled his eyes directly at him, ignored him, and continued to take off his clothes.

Zhuo Qingyun came up again and again, grabbed Lan Yuyu's hand, and took him into his arms, and said vaguely against his ears, "Don't take it off, I will take it off for you."

Lan Yanyu's complexion turned red, and she tried to push him away, but she couldn't push it away.

Zhuo Qingyun kissed his neck while stripping his clothes.

The numbness around his neck felt like a current flowing through Lan Yuyu's body instantly, and he flew Zhuo Qingyun with a wink, "Can you be serious?"

At the exit, his voice was hoarse.

Lan Yanyu's seductive look instantly caught Zhuo Qingyun's heart, and he smirked on his collarbone with a smirk. "Today is our day of great joy. If I were serious, I would still be a man ?"

... Lan Yuyu has a black line, which is a day of great joy, mess.

Seeming to see Lan Yuyu's thoughts, Zhuo Qingyun said cheerfully, "We are married, and we have worshiped in the church, and we are married."

He never dreamed that he would worship him, he really married him back, and God treated him so kindly.

Lan Yanyu was black-faced and gave him a sideways glance. "Have you ever seen two men as husband and wife?"

Zhuo Qingyun raised her eyebrows indifferently and smiled, "We don't need to care about other people, we can be happy ourselves. Today is the happiest day of my life."

The happy smiles hung on his face, Zhuo Qingyun smiled and held Lan Junyu's handsome face and kissed gently.

His joy moved him, and he reached out and gently stroked his eyebrows.

Fool, there are some things you ca n’t do without paying attention, not to mention others, it ’s impossible for the old lady of Zhuofu to accept him, she is his closest relative, can he not even care about her thoughts?

There are people from the Zhuo family, if his aunts know that he likes men, I am afraid that this Half Moon Villa will change hands. Half Moon Villa is his hard work, and he cannot watch his hard work for him. destroy.

Lan Yanyu's gentle eyes instantly melted Zhuo Qingyun's heart. He hugged him, turned and pressed him to the bed.

"I want you, I really want to miss!" Zhuo Qingyun stared at the person under her eyes, kissing his lips tenderly.

Lan Yanyu's face flushed and pushed him away, "Remove your allergies first."

"I want you first." Where was Zhuo Qingyun's willingness, and she pulled out Lan Lanyu's hand, and eagerly attached it again.

Lan Yanyu had a black line, but he was a face-control. With such a rash, how could he get out of his mouth.


The door rang as Zhuo Qingyun was rubbing Lan Yanyu.

Lan Yanyu stiffened, and quickly pushed Zhuo Qingyun.

Zhuo Qingyun, as if she hadn't heard it, still haunted Lan Yuyu.


The knock on the door continued.

Lan Yanyu couldn't help but patted his head buried next to his neck, and said hoarsely, "Someone knocked at the door."

Zhuo Qingyun raised her eyes sadly and glanced at Lan Yanyu, then got up in anger.

"Who?" Zhuo Qingyun shouted impatiently at the door.

"It's me." Old Zhuo's voice sounded outside.

Zhuo Qing frowned frantically, and turned to look at the blue feather in the middle.

Lan Yanyu was startled, and quickly got up to make clothes.

Zhuo Qingyun opened the door when Lan Yanyu was almost finished.

"Maternal grandmother."

Zhuo Qingyun's voice was not affectionate as before, apparently she still hated the old lady for giving him medicine.

Mrs. Zhuo was suffocated, and she helped the maid into the room.

The old lady first looked at Lan Yanyu in her eyes and saw him standing sideways in front of the screen, but she couldn't see clearly, but she felt there was something wrong, as if it was a little taller.

The old woman narrowed her eyes in confusion, and looked at the maid aside.

The maid waited, and immediately placed the tray in her hand on the table.

The old lady looked at Zhuo Qingyun, "Drank this medicine."

Zhuo Qingyun glanced at the medicine bowl on the eye table, and frowned frowningly.

Seeing Zhuo Qingyun's disgusted face, the old lady sighed and explained, "This is a medicine for your allergies. Why not take it for a while ... hhh ... the cave?"

He is not unaware that he is allergic to women. He pulled so many rashes on this little hand, and he did n’t know what would happen when he was in the cave.

Zhuo Qingyun's face flushed slightly, and he didn't make a hole with a woman. What's the matter.

Naturally, he could not tell Mrs. Zhuo, but she could only hold up the medicine bowl on the table and drink.

Seeing Zhuo Qingyun's obedience, there was a touch of light in Old Zhuo's eyes.

It seems that Qing'er really cares about the one in the house. He didn't want to get married before. But now she is so active for her. It can be seen that the girl in the room must not be the girl from the Zhou family.

Old Zhuo's heart was full of thoughts, and she suddenly raised her voice and said, "Pei Yun is also hungry. Grandma asked the kitchen to give you a bowl of noodles. Come and eat while you are hot."

"Well ..." As soon as the old lady Zhuo's voice fell, Zhuo Qingyun's medicine sprayed out.

After listening to the old lady's words, the maid had brought out a bowl of assorted noodles in the food container.

"Cough ..." Zhuo Qingyun looked at the noodles on the table and coughed loudly, "He doesn't need to ..."

Before Zhuo Qingyun's words were finished, the bead curtain was opened and a red figure came out from the inside.

For a moment, everyone looked at it.

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