Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 846: Cen family history

The raccoon murmured holding a grain of bone. "This thing is really a scourge."

If she hadn't believed this little white sand had such power before, she would have to believe after the trip to Chishui.

The scars were still vivid and shocking.

If there was no Master ’s remedy, with the power of this thing, I am afraid that not only Chishui and Blue Pond will destroy the city, but also people in the ten cities in the southeast and the ten cities in the northwest will suffer. At that time, maybe the entire cloudscape mainland will suffer.

"What happened then?" Baitan looked up at Rui and his party.

Rui and his party wickedly whispered, "Xi Wei annexed Nan Qi, and the soldiers of Xi Wei occupied Nan Qi's land. Unfortunately, the prosperity was not long. The monarchs of Dong Teng and Bei Chu heard the methods of the monarch of West Wei. Together they sent troops to destroy the Western Wei in just one night. Dongteng and Beichu divided the territory of Nanqi and Western Wei and became the two largest countries on that continent. "

The white raccoon stayed for a moment, but he did not expect that Xi Wei would end up like Nan Qi in the end.

She muttered to herself, "You can only say that the wicked have their own wicked grind."

Rui and his party raised their eyebrows, "Western Wei Dynasty has such a powerful weapon, Dongteng and Beichu will naturally start first, otherwise they will be the next Nanqi sooner or later."

The raccoon felt that in the eyes of those rulers, there was only interest, and the lives of ordinary people were not as good as the ants in their eyes.

The **** took a deep breath and pinched the bones and said, "How did such a powerful thing get into that man's hand."

Is that old fox a descendant of the En family?

Rui and his team narrowed their eyes slightly, "After the collapse of the Western Wei Dynasty, the first unlucky one was the En family. Dongteng and Bei Chu avoided bogey sand, which wiped out everyone in the En family and burned the En family. .Everyone thought that the Bone Sand had disappeared since then, but strangely, it appeared again, and also appeared in the continent of Yunjing. I also felt weird, so I secretly went to the city main government to find this. "

Rui and his party said, and handed the jade Jane they just watched to Baiju and Mo Beichen, "Look at it."

Bai Tan took Yu Jian and looked up with Mo Beichen.

This jade slip is nothing else. It is the family history of the Cen family. The family history of the Cen family is not too long. It was only recorded more than 100 years ago.

This ancestor of the Cen family was once a servant of the En family. When the En family was killed, the ancestor of the Cen family ran away. This ancestor of the Cen family was also a smart person. Includes Bone Sand, Ecstasy, Heart Eater, and Gunpowder Formula.

The ancestor of the Cen family relied on these things and set foot in Shengtian City, and finally became the city owner.

The old fox is the third generation of the Cen family. He can also be regarded as having some skills. The fifteen years ago in the seven-nation melee, the orange cricket was destroyed, but the holy heaven was good. He not only got rid of the fierce control, but also supported him. After many private soldiers, I wanted to wait for the right time to annex Yunjing Northeast, but I didn't expect to end up like that.

In this jade book, I did not write much about the En family. I only gave a rough account of the history of the Xia Cen family. I did not write anything about my previous experience as a slave. I only talked about some major events in the past century.

Rui and his team said, "He understands the power of Bone Sand. The ancestor of the Cen family got some Bone Sand when he fled, but he didn't get the antidote formula, so he didn't dare to use it. This time, he was also forced. Otherwise, he will never dare to use this bone-sand. "

The **** stared at the jade Jane and nodded, "Fortunately, Master 2 has an antidote formula, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

Rui and his party chuckled, and glanced at Baitan said, "Even without me, you can study things sooner or later."

This girl's talent for refining medicine is by no means comparable to others, but he has confidence in her medicine and refining skills.

Beaver's eyes rolled around and he smiled and said, "Master Er, teach me medicine."

She used to think that her medical skills could be considered clever, but after seeing the medical skills of the second master, she knew how many frogs she had. If she could learn the medical skills of the second master, it would be considered real. The medicine is brilliant.

Rui and his party chuckled, and then smiled bitterly, "If you are willing to learn, I am naturally willing to teach you."

He was reluctant to disclose his medical skills in the past, for fear of causing trouble, and now all the things that should not be exposed are exposed, it does not matter.

He accepted her as an introductory disciple, and she was willing to learn his medicine, and he would naturally learn from each other.

As soon as the beaver's eyes were bright, he immediately grabbed the sleeves of Rui's party and said, "It's great. Thank you, Master. I will come to study medicine after the annual holiday."

Next year she must study medicine well. Actually, she prefers medicine more than refining medicine.

Rui and his team raised a smile and raised an eyebrow. "It's up to you."

Whenever he is waiting for her at Qing Dingfeng.

Thinking of the purpose of his own visit, Baiju Chaorui and his team smiled flatteringly, "Master, can I go to the pharmacy to get some herbs?"

Rui and his team scowled her with a black face, "I knew you wouldn't come to see me so kindly, go."

Rui and his team waved disgustingly at the beaver.

"Thank you, Master."

Baitan got up with a smile and went to the pharmacy with Mo Beichen.

While searching for medicinal materials, Baitan said with emotion, "I didn't expect that there is still such a period in the Cen family. Fortunately, the old fox is dead, otherwise how many people will be harmed?"

Mo Beichen glanced at her and raised an eyebrow. "The terrible thing is not the Cen family, but the benevolent family."

The beaver's hand motioned, and he nodded his head. "Also, the ancestor of the Cen family touched such a little thing, and they could upset the northeast corner of Yunjing, which shows how powerful the benefactors will be."

The **** thought for a while and then laughed, "But fortunately, the bene family was destroyed? No one can harm others."

In fact, she was really curious about the benevolent family, not only possessing such magical things as white bone sand, but also so many maggots and weird medicines. In the end, she even had gunpowder formula. Exhausted treasure trove.

Mo Beichen's deep eyes flickered, and he did not speak.

"Okay, let's go back."

Baici picked several kinds of medicinal materials, and then pulled Mo Beichen out of the pharmacy and went to Zixia Peak.

At Zixia Peak, the two did not return to their yard, but went directly to Ren Tianheng.

When Ren Tianheng saw the two, he was instantly surprised, "You are back, I heard that the crisis in Shengtian City has been lifted."

Beaver glanced at him with a smile, "Thanks for your news."

"Come on first." Ren Tianheng smiled embarrassedly, leaning over to let the two enter the room.

"Drink tea." After pouring tea for the two, Ren Tianheng sat down.

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