Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 853: The city leaders gathered

Baijue Yeye's eyes shook, and he chuckled, "They can't come, there will be drinks in the bar afterwards."

Li Maozi was disappointed. "That's a pity. I want to drink with them."

Before they killed the enemy together with Zhuo Zhuangzhu and Lan Shenyi, he respected their spirit and wanted to have a good drink with them.

Last time because of Tian Jihu, they didn't drink it up. I thought I could have a good drink with them this time, but I didn't expect them to come.

Wu Huailin was also a little disappointed. "Yeah, I haven't congratulated them yet."

In fact, he quite admired them, especially Lan Shenyi. Such an innocent person could do that for the one he loves. He was a little envious of the owner Zhuo.

Bai Tan's eyes flickered lightly, frowning, "Please keep your affairs confidential."

Wu Huailin immediately said, "This nature, we won't talk nonsense."

Others also expressed their opinions, saying that they would not speak out.

What they are doing are brothers who have gone through life and death, and Hubak and Wu Huailin have been favored by Zhuo Qingyun and Lan Yanyu, so naturally they can't talk in random.

The beavers also believed in them. During this time, they had passed through many things together, and they were considered to have revolutionary friendship.

"Master of the Bath City, send Yu Ruyi a handle."

"Shengsi City Lord, send a golden Buddha."

The sudden sings made the people in the room frown at the same time.

The raccoon's face couldn't help getting dark, and the two men came again. It was because of them last time that the party that was originally happy finally ended.

In the eyes of everyone dissatisfied, Tian Jihu and Chen Qinghe were led into the main hall by Xiaoyu.

The two came in and immediately smiled and bowed to the beaver, "Congratulations to the Lord, and to take over the Holy Lord."

The **** was too lazy to watch their acting, and said directly without a smile, "Please sit down."

The two immediately laughed and looked for a place to sit down, seeing the delicate and expensive tableware, they instantly felt that their gifts were less.

Tian Jihu took a peek at Yan Hongtian and Chi Youhai. They didn't know what gifts they gave. If it was more expensive than him, it would be awful.

Tian Jihu thought for a moment and was upset again. It had been known that they should send troops to Chishui to support. Now the relationship has become so rigid that they do not speak when they meet. The most important thing is that they boarded the ship of Regent Moxue .

Chi Youhai looked at Tian Jihu's shrewd gaze, and knew what he was thinking, sneering at the corners of his lips.

He thought that they had given a precious gift, but in fact the fairy had confiscated their gift, did he think that everyone was as vulgar as he was?

Yan Hongtian didn't look at Tian Jihu and Chen Qinghe at all, and didn't look at them at all.

Tian Jihu was very angry, but he was helpless.

Chen Qinghe became a tortoise directly, obediently shrinking into a turtle shell to be a grandson.

"Minghua City Master, send a Dongzhu from the South China Sea."

"Fengtai City Master, send a piece of jade."

Soon, Ding Taiyuan and Jiao Binghua also entered the main hall.

The two bowed towards the beaver, "Congratulations to the Lord."

"Sit down." The **** still sent them to sit down.

After they sat down, they immediately had the same thoughts as Tian Jihu.

Ding Taiyuan glanced at Tian Jihu, but Tian Jihu was depressed and didn't care about him at all.

"The Lord of the Sword City, send a millennium ginseng."

"Lord of the Greenfield, send a fairy sword."

Two more people came in, and in front of him was a six-year-old man with a majestic face and shrewd savvyness all over his body. It was the master of the sword in the city and Gu Jingyou.

Behind him is a young man who is almost the same age as the green baby. He looks very good, and his eyebrows are wild and unruly. Such a man will make women more attractive. This person is the owner of the green field and the wind howls.

Gu Jingyou saw that Beaver was such a young girl, and she smiled calmly, "I did not expect that the Lord of the Holy City is so young and admired."

Before that, he heard that it was a girl who rescued Yan Hongtian and sent troops to Shengtian, but he did not expect that it was such a young girl who became the master of Shengtian City.

The **** twitched his lips gently. "The Lord of the Valley City is more courteous."

Feng Xiaoye raised his eyebrows in surprise when he saw Baitan.

He wasn't surprised at the age of the beaver, but was surprised at her beauty. He had seen a lot of beauties, but he had never seen her so beautiful.

Feng Xiaoye stared at Beaver for a while, feeling a bit of coldness, and subconsciously turned to look at Mo Beichen beside Beaver.

Mo Beichen's angry face and the absolutely powerful aura instantly aroused the interest of Feng Xiaoye.

It turns out that this is the regent of Mo Xue, which is really interesting.

Feng Xiaoye looked at Mo Beichen for a few seconds before turning to Baiju, "Congratulations."

No words, just two words, not flattering or flattering.

The **** was neither enthusiastic nor distant. "The two city hosts came from afar and sat down for a drink at the bar."

"Thank you, then, for the Lord." Gu Jing smiled for a seat and sat down.

Feng Xiaoye said nothing, and sat in the open space beside Bai Tingting.

Bai Tingting glanced at the wind and howling, smiled evilly, "I thought you were not interested?"

Feng Xiaoye didn't look at him, only when he didn't hear it.

Bai Tingting poked his lips boringly. The Feng Xiaoye was still so boring, and he still liked to sit next to him.

"Dong'an City Lord, send a calligraphy and painting."

"Shenghai City Master, send me a piece of ink."

"Jedi Lord, send a string of seven beads."

Singing newspapers outside, the people in the room frowned and tightened.

Yu Zhongjin changed his face, Cao Yue frowned at him, feeling that he was abnormal.

Hubac and Wu Huailin were extremely ugly.

Ding Taiyuan was sneering: Jin Yu was brave enough. The owner of the Holy New City was the woman of Regent Mo Xue. He dared to send these broken things over, and there was a good show in a while.

It didn't take long for Baitan to see three middle-aged men. The head-headed man was dressed in a **** coat and full of aura. The two men behind him were also wearing big coats, but they looked like the attendants of the person in front. .

The headed man, Yu Guang, swept slightly, sweeping the people on the field, and looked at Baiju and Mo Beichen.

Sure enough, as the rumor says, the Lord of the Heavenly City is a yellow-haired girl. How could this girl be the Lord of the Heavenly City without the support of the Moxue Regent.

The man concealed his disdain, and came forward with a smile, saying, "In the next Yu Jinwei, the Lord of the Holy City is polite."

The other two middle-aged men also symbolically arched at the beaver, "Ming Yumeng, Gan Qinbin, who has seen the Lord of the Heavenly City."

The **** chuckled his lips coldly, "Three city lords are polite, sit down."

Yu Jinwei pulled his lips, turned around, and took a few steps before stopping at Yu Chongjin's table. "Chongjin nephew, I didn't expect you to be here."

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