Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 845: Bone Sand Story

The **** stiffened and frowned. "Where are you looking for him?"

"Go to the **** continent."

Zhuo Qingyun took the stationery in Baiju's hand, carefully folded it and put it away.

Looking at Zhuo Qingyun with a determined face, Bai Tan's brows frowned even more. "How do you go to the gods continent, outsiders don't even know that there is a gods continent, let alone the way to go to the gods continent."

Most people in Yunjing Continent have never heard of God Continent. Where is he going to find God Continent?

Mo Beichen's silver-purple eyes blinked, and there was a glimmer of light under his eyes.

Zhuo Qingyun raised her eyes, "I'll go to Leng Yihan."

After speaking, Zhuo Qingyun ran out.

The **** looked at his back, worried, "Will he go to Zixiao this way?"

Mo Beichen narrowed his eyes and raised his voice, "Xingyuan, follow him."


Xingyuan appeared, bowed towards Mo Beichen, and went to follow Zhuo Qingyun.

Mo Beichen calmly took Baitan into his arms, "Don't worry, when we finish the work here, we will rush to Zixiao."

The **** frowned, looking at Mo Beichen, "but didn't you say you wanted to go to your master?"

Mo Beichen's eyes flashed lightly, and he patted Baiju's shoulder, "Go to Zixiao first, the old man can see at any time."

The **** nodded his head, "Yeah."

In the end, she was still worried about Zhuo Qingyun, and Murong Yun and Yun Shaoning, and didn't know what happened?

"Let's meet Master, he should be worried."

Bai Tan held Mo Beichen's hand and went to the opposite side.


When the two came over, Bu Yangzi had already entered the room.

"Is something wrong?"

Seeing the two men coming over, Bu Yangzi poured a cup of tea for them.

Bai Tan took Mo Beichen to sit down, and shook his head, "Nothing, Lan Yuyu may return to the **** continent, we are only a little worried."

Bu Yangzi raised his eyebrows. "It's nothing to go back to. They were originally people who ravaged the continent."

The **** demon's eyes rolled around, watching Bu Yangzi tentatively, "Master, do you know where the God Continent is going?"

Bu Yangzi immediately opened his eyes, his eyes flashed, "I don't know, I'm not a man on God's continent."

The **** gave him a funny look and did not expose him, but told him what they had done during this time.

Bu Yangzi was surprised when he heard that the people invited Baiju to be the Lord of the Holy City.

This girl is really popular, but this is also what she deserves. She did a lot of good things for the people.

Bu Yangzi nodded comfortably, "Holy people choose you as their city master, and it is their blessing."

Beaver smiled embarrassedly, "Master said and laughed, how could I say so well to you."

Bu Yangzi stared arrogantly, "I'm Bu Yangzi's apprentice, who dare to say bad."

The **** shook his eyebrows with a black line. Master, can we not take such a short look.

Bu Yangzi sighed quietly, "Our Fengshen Academy was originally a well-water-free river with Shengtian City, but now it's okay. Afterwards, Shengtian and Fengshen have contacted us. No one on our side dares to violate it."

Both Shengtian City and Fengshen College are overlords. If the alliance is strong, I am afraid to dominate the northeast corner of Yunjing. That's why the man has been staring at Fengshen Academy.

Baitan raised her eyebrows indifferently, no matter whether Fengshen College and Shengtiancheng were united or not, as long as she was there, no one would be allowed to bully the people of Fengshen College and Shengtiancheng.

What came to mind, Baitan raised his eyes and said, "Yes, is Ren Tianheng still in college?"

Thank you very much for this time.

Bu Yangzi nodded, "Where is Zixia Peak."

The **** raised an eyebrow. "Then I'll see him."

Bu Yangzi smiled and waved, "Go."

When the **** came out of Pu Yangzi's yard, he pulled Mo Beichen straight to Qing Dingfeng. "Let's go to Master Er to get some herbs and give Ren Tianheng a solution."

In the room, Rui and his party were in a daze with a jade Jane.

"Second Master."

Hearing the beaver's voice, Rui and his party returned to God, put the jade Jane aside, raised his eyes and smiled, "Come back."

"Um." Baitan sat on her knees opposite Rui's party.

Mo Beichen also sat down.

Beaver looked at Rui with a smile and said, "Thank you, Master, for your prescription. You have saved a lot of people this time."

Rui and his team glanced at her, and said, "I don't have much credit for it. I wouldn't care about it for you."

He is not a doctor, and he has no such kind of heart. This time, he took the help of this girl.

The **** arched an eyebrow, and flattered to greet Rui and his party, "I know that the second master is the best to me."

Rui's party is very popular for the beaver's ass.

Mo Beichen glanced at the **** quietly, feeling uncomfortable in his heart.

This one or two master, this little thing can be flattered, and I haven't seen her pinching his shoulders for him.

Baitan didn't notice Mo Beichen's emotions, and Yao Ye's eyes turned around. "Master, what is the white sand I gave you last time?"

Rui and his party held their hands for a while, and pulled out a paper bag from their arms, and said, "What are you talking about?"

The beaver's eyes lighted up, went to the table, picked up the white sand, smelled it, and nodded, "That's it, you still have it."

Rui and his party hooked their lips and held the Baisha Road. "This thing is called Baigusha."

"Bone sand?" Baitan frowned, sitting down and wondering, "Master knows where it comes from."

This thing is very evil, and I do n’t know where it came from, or whether it is in other places. This thing is always a scourge.

Rui and his team glanced at the beaver, tangled, still quietly, "In the past, there was a country called Nanqi, the monarch was wise, and the people lived and lived in prosperity. All of them lived a wealthy life. Nanqi is rich in materials and rich in materials. In addition, there are no harsh taxes and donations. People from other countries have turned to it. Although this was not the intention of the monarch of Nanqi, it was still envied by other monarchs. "

The **** heard the cloud and fog, and did not understand what the second master had to say had to do with the bone sand?

Rui and his party continued slowly, "The monarch of the Western Wei Dynasty was the most violent. He not only hated the monarch of Nanqi, but also the treasure of Nanqi. One thing. "

The **** finally understood this time, "It's this bone sand."

"Yes." Rui and his party nodded, pushing a small piece of white sand to the **** and saying, "It is this small white bone sand that destroyed a big Nanqi country."

Beaver's eyes widened in shock, as if she saw the corpse running across the wild, living with charcoal.

For a moment, Baitan's heart could not stop twitching.

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